New Product Launch

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Opportunity Identification
Go No
Analysis & Evaluation
Product Go
Develop Design& Development
Funnel Go No
Market Testing
Product Launch/Commercialization
Go No
Life Cycle management
Harvest /Terminate

 Product launch /
Commercialization follows after
- Design and
- Testing stage
 Product Launch is undertaken after
successful design and testing, the steps
* Gathering institutional recourses and
commitment necessary for successful
design ,tests and launch of the product.
* Undertake Preliminary market research
* Design Product prototype.

* Conduct pilot test.

* Develop Market strategy for successful
launch of new product and its ongoing

* Understand the factors contributing to

successful product development.
Product Launch and
 Commercialization begins with

* Determination of Market demand if

attractive .
* Mobilization of Internal Resources
- Followed by announcement of launch of
new Product which is done by slowly
scaling up until it is fully integrated in
the product line.
- It is also a True Test that the new
product is Client-Centered.
Steps in Product Launch
 Finalize the Product including
component parts
 Develop a promotional strategy
 Determine the competitive
positioning and distribution channel
 Establish staff training courses and
incentive schemes and
 Shore of Technological
communication systems.
Marketing / Commercialization
 The Commercialization Strategy
revolves around the four Marketing
P’s, which are defined from the
Seller’s perspective.
 The Four P’s are designed to deliver
the benefits to the customer,
therefore required to be thought
about in a relation to four consumer
Developing a Market Strategy

Four Marketing P’s Four Consumer C’s

 Product  Customer Needs and

 Price
 Costs (opportunity
 Positioning
& Transaction costs) to
 Promotion Consumer
 Convenience
 Communication
Marketing Strategy
1.Product Design
 Research into a design that will meet the
customer needs

 Involves component parts of the Product.

Core Product - The main benefits that the
customer expects from the product.
Actual Product - The specific terms & other
features that directly meet the customers
Augmented Product - Ancillary services,
which determine the accessibility of the
Marketing Strategy
 Is a integral part of the product design
 The main components for pricing are
- Cost recovery
- Competitive Consideration
 Takes into account the following
- Cost of capital
- Cost of Product delivery
- Contribution to the fixed cost of an
institution, and
- Competitors
Marketing Strategy- Price

* Cost Recovery
– The break even analysis approach is
used to recover the fixed costs of
delivering a product , based on the
value of sales the product must
Marketing Strategy- Price

*Competitive Consideration
 Prices also Communicate Competitive
 High Prices are often associated with
better quality, superior customer
service and Presentation.
Marketing Strategy- Promotion

 Important Components of new

Product implementation.
 Primary means of Communicatining
its features ,building consumer
 Communicating the benefits of the
Product of the Target market.
Marketing Strategy- Promotion

* Understanding Promotion
 If a circus is coming to the town and you
paint a sign saying” circus coming to the ..
Saturday” That’s advertising.
 If you put the sign on the back of the
elephant and then walk him into the town,
that’s Promotion.
 If the Elephant walks through the Mayor’s
Flower bed, that’s Publication.
 If you can get the mayor to Laugh about
it, that’s public relation.
Marketing Strategy- Place


 Refers to the Physical location

(distribution) of the Product.
 Positioning is the market relative to
its competing products.
Marketing Strategy- Place
 Based on costs and risks it may be
prudent to enter into partnership with
existing organization to provide access
to its new product.
 Product placement is its competitive
position in the market.
 Preferring to reach many clients with
one or two products, rather that fewer
people with variety of products.
Building institutional capacity
 Involves bringing about attitudinal shifts in
staff and upgrade to critical office system.

 The steps of institutional capacity building

Human Resource development - buy in
training (specialized Vs generalist) and
System build up - Management
information systems, quality control,
communications, etc.
Building institutional capacity
* Human Resourses
 Preparing and motivating staff who
maintain the momentum of product
department mainly by training and
 Training
- Established training program helps
resume product consistency & quality
- In deciding which staff to train, Institution
must analyze the benefits of employing
specialized versus generalist
Human Resourses -Training

 Generalist  Specialist

- Leverage - Build client

underutilized relationships
- Capacity - Dedicated
- One Stop - Efficiency of
Shopping Specialization
- Avoid hierarchy
Human Resourses
 Incentives

