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Web Services as method of access to parallel

cluster resources
Levichev O.

Tendencies in IT-world

• Development of the multicore technology instead of

increasing frequency of CPU
• Migration from serial to parallel algorithms
• More convenience options in access to resources and services
• Intense development of WWW

Crucial problems in access to clusters
• Security problems
• Use output data in workflow

What is web services?
• Web services are typically 
application programming interfaces (API) or 
Web APIs that are accessed via 
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and executed on
a remote system hosting the requested services. Web
services tend to fall into one of two camps: big Web
services[1] and RESTful Web services.
• The W3C defines a "Web service" as "a software
system designed to support interoperable 
machine-to-machine interaction over a network

List of Web service protocols
• SOAP  is a protocol specification for exchanging structured
information in the implementation of Web Services in 
computer networks

• Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) - is a 

platform-independent, Extensible Markup Language (XML)-
based registry for businesses worldwide to list themselves on
the Internet.

• Web Services Description Language (WSDL) - is an XML-based

language that provides a model for describing Web services.

Purpose of WS

• Migration to the “industrial level” of

developing software
• Improving eBusiness with B2B
• Integration of WS in SOA

Principles of SOA

• Service encapsulation – many ws in one SOA

• Loose coupling
• Service contract
• Service abstraction
• Services reusability
• Composing services option
• Autonomy of services
• Search mechanism
Software based on SOA
gCube system is a Software Platform for the implementation and
servicing of Virtual Research Environments (VRE) based on the
Service Oriented Paradigm and a number of specifications and
technologies that relate to the technological and functional
areas addressed by its core services.
gCube system is Open Source Software and the base
technologies that underly its development are
• Java
• WS Core (WSRF Implementation of Globus Toolkit 4 )
• gLite EGEE's grid enabling middleware
• GridSphere Portal Framework for the provision of end-user
and administrative interfaces

Software based on SOA

• ETICS (eInfrastructure for Testing, Integration and

Configuration of Software) and its follow-up project ETICS
2 are collaboration projects coordinated by CERN and
funded partially by the European Commission.
• ETICS goal is to improve the quality of Grid and 
distributed software by developing and maintaining a
distributed infrastructure and tools to manage software
configuration, builds and tests

Software for developing and deploing WS
• Xerces (within AXIS2) – parser XML
• TomCat (ASF) or GlashFish – servlet-container
• Ant, Maven (ASF) for bilding the *.WAR (web archive)
• Java JDK 1.3 or more
• Eclipse, MVS, Netbeans etc (not essential)

Thnx 4 lisnin’


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