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Center of Mass

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, students will be
able to:
 Differentiate center of mass and
geometric center.
 Relate the motion of center of mass of a
system to the momentum and net
external force acting on the system
 The center of mass of a
body or a system of
bodies is the point that
moves as though all of the
mass were concentrated
there and all external
forces were applied there.
 The center of mass of a
system is the point where
the system can be
balanced in a uniform
gravitational field.
Motion of the Center of Mass
Motion of the Center of Mass
Center of Mass Equation
For two masses m1 and m2, the center of mass
is at:

m1 x1  m2 x2
xCM 
m1  m2
Center of Mass Equation
For many particles, the
center of mass can n
be written as:
m x i i
xcm  i 1

i 1
1-D Center of Mass exercise
 Find the center of
mass of three

1 kg 2 kg
4 kg

(1kg )(0m)  (4kg )( 2m)  (2kg )(5m) 18

xcm   m  2.57m
1kg  4kg  2kg 7
Center of Mass 3-D
In 3 dimensions the same equations apply:

n n n
m x i i m y i i m z i i
xcm  i 1
n ycm  i 1
n zcm  i 1
i 1
i m i m i
i 1 i 1
2-D exercise 3

Find the center of mass of a

system of three particles:
1 2

Particle Mass (kg) x (cm) y (cm)

1 1.2 0 0

2 2.5 140 0

3 3.4 70 121
Answer to 2-D exercise

m x i i
m x  m2 x2  m3 x3 3
xcm  i 1
 1 1
m1  m2  m3
i 1

(1.2kg )(0cm)  ( 2.5kg )(140cm)  (3.4kg )( 70cm)

1.2kg  2.5kg  3.4kg 1 2
 83cm

m y i i
m1 y1  m2 y2  m3 y3
ycm  i 1

m1  m2  m3
i 1

(1.2kg )(0cm)  (2.5kg )(0cm)  (3.4kg )(121cm)

1.2kg  2.5kg  3.4kg
 58cm
Center of Mass
Motion of the center of mass:
Center of Mass
The total mass multiplied by the acceleration of the
center of mass is equal to the net external force:

The center of mass

accelerates just as though
it were a point particle of
mass M acted on by

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