The characteristics of effective incentives

to promote new product will include:-
- Incentives should be Performance based
- Based on its priorities for a particular
stage of growth or marketing strategy.
- Straightforward & reinforcing complement.
- Balanced between individual & collective
- Aligned with institutional goals
Building institutional capacity
 Systems buildup
- In preparing commercialization,
systems must be developed to
successfully support the expanding
product lines, by incrementally
building the capacity & managing a
commercialized new product.
Systems buildup
 Some critical operational systems include
(a) Management Information System (MIS)-
including booking keeping, portfolio tracking,
budgeting & cost accounting- must
accommodate new product data, etc.
(b) Quality Control- For scaled-up product
implementation. Oversight in form of
portfolio receivers, performance evolutions
,periodic status checks etc.
(c) Communication- between Head office and
branches, management and staff, customers
Case Study On
 New Product Launch
 Product –
“A Household Lizard
 AnInnovative Electrostatic
 Apr 2003 -A new product called Lizard
destroyer for house hold use was
 It was developed as an innovative
electrostatic device.
 It was planned to be launched on 1st July
at 5 retail outlets in Singapore .
 The Co has low fixed cost ,low market exit
cost and positive flow forecast after
product introduction.
 The co is new and has no reputation in
house hold pests.
 Threats from depressed markets
caused by Economic down turn and
raw material supply from china was
the major cause of concern.
 The objective chosen was – Market
Penetration pricing. Cost estimation
based on competitors pricing and
company’s ROI objective.
 The product Life expected - 2 years.
Stages of Product Life Cycle

 Introduction – 3 Months
 Growth - 6 Months
 Maturity - 2 Years
 Decline - 4 Years
Features of the Product
 Risky & Expensive.
 Electrostatic Lizard Terminator.

 Adoption of new technology.

 First to enter Market.

 New Features to be added at later stage.

 Advertising, Promotion & Pricing to be

modified at maturity stage.
 Product to be developed at end of decline
Market evolution

 Current market Latent.

 Two surveys of 100 homes done.
 20 Business owners shown interest.
 Competitors to enter market as market
 Product market share to be retained by
product innovation.
 At Maturity stage modified advertising,
promotion and pricing to retain the market
Challenges and Risks
 lessMarket information.
 Product performance.

 Costs strategy.

 Competition.
 Come from Customer.
 Customer Dismayed traditional
method of Lizard extermination.
 Six Methods were short listed.

 Ultrasonic, mechanical, electronically

and chemical devices were short
 Electrostatic ally was finally selected.
Concept on strategy
 Prototype developed.
 Tested at various Locations.

 Prototype MK TO1-Effective but costly.

 Prototype MK TO2-Low Battery Life.

 Prototype MK TO4 – Economical but

unsuitable for commercial use..
 Market testing to be done after 1st stage.

 If successful than manufacturing

operations to expanded.
Consumer Adoption
 To be displayed at Aisle position at
first five stores of cold storage.
 To be done for one month.
 Enlarged lizard kept at store to
attract customer interest.
 Market Mix to encourage customer to
buy products.
 Customer to recommend it to other
Product Mix
 multiple benefits to customers.
 To exadicate Lizard Fasces from walls,
Ceiling, Floors and eradication of bacteria
there off.
 Battery Life 6 months.

 Augmented product to be introduced at

the start of the growth stage.
 Customer feedback to be taken for product
development in growth stage.
 Trade name Liza Killa™ Product has been
 Strategies instill the ides of affordable
effectiveness in the mind of the customer.
 Liza Killa™ identified by name.
 Our Logo Green lizard inside yellow circle
with a line through signifies absence of
 Brand equity to differentiate from
 Customer complaints to be effectively dealt
 Takes advantage of Rectangular shape.
 External surface are flat.

 All functional parts are contained within

the oblong housing.
 Product name, Logo and instructions
are all printed on the external surface.
 Cost effective clear cellophane paper
used for packaging.
Organizational Mission &Corporate

“ we serve our customers with quality

products which keep their homes free of
household pests, our customer benefits
from receiving the latest technology in
past extermination, devices at affordable
Current Marketing situations
 Current Market Size Estimated
 Potential Market obtained from
Survey 500,000
 Actual Market size considering
various factors 200,000
 Market expected to grow from1% to
4% and to reach Saturation level at
 Quality product & innovative design
 Shore delivery in time by dedicated
 Fully financed by share capital and
personnel financing.
 Cash flow forecast favorable.

 Company financially stable.

 Low fixed cost.

 Work force on renewal contract
 High assembly efficiency.

 Directors with good leadership and

success orientation.
 The Company knew the current
position of competitors with pricing
strategy & monthly demand.

 New Company and no track record.

 Promotion product through posting in
selective cold storage outlets only.
 Only 5 retail outlets used during
product launch.
 Limited output capacity.

 Work force on Contract Labour.

Marketing Strategy

 Marketing penetration pricing strategy

 Survival pricing not chosen because short
time oriented and not in favour of
company's expansion.
 Maximum current profit pricing not chosen
view market demand unknown.
 Market skimming précising not considered
view insufficient buyers with high demand.
 Marker penetration chosen as it will
simulate market growth required lower
cost & discourage competition.
 Finally the Company adopted Sales,
Financial, and Personal control
procedures to keep program on
 Identified any changes required
regarding product improvement,
production out put and workforce

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