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Ref. and Air Cond.

Introduction to Refrigeration and

Air Conditioning

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 1

Power and Refrigeration Cycles
Two Important Applications of Thermodynamics Cycles are :
• Power Generation : Cycles Producing Net Power Output
• Engines
• Power Cycles
• Refrigeration : Cycle Producing Cooling/ heating
• Refrigerators
• Air Conditioners
• Heat Pumps
• Lets recall and list on the board, different cycles covering both the
applications studied in Thermodynamics courses
• Also recall Gas Cycles, Vapor Cycles -- Open and Closed Cycles

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 2

Summary of Ideal Cycles
• Power
– Carnot Cycles : An Ideal Power Cycle; (Assumptions !!!!)
– Otto Cycles : Internal Combustion (IC) Engines
– Diesel Cycles : Compression Ignition Engines
– Brayton Cycles : Gas Turbines Engines
– Rankine Cycles : Steam Power Generation
– Miller Cycles : !!!

• Refrigeration
– Reverse Carnot Cycles
– Vapor Compression Cycles : Reverse Rankine Cycles
– Multi Pressure System
– Absorption Refrigeration Systems
– Air Conditioning Systems
– Heat Pump Systems

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 3

Ideal and Actual Power Cycles
• Ideal Carnot Cycle

Ideal Vapor Cycles

• Actual Cycle ???

(effect of Assumption made
for Ideal Cycle Analysis !!!)

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 4

Otto Cycle : IC Engines

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 5

Diesel Cycles

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 6

Brayton cycles
Ideal Cycle : T-S & P-v Diagrams

03/11/20 Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 7

Brayton cycles
Power Turbine / Power Generation

Open Cycle Closed Cycle

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 8

Rankine Cycle

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 9

Brayton-Rankine Cycle Power System

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 10

Miller Cycles

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 11

Refrigeration Cycles
Reverse Carnot Cycle Ideal Vapor Compression Cycle

Actual Vapor Compression Cycle

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 12

Rankine Cycle : Refrigeration

Rankine Power Cycle

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 13

Heat Pumps

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 14

Application of Refrigeration
• Domestic
– Fridge
– Freezers
• Commercial and Industrial
– Preservation and Transportation
– Industrial Processes
– Storage and Distribution of Prishables
– Ice Making
• Comfort Air-Conditioning
– Unitary Controls:
– Central •Humidity
• Industrial Air-Conditioning •Cleanliness / Bacteria

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 15

Refrigeration and

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 16

Heat Basics
Measuring Heat Quantity
•English System of Units
British Thermal Units (Btu) : The quantity of heat energy
required to raise the temp of 1 lb of water by 1 °F (60 °F to
61 °F )
• Metric System of Units
Kilogram Calorie (kcal) : The amount of heat energy
required to raise the temp of 1 kg of water by 1 °C (15 °C to
16 °C)
•System International (SI) metric system : Kilo Joule (kJ) One
kcal is equal to 4.19 kJ
Effect of Transferring Heat
1 lb water

+ 152 BTU =
60 °F 212 °F

1 kg water

+ 85 KCal =
15 °C 100 °C

Effect of Transferring Heat
1 lb water

+ 970.3 BTU = 1 lb Steam = 212 °F

212 °F

1 kg water

+ 244.5 KCal = 1 Kg steam 100 °C

100 °C

Effect of Transferring Heat
1 lb
1 lb steam
- 970.3 BTU
212 °F
212 °F

1 Kg
1 kg steam
- 244.5 K Cal (1023 KJ)
100 °C
100 °C
Latent Heat
The energy involved in changing the phase of a substance
1 lb water
1 lb steam
970.3 BTU 212 °F

212 °F

1 kg water

1 kg steam
244.5 KCal 100 °C

•100 °C
Sensible and Specific Heat

Sensible Heat
It is the heat energy that, when added to or removed from
a substance, results in a measurable change in temperature
Specific Heat
The specific heat of a substance is defined as the quantity
of heat, in BTUs, required to raise the temperature of 1 lb of
that substance by 1 °F
In metric units, specific heat is defined as the quantity of
heat, in kJs, required to raise the temperature of 1 kg of that
substance by 1 °C
Heat Transfer Basics
Principles of Heat Transfer
• Heat energy cannot be destroyed (Transferable), Conservation of
• Heat energy flows un-aided from a higher temperature substance
to a lower temperature substance
• Heat energy is transferred from one substance to another by one
of the three basic processes
Methods of Heat Transfer
• Conduction The process of transferring heat through a solid
• Convection The process of transferring heat as the result of
movement of a fluid
• Radiation The process of transferring heat by means of
electromagnetic waves, emitted due to
temperature difference between two objects •23
Rate and Units of Heat Flow

Rate of heat flow is defined as the quantity of heat that flows from
one substance to another within a given period of time
•BTU / hr : The quantity of heat, in BTUs, that flows from one
substance to another over a period of 1 hr
• KW (= KJ / sec) : The quantity of heat, in KJ, that flows from one
substance to another over a period of 1 second

Units of Refrigeration
In the refrigeration industry, the unit of Refrigeration is used as TON
and is the Cooling Capacity equivalent to the melting of 1 Ton (mass) of
ice in a 24 hour period
1 Ton mass = 2000 lbs
Qe = 1 Ton of refrigeration = 2000 (lb/day) 144 (BTU/lb)
= 288,000 BTU/day
= 12,000 BTU/hr
•So if a refrigeration system is capable of cooling at a rate of 12,000
BTU/hr, it is called as a 1.0 Ton machine
•Similarly, if it is capable of cooling at 18,000 BTU / hr , it is a 1.5 Ton
•A machine of 20 Ton rating is capable of cooling at a rate of 20 x
12,000 = 240,000 BTU / hr
Units of Refrigeration
SI system
•1 Ton mass = 907 kg
•Latent heat of fusion of ice = 335 kJ/kg
1 Ton of refrigeration = 907 (Kg/day) x 335 (KJ/kg)
= 303,845 KJ/day
= 12,660 KJ/hour
= 211 KJ/min
= 3.517 KJ/sec or kW
• 1 Ton refrigerator cools at a rate of 3.517 KW = (KJ/sec) and
a machine of 20 Ton rating is capable of cooling at a rate of 20
x 3.517 = 70.34 KJ/sec
Assignments / Self Study

• Revise Thermo – II, Chap 7,11 &12 of Text

• Revise Liquid-Vapor properties and Relations
including Psychometric Charts, Steam Tables

Fluid Mechanics – II : Chapter 7 27

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