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Puneeth SU
What is Direct Marketing?
• Direct marketing is a form of communicating an offer, where organizations
communicate directly to a pre-selected customer and supply a method for a
direct response.
• It is also known as direct response marketing.
• Example-Email is a simple, affordable, and measurable method of
communicating with customers. Promotional emails, ads in business
emails, newsletters, transactional email.
Project Management
• Project management is the practice of initiating, planning, executing,
controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and
meet specific success criteria at the specified time.
• The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project
goals within the given constraints. This information is usually described in
project documentation, created at the beginning of the development process.
• The object of project management is to produce a complete project which
complies with the client's objectives.
Improvements of Project management for Marketing
• Project management is essentially very important in marketing.
• some of the improvements of project management in marketing are as
• Project Planning: Project planning is vital in every advertisement and
marketing campaign. Marketers greatly benefit from project management
tools as it enables them to identify and plan better, more practical marketing
aspects to optimizing program delivery. Some of the marketing aspects that
project managers have to consider include advertisement campaigns, digital
marketing, direct marketing and distribution training and management
campaigns. A well-planned marketing strategy has a higher probability of
delivering higher returns on investment than an unplanned strategy.
• Documentation and Task Management: There is more to marketing than
just advertising our products to everyone we can reach. Marketing project
management entails following a detailed and documented strategy for lead
generation and audience conversion into potential and later, loyal customers.
Every marketing step and task need to be well calculated to improve
conversions and sales rates. It also ensures a follow-up is done on potential
customers to ensure their queries and orders are responded to and processed
in time.
• Cost tracking and documentation: Every marketing campaign requires
reasonable funding to help drive higher conversions and sales. Proper
budgeting is therefore needed to ensure everything goes as planned. Cost
tracking and documentation, therefore, helps marketers remain in track
without overspending or directing most of their attention to one marketing
campaign. Tracking costs and documenting everything also helps the
company recover costs and work as per the budget allocated for marketing.
• ROI (Return on Investment) analysis: Each marketing campaign or
program needs to earn something back to the company. With dozens of
marketing and advertisement campaigns implemented for all products and
services (that the company does offer), identifying the most converting
marketing campaign can be an intimidating task especially if there isn’t
proper project management. Project management tools help marketers
analyze returns on investment based on each marketing campaign, which
makes it possible to identify both converting and non-converting ones. This
then enables them (the marketers/the company) to decide on what should be
done to improve sales and customer conversions.
• Collective task management: Marketing is a collective task that requires
specific management criteria for everything to run smoothly. With proper
management, the marketing team should be able to deliver and drive more
traffic and sales from each marketing campaign.

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