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Free International University of Moldova

Faculty of Letters
Germanic Philology Department

Closing conference on the translation practice

Performed by:
Crețu Irina,
the III-rd year student, Gr.I-LM-172-11-3-E

Practice supervisor:
Associate Prof., PhD
Table of contents
1. What is the practice of translation?
2. Host institution;
3. Activities carried out during the translation practice;
4. Objectives;
5. Translation diary;
6. Translation difficulties;
7. Conclusions;
8. Bibliography.
What is the practice of translation?
According to the OXFORD dictionary, these two terms
are explained in the following way:

Practice- doing an activity or training regularly so that

you can improve your skill; the time you spend doing this.

Translation - translation (from something) (into

something) | translation (of something) (into
something) the process of changing something that is
written or spoken into another language
General information
 Host institution : Translation Agency "LEGISDOCS" ;
 City of translation practice : Anenii Noi;
 Period of translation practice : 03.12.2019- 31.01.2020;
 Responsible person for carrying out the practice : Dorin

 Translated texts : 10 ( from English into Romanian), 10

(from Romanian into English).

Activities carried out during
the translation practice
To work with new terms from the academic field;
To improve my translation abilities;
To improve the quality of translation;
To use electronic dictionaries;
To enrich my vocabulary with new terms from the
academic field;
To develop the skills and qualitative written translation of
different texts.
to improve my translation skills;
to acquire useful material for my license project;
to use various dictionaries and sources aimed to help in the
process of translation;
to get used to the professional environment of a
to increase the speed of translation;
to develop skills of quick and qualitative written
translation of different documents;
to point out difficulties that appear in the work of a
Types of translated
No. Date Titles of documents Volume Language
1. 03.12.2019 Text Definition of the Term Economy 1 page English

2. 04.12.2019 Text Types of Resources 1 page English

3. 05.12.2019 Text Types of Economic Systems(Part 1 page English
4. 06.12.2019 Text Types of Economic Systems 1 page English
(Part II)
5. 09.12.2019 Text Credit. Sources of Loans 1 page English
(Part I)
6. 10.12.2019 Text Credit. Sources of Loans 1 page English
(Part II)
7. 11.12.2019 Text The Legal Profession 1 page English

8. 12.12.2019 Text The Structure of the Supreme 1 page English

Court (Part I)

9. 13.12.2019 Text The Structure of the Supreme 1 page English

Court (Part II)
10. 16.12.2019 Text The European Union Laws 1 page English

11. 17.12.2019 Abstract Actele necesare redobândirii cetăţeniei 1 page Romanian

române de către cetățenii R.Moldova
(Part I)
12. 18.12.2019 Abstract Actele necesare redobândirii 1 page Romanian
cetăţeniei Române de către cetățenii
R.Moldova (Part II)
13. 19.12.2019 Article Aspecte generale privind 1 page Romanian
redobândirea cetățeniei române.
Legea 21.(Part I)
14. 20.12.2019 Article Aspecte generale privind 1 page Romanian
redobândirea cetățeniei române.
Legea 21.(Part II)
15. 23.12.2019 Article Jurământul de credinţă 1 page Romanian

16. 24.12.2019 Low Legea cetățeniei române Legea nr. 21 1 page Romanian
din 1 martie 1991. Articolul 20.
17. 13.01.2020 Low Legea cetățeniei române Legea nr.21 1 page Romanian
din 1 martie 1991. Articolul 21.
18. 14.01.2020 Article Actele necesare pentru aplicare la 1 page Romanian
programul nou
19. 15.01.2020 Text Cât de aproape este Moldova de a 1 page Romanian
atinge egalitatea de gen?
20. 16.01.2020 Article COMISIA ELECTORALĂ CENTRALĂ 1 page Romanian
HOTĂRÎRE Nr. 1903 din 05-12-2018
Translation difficulties
During my translation internship I met some problem.
For example, I translated different documents with a
specialized terminology, and I had some difficulties so as
all the documents that I translated had terms that I had
to search in dictionaries.
One of the problems I encountered during this practice
of translation was the legal problem, which is a common
phenomenon in legal translations. Legal issues can arise
from the differences between legal references, such as
the name of institutions, law and procedures, in general.
The translator will use the localization of the language to
correctly adapt the translation in the targeted domain.
English variant:
For the nation as a whole the total amount of money
borrowed and lent every year is enormous.
Romanian translation:
Pentru națiune per ansamblu suma totala de bani luată și
dată cu împrumut este în fiecare an enormă. (Right variant)
Pentru națiune, suma totală de bani împrumutați și dați cu
împrumut în fiecare an este enormă. (Wrong variant)
English variant:
They do not think of a home mortgage as similar to other
kinds of debt, but it is.
Romanian translation:
Ei nu se gândesc la o ipotecă imobiliară la fel de similară cu
alte tipuri de datorii, dar ea este. (Right variant)
Ei nu se gândesc la o ipotecă la domiciliu la fel de asemănătoare
cu alte tipuri de datorii, dar este. (Wrong variant)
English variant:
A former minister (is) to be court-martialled for sedition.
Romanian translation:
Un fost ministru (trebuie) să fie judecat în instanță pentru
The infinitive is very often used in this function in newspaper
headings due to the concise character of this construction
(the predicate is omitted before the infinitive)
English variant:
The legal profession in the United Kingdom is divided into
two branches, barristers and solicitors.
Romanian translation:
Profesia juridică în UK este împărțită în două ramuri,
avocați consultanți și avocați pledanți. (Right variant)
Profesia juridică din Regatul Unit este împărțită în două
ramuri, avocați și solicitanți. (Wrong variant)
To sum up the results of this practice I would say that
translation is a hard work and requires huge attention
and effort in order to succeed. I achieve all the objectives
that I desired from the beginning of my translation practice:
I worked with new terms from academic field;
I improved my translation abilities;
I improved the quality of my translations;
I used electronic dictionaries better;
I enriched my vocabulary with new terms from the
academic field;
I developed qualitative and written skills in translations.
Merriam – Webster Dictionary of definitions
 Oxford Dictionary
English – Romanian Dictionary
 Romanian – English Dictionary
 U
Thank you for your

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