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Primary Scrambling Code reuse

Created By: Eng. Francisco Javier Cruz

AMX DR Week 02
Performance Report
Date: 13/01/2012
• When new networks are developed, a primary scrambling code (PSC) is necessary to be
planned, in order to avoid set same PSC in same carrier with a minimum safety distance (Safe
ReUse Distance).

• If this Safe ReUse Distance is not considered, some cells could present a low performance, for
example in HO statics.

• In some cases, during PSC Planning is considered to reserved some groups of PSC in order to
use them for expansion sites, in order to avoid cause collisions when new site are inserted in the

• Unfortunately this reservation is not always available for all operators, then expansion cells or
problematic cells needs to change PSC for some PSC with better Safe ReUse Distance.

• This Tool is available to provide you in an easier way a new PSC in order to keep a MINIMUM
SAFE REUSE DISTANCE according with setting inputs.

NOTE: This Tool is not considering Neighbor Level Collisions, this must be verified with other

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Example Case
• Imagine you detect some site with bad HO Statics, and you can see that some PSC collision are
• For instance, the Site CCOLNW includes some near sites with same PSC.

8.8 [Km
6 [K

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PSC Planning
• In order to know what is the safety Reuse Distance, it is necessary to make some
• For example considered, site is located in urban zone, then next consideration could be
• R= 500 [m] (Urbane Zone)
• K = 400 (Considering original plan reserved 112 PSC for expansions)

• Using the Safety reuse formula:

DMIN  R * 3K
• DMIN = 17.3 [Km]

• That means, we must to keep at least 17 [Km]

of distance between same PSC, in order to
avoid propagation collisions.

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Using the tool
• In this example, we will input the information of this site and the safety reuse distance.
1. Input Sector Location (on Sheet “Sector_Location”) with at least UtranCell
Name, Latitude and Longitude. The information must include ALL region where you
need to check PSC reuse, and you must input only one carrier information in order to
discard same PSC for different carriers.

2. Input primaryScramblingCode (on Sheet “primaryScramblingCode”) with at

least UtranCell and primaryScramblingCode information.

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Using the tool
3. Input Studied Site Information (on Sheet “Distance”) . In this field you only need
to input Cell Name (UtranCell) of the cell (s) you want to look for new PSC.
Remaining information will be fulfill them automatically by Macro.

Note: You must not need to input Minimum Safety Reuse distance here, this field
is only for display final information.

4. Run the macro pushing “RUN MACRO” bottom.

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Using the tool
5. Input the Minimum Safety Reuse Distance you must consider in Kilometers. For
this example, 17 [Km] will be considered.

6. Input Low and High Limits of PSC in case you want to reserve some groups. For
this example we will input a PSC only from 20 to 50

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Using the tool
7. When calculation is finished, a message will appear.

8. The results will be displayed on the same table.

9. For this example New PSC couldn’t be find it with the input conditions, then 3
possibilities could occurred:
i) PSC range was too short. Tested PSC don’t let to reach longer distances.
ii) PSC range didn’t include value. Tested PSC don’t let to reach longer
distances. It is possible to move same range to different group.
iii) The minimum safety resuse distance is not possible to reach it.

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Using the tool
10. You can try to methods:
i) Longer PSC Ranges (example: 0 to 200 and Safety Reuse Distance: 17 [Km])

ii) Move PSC Range to different group (example 50 to 80 and Safety Reuse
Distance: 17 [Km]):

iii) Longer Minimum Safety Reuse Distances (example: 20 to 50 and Safety Reuse
Distance: 16 [Km]) :

PSC ReUse Calculator | Commercial in confidence | 2013-02-05 | Page

• This tool could be very useful tool for looking single PSC on an existing
• Different results could be get it, with different inputs. In the example case, 3
different proposed PSC reached the target.

• No Neighbor Collision issues are consider in this tool. This tool is useful only
in order to guarantee a minimum safety reuse distance in order to avoid
interference problems because of propagation distance.

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PSC ReUse Calculator | Commercial in confidence | 2013-02-05 | Page

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