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Nana Defie Badu

Presentation Outline
• What is a Team?
• Types of Teams (Social and Work)
• What are Teams Made up of?
• Characteristics of Effective Teams
• What Skills do Teams need to PERFORM?
• What are the Benefits of Team Work?
• Negative Effects and How to Avoid them
• Learning Points
• Appropriate Behaviours
Effective Teamwork 2
What is a Team?
• A team is defined ‘as a group of people who
work interdependently and have joint
accountability for a task.’
A team is a unit of two or more people who
interact and coordinate their work to
accomplish a specific goal.

Effective Teamwork 3
Are Teams Different from
Although a team is a group of people, the two
terms are not interchangeable. An employer,
a teacher, a coach can put together a group
of people and never build a team.
The team concept implies a sense of shared
mission and collective responsibility.

Effective Teamwork 4
Is an Organisation a Team?
• An organisation is a grouping of people who
usually feel the same about a particular
cause, have a common purpose, function
according to certain rules and regulations,
has a boundary separating it from its
environment and have a unique identifier or
• So what is your verdict?

Effective Teamwork 5
Some Differences

Team Group
• Has a designated strong • Shares or rotates leadership
leader roles
• Individual accountability • Individual and mutual
• Individual work products accountability (Accountable
• Individual work products to each other)
• Discusses, decides, • Collective work products
delegates works to • Discusses, decides, shares
individual work

Effective Teamwork 6
Types of Teams
• Functional Operating Team
• Cross-Functional Team
• Self-Managing Team
• Self-Defining Team
• Top Executive Team

Effective Teamwork 7
Types of Teams
• Functional Operating Team
– Formal Leader
– Members with similar, but specialized functions
– Example: Maintenance crew, SWAT team, sports
• Cross-Functional Team
– Usually has a formal leader
– Members with different functions – various
– Example: Team to begin new or to kick-off a new

Effective Teamwork 8
Types of Teams
• Self-Managing Team
– No formal leader - leadership may rotate
– Membership: similar functions
– External leader, in the same organization, to
direct, coach, support, and delegate
• Self-Defining Team
– No formal leader - leadership may rotate
– Facilitator acts as leader – role rotates
– Membership: similar goals or business purpose,
but specialization of roles is possible

Effective Teamwork 9
Types of Teams
• Top Executive Team
– Can have some of the characteristics of the
previously discussed types of teams.

Effective Teamwork 10

What are Teams Made Up Of?

• Leader (Team Player)
• Members (Tem Players)
• Shared Goal/Objective/Aim/Target
• Agreed process
• Identified roles

Effective Teamwork 11
Characteristics of Effective
• Purpose & Values (clear commitment of
purpose and goals)
• Empowerment, initiative, involvement &
• Relationships and communication

Effective Teamwork 12
Characteristics of Effective
• Flexibility in share responsibility
• Optimal performance – High standards,
significant results and problem solving
• Recognition and Appreciation – valued
contributions, acknowledgement of team
• Morale - confident, enthusiastic, encourage
hard work

Effective Teamwork 13
What Skills do Teams Need to
• Being able to commit to a shared goal
• Being able to listen and respond to others in an
objective and productive way
• Being able to take on different roles in the group
in order to accomplish shared ends
• Being open and honest with one's ideas,
concerns, and values
• Being able to be a leader as well as a follower
• Not carrying hidden agendas into team meetings

Effective Teamwork 14
What Skills do Teams Need to
• Communication
• Commitment
• Leadership
• Time management
• Decisions making
• Delegation
• Functional/Technical Skills
• Management Skills

Effective Teamwork 15
Managerial Skills
• There are three skill sets that managers need to
perform effectively.
– Conceptual skills: the ability to analyze and diagnose a
situation and find the cause and effect.
– Human skills: the ability to understand, alter, lead, and
control people’s behavior.
– Technical skills: the job-specific knowledge required to
perform a task. Common examples include marketing,
accounting, and manufacturing.
All three skills are enhanced through formal training,
reading, and practice.

Effective Teamwork 16
What are the Benefits of
• Distributing the workload
• Reinforcing individual capabilities
• Creating participation and involvement
• Making better decisions
• Feeling like we play a part in the work being
• Generating a diversity of ideas, etc.

Effective Teamwork 17
What are the Benefits of
• Creativity
• By utilising all different skills, knowledge and personal
attributes in a team, more ideas can be generated, more
creative solutions are generated, leading to better
• Skills
• Even the best qualified individual cannot have all of the
skills to do everything. Some people excel at coming up
with the ideas, others love the detail while there are
those that focus on the big picture, some too can be
counted on for implementation. So when a team works
together, it has a wide range of skills available that it can
utilise to deliver extraordinary results.

Effective Teamwork 18
What are the Benefits of
• Satisfaction
• Individuals working together as a team to achieve a
common goal are continually developing. As more energy
and enthusiasm is created during interactions, the energy
is utilised and produces results which positively impacts
on motivation and leads to even more success.
• Speed
• Imagine that you have a project that needs research,
pulling together a proposition, financing it, implementing it
and delivering specific benefits. It could take months and
maybe years to make it happen. By splitting up the project,
work can move forward in parallel and the ultimate goal
achieved faster.

Effective Teamwork 19
What are the Benefits of
• Sounding board
– We all have a range of options open to us. In a
team situation, other team members can act as a
sounding board, allowing us to cut through the
options and get on with those most likely to
achieve the desired goal.
• Support
– It is amazing the amount of solidarity that is
created in teams, especially when the going gets
tough. People will often go to what seems like
extreme lengths when they know that they can rely
on the support and encouragement of the team.
Effective Teamwork 20
Benefits of Teamwork to You
• Teamwork helps employees learn their jobs
• Teamwork encourages members to strive for
• Teamwork gives employees the sense of job
• Teamwork helps departments work
• Teamwork gives employees a sense of
Effective Teamwork 21
Benefits of Teamwork to Golden
• Teamwork reduces downtime
• Teamwork increases productivity
• Teamwork reduces turnover
• Teamwork lowers implementation time
• Teamwork saves health costs

Effective Teamwork 22
How Can I Be a Team Player?
• Discussions
• Characteristics of a Team Player

Effective Teamwork 23
There Is No “I” In Teamwork But If You Look
Hard Enough, There Is A “Me”.

Effective Teamwork 24
Effective Teamwork 25
Negative Aspects of Teamwork
• There can be Social Idleness • Agreeing with the first idea
- ‘free loaders’ in teams, • Retreating rather than trying
these people pretend to to explain
work but don’t actually work. • Changing positions to
• Some people feel used reduce conflict
• Teamwork may be time • Being dominated by one or
consuming when the team two people
does not set right priorities • Withdrawing from the
• May increase level of discussion
unhealthy competition • Deferring to the more
• Focusing exclusively on aggressive members
negative aspects • Reacting with frustration
• Criticizing other members • Failing to question ideas

Effective Teamwork 26
Effective Teamwork 27
Learning Points & Appropriate
• What Learning Points have you got from the
activity, discussions and presentations?
• Can you list some Appropriate Behaviours
we need to adopt to ensure that our teams
become effective?

Effective Teamwork 28

• ”We must all hang together, or assuredly, we

shall all hang separately.”
- Benjamin Franklin

Effective Teamwork 29

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