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Caffeine is a stimulant and the most commonly used drug in the world.
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Every day, millions consume it to increase wakefulness, alleviate
fatigue, and improve concentration and focus. Amid myths and
controversy about whether caffeine is good or bad for us, evidence
suggests that moderate coffee consumption can bring both benefits
and risks.

However, a high consumption of caffeine may not be healthful. In

addition, the recent trend of adding caffeine to drinks and snacks that
do not naturally contain it has raised new concerns.
This article will look at the potential health benefits and risks of
caffeine, the questions of energy drinks, and the likelihood of a caffeine
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Fast facts about

• The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends a maximum intake
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of 400 mg a day, or two to three cups of coffee.

• A moderate intake of coffee may enhance weight loss, cognitive function,

and alertness.

• Caffeine may have a negative impact on pregnancy, fertility, glucose

control, and other aspects of health.

• Energy drinks can contain high levels of caffeine but are unlikely to be
hazardous unless consumed with alcohol.

• Caffeine powder can lead to a fatal overdose and should be avoided.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) consider caffeine to be both a drug
and a food additive. They recommend a maximum intake of 400 mg a day.

In prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, caffeine is used to treat

tiredness and drowsiness, and to improve the effect of some pain relievers. It
belongs to a group of medicines called central nervous system (CNS) stimulants.

Foods containing caffeine can help restore mental alertness. Caffeine's use as
an alertness aid should only be occasional. It is not intended to replace sleep
and should not regularly be used for this purpose.
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Caffeine features in tea, coffee, and chocolate, and it is regularly added to gum,
jelly beans, waffles, water, syrup, marshmallows, sunflower seeds, and other

The FDA recommends that healthy adults limit their caffeine intake to a
maximum of 400 milligrams (mg) a day, about 4 or 5 cups of coffee. This amount
is not associated with negative effects.
There is no set limit for children, but the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
discourages the consumption of caffeine and other stimulants by children and
The amount of caffeine included in some common foods and beverages are:
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• One 8-ounce cup of coffee: 95 to 200 mg
• One 12-ounce can of cola: 35 to 45 mg
• One 8-ounce energy drink: 70 to 150 mg
• One 8-ounce cup of tea: 14 to 60 mg
Decaffeinated cola and soft drinks contain no caffeine, but decaffeinated coffee is
not caffeine-free.

"Energy drinks" contain varying amounts of caffeine. Additional products are now
appearing on the market, from "psyched up" oatmeal to "wired" waffles.

These have raised concerns, especially regarding the potential impact on children
and adolescents. The FDA has questioned the safety of this practice.
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Caffeine may boost weight loss or prevent weight gain, possibly by:
• suppressing the appetite and temporarily reducing the desire to eat
• stimulating thermogenesis, so the body generates more heat and energy
from digesting food
Weight loss products that are marketed as thermogenics may contain caffeine
and ephedra, or ephedrine.


A 75-mg serving of caffeine can increase attention and alertness, and a 160 to
600-mg dose may improve mental alertness, speed reasoning, and memory.
However, caffeine is not a substitute for sleep.
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Caffeine can improve physical performance during endurance exercise.
The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) recognize that caffeine can increase
endurance performance, endurance capacity, and reduction in perceived exertion.
However, the effects on short-term, high-intensity exercise remain inconclusive.


Caffeine affects adenosine receptors in the brain. Coffee also contains polyphenol
antioxidants, and these, too, act on various pathways.
Studies have suggested that drinking coffee may help enhance some thinking skills
and slow the mental decline that comes with age.
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Research has found that lifelong caffeine consumption may reduce the risk of
developing Alzheimer's disease.
Studies have also reported that people with a higher coffee consumption have a
lower risk of Parkinson's disease.


Research from Johns Hopkins University suggests that a dose of caffeine after a
learning session may help boost long-term memory.
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In a study of 968,432 men and women, participants who drank than 4 cups of coffee
a day had a 49-percent lower risk of death from oral cancer, compared with those
who drank no coffee at all or only an occasional cup.

