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Tahun pembelajaran 2020-2021
Anggota kelompok

1. Bahrul khoiri
2. Hamidati khoirinnisa
3. Johan kholid
4. M.andika
5. Taf dela w.
Definition of Recount Text

• Recount text is a type of text in English that

tells a story, action, or activity. Usually, the
recount text tells about someone's
experience. The purpose of recount text is to
entertain the reader, so there is no conflict in
this text. In addition, this text also aims to
provide information to the reader.
Languange Feature

• Using the simple past tense,past

continuous tense,past perfect tense and
past perfect continuous tense.
• Using temperal sequence.
• Focus on specific partisipant
• Using the conjunctions
• Using action verb,

• Orientation: tells who was

involved,what happened,where the
events tool place and when it
• Events: tell what happened in
chronogical sequence.
• Re-Orientation: consists of optional-
closure of events- ending.
Ir.H.Joko widodo
• Ir. H. Joko Widodo, who was born in Surakarta, June
21, 1961, better known by the nickname Jokowi are
furniture producers and He is the Mayor of Surakarta
(Solo) during the 2005-2015 term of office twice. In his
tenure, he represented F.X. Hadi Rudyatmo as deputy
mayor. At that time, he nominated the Indonesian
Democratic Party of Struggle. In 2012, he along with
Ir. Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, M.M. (Ahok) became
governor and vice governor of Jakarta and later
became President of Indonesia with his deputy Jusuf
Small jokowi had felt the bitterness of his home when
displaced. Tenement at the same place his father's timber
business in the area Cinderejo Lor, evicted and be the center
of travel services. The mother said that small Jokowi is the
figure of the quiet, but sociable. Jokowi as a person who
always succumb to avoid a fight. The attitude inherited from
his parents who always taught the meaning of sincere and

Jokowi always walk to school, while the theme of cycling ontel. At

that time the school is not too far from home and just walk.
Devotion to parents is also demonstrated by the attitude of a
number of achievements. When I became Mayor of Solo to
become the Governor of Jakarta, people never thought the
journey of life Joko small carpenter's son has now become the
number one in Indonesia.

After graduating high school and then continued his studies at

the Faculty of Forestry, University of Gajah Mada graduating in
1985, he migrated to Aceh and worked in one of the state. He
returned to work at the Company's Solo and engaged in the
timbar, CV. Taek wheel. In 1998 he start his on business
capital of experience that. With hard work, perseverance and
tenacity, jokowi finally managed to develop its businessan and
become an exporter of furniture

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