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SWOT Analysis for We Care Hospital

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Executive Summary

 the hospital is understaffed

 employees work overtime
 cases of negligence arise among
employees (Brown v. Shortlidge,
1929; Sales v. Bacigalupi, 1941)
Thesis Statement
 The hospital, and not Dr. Bradley,
was to blame for the death of the
patient since the institution
committed nonfeasance by failing
to hire adequate staff, thus
requiring doctors to work for
extended hours where they gave
undivided attention to patients,
hereby referred to as negligence,
which is punishable by law, thus
Dr. Bradley’s onviction.
The Focus of the Support

 the hospital committed

 Dr. Bradley was alone in the shift
 he had a 24-hour shift
 he could not attend to patients
adequately (Lewis v. Johnson,
 giving divided attention resulted in
the patient’s death (Kieft, de
Brouwer, Francke, & Delnoij, 2014)
SWOT Analysis
Strengths Weaknesses
a dedicated understaffing

Opportunities Threats
improving suffering from a
performance by negative public
hiring more image
workers (Oppel reduced profit
& Young, 2018) margins
introducing risk

 The hospital committed nonfeasance

by failing to recruit more staff.
 Dr. Bradley was guilty of prima facie
 The hospitals can optimize its
strengths and opportunities to
mitigate weaknesses and threats.
 Cassel, D. (2016). Outlining the case for a common law duty of care
of business to exercise human rights due diligence. Business and
Human Rights Journal, 1(2), 179-202. doi: 10.1093/asj/sjv238
 Irene K. Brown, a minor, vs. Edmund Shortlidge (CA 1st District
1929) 98 Cal.App. 352 [medical negligence inferred, principle of res
ipsa loquitur (the thing speaks for itself) applies].
 Kieft, R. A., de Brouwer, B. B., Francke, A. L., & Delnoij, D. M.
(2014). How nurses and their work environment affect patient
experiences of the quality of care: A qualitative study. BMC Health
Services Research, 14(1), 249. doi: 10.1186/1472-6963-14-249
 Oppel, E. M., & Young, G. J. (2018). Nurse staffing patterns and
patient experience of care: An empirical analysis of US hospitals.
Health Services Research, 53(3), 1799-1818. doi: 10.1111/1475-
 Sales v. Bacigalupi (CA 1st District 1941) 47 Cal.App.2d 82
[undrained abscess leading to gangrene and amputation of foot].
 William E. Lewis v. Carl G. Johnson (CA Supreme Court 1939) 12
Cal.2d 558 [directed verdict for defendant doctor reversed where
prima facie case of negligence established by using too tight a cast,
failure to have constant after-care and observation, and no provision
for notifying the doctor of the change in condition, resulting in
amputation of leg].

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