Other possible cancer-related benefits include:

• a lower risk of endometrial cancer

• a reduced risk of prostate cancer
• protection against head and neck cancer
• protection against the recurrence of breast cancer
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A high caffeine intake may worsen symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Research published in 2016 found that, in 234 middle school students in Korea,
a higher caffeine intake was linked to higher weight, lower academic
achievement, and a higher risk of severe depression.


Some research suggests that caffeine may reduce muscle activity in the
fallopian tubes, which carry eggs from the ovaries to the womb. This could
mean, say the study authors, that caffeine reduces a woman's chances of
becoming pregnant by about 27 percent.
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Studies have suggested that more than 300 mg a day of caffeine, or the amount
equal to around three cups of coffee, could lead to:
• loss of pregnancy
• delayed fetal growth
• abnormal fetal heart rhythm

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the weeks before pregnancy
also count. Research shows that if both parents consume more than two
caffeinated drinks a day in the weeks before they conceive, a loss of pregnancy
may be more likely.

Women should limit their caffeine intake to 200 mg or less during pregnancy.
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Consuming caffeine 3 and even 6 hours before bedtime can significantly disrupt
sleep. Up to 6 hours before bedtime, caffeine can reduce objectively measured
total sleep time by more than 1 hour.


A population-based study found that dietary and medicinal caffeine consumption

may be a modest risk factor for triggering chronic daily headache, regardless of
headache type.
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Caffeine's main effect on the body is an increased temporary sense of
wakefulness and alertness, but it can also cause uncomfortable symptoms.
Consuming over 400 mg of caffeine a day can lead to:

• jitters and shakes

• disrupted sleep
• fast or uneven heartbeat
• high blood pressure
• headaches
• nervousness or anxiety

• dehydration
• irritability
• heartburn
• stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea
• muscle tremors

Caffeine increases the release of acid in the stomach, sometimes leading to an

upset stomach or heartburn.

Caffeine can interfere with the sleep cycle. Sleep loss is cumulative, and even
small nightly decreases can add up and disturb daytime alertness and
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In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) added caffeine withdrawal to
the list of recognized conditions in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
Disorders (DSM-V). However, not all caffeine consumers have withdrawal symptoms
if they stop consuming caffeine.

People who suddenly stop drinking coffee may experience symptoms about 12 to 24
hours after quitting. These peak after 20 to 48 hours before disappearing. Gradually
reducing caffeine intake over a period of days does not trigger these symptoms.

Unlike other drugs, caffeine has not been shown to activate the pathways in the brain
that are related to addiction.
Therefore, caffeine is not considered an addictive substance.
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Caffeine has been associated with increased urinary volume and frequency,
causing the body to lose water and electrolytes such as potassium and sodium.

However, researchers have not found a significant difference in fluid loss

between people who drink or do not drink coffee.

One team concluded that: "Coffee, when consumed in moderation by caffeine

habituated males provides similar hydrating qualities to water."
Additional water loss may occur if a person consumes more than 250 mg a day,
but the fluid consumed with the drink is likely to make up for any loss.
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Caffeine may affect the way the body absorbs calcium, and this has raised
concerns that drinking coffee can lead to osteoporosis.

However, this has not been confirmed by research.

A Swedish study of data for over 60,000 women found that: "High coffee
consumption was associated with a small reduction in bone density that did not
translate into an increased risk of fracture.“

Women with a good intake of calcium through their diet are unlikely to be at risk
of osteoporosis as a result of drinking coffee.
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People who have drunk too much alcohol often turn to coffee or an energy drink
to sober them up.

However, caffeine does not sober a person up or make them fit to drive. It may
make them more alert, but it does not reverse the poor judgment and other
effects associated with alcohol.

In fact, it could be more dangerous because, without the drowsiness, a person is

more likely to believe they are sober, which could lead to hazardous activities
such as driving home or consuming more alcohol.
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