Qualitative vs. Quantiatative

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• Title Page
• Abstract
• Acknowledgements
• Dedication
• Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
• Situational Analysis
• Theoretical Framework
• Conceptual Framework
• Paradigm of the Study
• Statement of the Problem
• Hypothesis
• Scope and Delimitation of the Study
• Significance of the study
• Definition of terms
Chapter 2: Methodology

• Research Design
• Data Sources
• Instrument & Data Collection
• Data Analysis
• Statistical Tools
• Categorization of Data
Chapter 3: Results and Discussion

Chapter 4: Summary, Conclusion, and

•Major Findings

Quantitative Research

• A type of educational research in

which the researcher decides what to
study; asks specific narrow questions;
collects quantifiable data from
participants; anlyzes these numbers
using statisticsa; and conducts the
inquiry in an unbiased, objective
Qualitative Research

• A type of educational research in which

the researcher relies on the views of
participants; asks broad, general
questions; collects data consisting largely
words (text) from participants; describes
and analyzes these words for themes; and
conducts the inquiry in a subjective,
biased manner.
Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research
Qualitative Quantitative
• In-depth • Quantification of data
Objectives understanding of • Measurement of
underlying reasons incidence, etc
and motivations
• Non- statistical • Statistical
Data Analysis • Contextual
• Thematic
• Not conclusive nor • Broad based insights
Outcomes generalizable • Population based
• Preference for • Preference for precise
Methodologies hypotheses that hypothesis
emerge as the study
Qualitative Quantitative
• Preference for Preference for precise
definitions in context definitions stated at the
or as study outset
• Preference for •Data reduced to
narrative description. numerical scores.
• Preference for •Much attention to
assuming that assessing and improving
reliability of inferences
reliability of scores
is adequate. obtained from
• Assessment of validity •Assessment of validity
through through a variety of
crosschecking procedures with reliance
sources of information on statistical indices.
Qualitative Quantitative
Purpose • To understand & • To test hypotheses,
interpret social look at cause & effect,
interactions. & make predictions.

GroupStudied • Smaller & not • Larger & randomly

randomly selected. selected.

Variables • Study of the whole, • Specific variables

not variables. studied

TypeofData • Words, images, or • Numbers and

Collected objects statistics.

FormsofData • Qualitative data such • Quantitative data

Collected as open - ended based on precise
responses, interviews, measurements using
participant structured & validated
observations, field data-collection
notes, & reflections. instruments
Qualitative Quantitative
RoleoftheResea • Researcher & their • Researcher & their
rcher biases may be known biases are not known
to participants in the to participants in the
study, & participant study, & participant
characteristics may be characteristics are
known to the deliberately hidden
researcher. from the researcher
(double blind studies).
Results • Particular or • Generalizable findings
specialized findings that can be applied to
that is less other populations.
Scientific • Study of the whole, • Specific variables
Method not variables. studied
FinalReport • Narrative report with • Statistical report with
contextual description correlations,
& direct quotations comparisons of
means, & statistical
significance of
Qualitative Quantitative
Wh a t i s t o b e • Qualities • Quantities
observed? • Behavior • Scales
• Complexities • Trends

Wh a t a r e t h e • Why? • How many ¤

type of • How? • What
questions asked

H o w t h e q u e s t i o n • Document review • Application forms

s a r e put (m e t h o d • Participant • Questionnaires
s )? observations • IQ Tests
• Interviews • Measurements
• Focus group
• Workshops

How the results • Explore, explain, • Describe, measure,

are interpreted understand predict
(a n a l y s i s )? • Narrative • Statistical tables and
• Particular chart
• Universal
Qualitative Quantitative
• Mainly inductive • Mainly deductive
reasoning: reasoning: everything
conclusions can be is known before
drawn from the conclusions can be
evidence no matter drawn
how incomplete

Identifying a research • An exploration in • Description of trends

problem which little is known or an explanation of
about the problem variables’
• A detailed relationships.
understanding of a
central phenomenon.

Specifying a purpose for • general and broad • specific and narrow.

the research • Seek to understand • Seek measurable,
the participants’ observable data on
experiences. variables.
Qualitative Quantitative

Collecting data • Collecting data • Collecting data

using forms with using instruments
general, emerging with preset Qs and
Qs to permit the Respones
participant to • Collecting info from
generate a large number of
responses. individuals.
• Gathering
word(text) or
• Collecting info from
a small number of
individuals or sites.
Qualitative Quantitative
Analyzing and • Text analysis. • Data analysis tends
Interpreting data • A description of to consist of
themes. statistical analysis.
• Stating the larger • Describing trends,
meaning of findings. comparing group
differences, relating
• Interpretation tends
to consist of
comparing results
with prior
predictions and
past research.
Qualitative Quantitative
Reporting and Evaluating
• A flexible, • Tend to use
emerging standard fixed
structure and structure and
evaluative evaluation
criteria. criteria.
• Take a • Take an
subjective and objective and
biased unbiased
approach. approach.
Identify whether the following research
criteria is a Qualitative or Quantitative
1. To understand and interpret social
2. To test hypothesis at cause and effect
and make predictions
3. Specific variables studied
4. Study of the whole, not variables
5. Words, Images and Objects
6. Numbers and statistics
7. Open-ended responses, interviews,
participant observations, field notes
and reflections
8. Precise measurements using
structured and validated data-
collection instruments
9. Identify statistical relationships
10. Identify patterns, features, themes
11. Subjectivity is expected
12. Objectivity is critical
13. Study behavior in a natural
14. Study behavior under controlled
conditions; isolate causal effects
15. Particular or specialized findings
that is less generalizable
16. Generalizable findings can be
applied to other populations
17. The researcher test the hypothesis
and theory with data
18. Researcher generates a new
hypothesis and theory from the data
19. The final report is a narrative
report with contextual description
and direct quotations from the
20. Statistical report with correlations,
comparison of means and statistical
significance of findings
Activity : Fill –up with the
appropriate research criteria from
the previous task
Qualitative Quantitative



Type of Data
Form of data
Nature of
Qualitative Quantitative

Group Studied

Objectivity and
Role of researcher


Scientific method
Qualitative Quantitative

View of human
Focus of study

Nature of Reality

Final Report

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