Demography UAE

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Demographics of UAE

Population Density Vital statistics:

Immigration: Emigration:

Cultural heritage:

Expats: Life Expectancy:

The United Arab Emirates witnessed significant population increase during
the past few years because of major growth in the various economic sectors,
which lead to influx of workers from diverse cultural and religious
background. From 4.1 million in 2005 to roughly 9.5 million in 2018. Out of
this, the number of UAE citizens is around 11.5% and the remaining 88.5%
made up of Expatriate workers. The largest group of non-UAE nationals are
South Asian 59.4% (includes Indians 38.2%, Bangladeshi 9.5%, Pakistani
9.4%, others 2.3%), Egyptian 10.2%, Philippine 6.1%, other 12.8%] . Females
citizens and non-citizens account for 28% percent of the UAE'S population
due to the high level of male foreign workers]. The majority of the UAE
population falls in the age group of 25 to 54 year old. A large part of this can
be attributed to the expatriate population of working men and women who fall
in the age category. Population is heavily concentrated to the northeast on the
Musandam Peninsula, the three largest Emirates - Abu Dhabi (2.9 million),
Dubai (2.7 million) and Sharjah (1.4 million), are home to nearly 75% of the
Historical Population
Make a Bar Graph based on above
Questions based on passage
The UAE homework questions are:

Q1- Make a mind map reflecting demographic patterns of UAE

due to population migrating to the country? ( 3 Marks )

Q2- Majority of population falls in which age group? What

could be reasons behind it? ( 3 Marks )

Q3-Write 5 reasons leading to boom in Uae's population from

past few years? ( 5 Marks )

Notice: Word Limit

3 Marks: 150 words
5 Marks: 200 words

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