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Operations scheduling

• Scheduling: when and where activities are to be performed.
• Scheduling is the allocation of resources over time to perform a collection of tasks.
• Three types of decision making goals seem to be established in scheduling
• Efficient utilization of resources
• Rapid response to demand
• Close conformance to prescribed deadlines
• Two kinds of feasibility constraints are commonly found in scheduling problem
• Limits on the capacity of available resources
• Technological restrictions on the order in which tasks can be performed
A solution to a scheduling problem is any feasible resolution of these types of constraints so that
“solving” a scheduling problem amount to answer two kinds of question
• Which resource will be allocated to perform each task?
• When will each task be performed?
Hence there are two problem is scheduling
• Allocation decision
• Sequencing decision
• Scheduling associated with two activity
1. Allocation of jobs to work centre- also called loading of job in work
• Finite loading
• Infinite loading
2. Prioritizing of jobs in the work centre (sequencing)
Operations scheduling in job shops involves the following activities:
• Assigning job order to different machines (or work centers)
• Deciding the sequence of processing of job on different machines on the basis
of some priority rule (called sequencing or prioritization)
• Planning the route of movement of the material from one department to the
other during processing (called routing)
• Issuing dispatch lists to the various work centers containing information about
the work centres a customer order should be processed at, the customer order
to be processed first, the amount of time the processing should take, and so
on (called dispatching)
• Tracking the progress of various scheduled jobs and the implementation of
schedules, revising the schedules in case of delays and expediting the
completion of certain jobs (called expediting).
Problems in the Absence of Proper Scheduling

Delays in meeting the due dates of

customer orders High work-in-process inventory

High average completion Low utilization of workers and

time of jobs
ABSENCE OF PROPER machines (high idle time)

No accurate information Higher set-up time (overall) of

available for the current machines
status of a job
Higher cost of production/
• Routing plan: Specifies the route to be followed by semi-finished good from one
department to
• Prioritizing: determining importance or priority of each customer order for
• Dispatching: is the dispatch list contains the details schedule of various orders,
like work centres, processing order, processing time and so on.
• Expediting : in a situation schedule have to revised and some jobs expedited and
handled on special priority basis.
Forward & Backward Scheduling
• Forward scheduling means assigning customer orders or jobs to various
work centers based on the approach “as early as possible”.

• Backward scheduling is a way of scheduling which is based on the approach

“as late as possible” with the condition that the jobs are finished by their
due dates of delivery to the customer.
• Loading means assigning tasks to work centers or machines.

• When loading of jobs on machines or work centers is done keeping in

view their maximum capacity, it is called finite loading.

• Infinite loading means while assigning tasks to a machine or work

center, its maximum capacity is overlooked.
• Basic single machine problem can be characterized by the following
C1. A set of n independent, single operation jobs is available for processing at
time zero.
C2. Setup time for the job are independent of job sequence and can be include
in processing time.
C3. Job descriptors are known in advance.
C4. One machine is continuously available and never kept idle while work is
C5. Once processing begins on a job, it is possible to completion without
Parameters for used in scheduling activity
1. Processing Time – the amount of time required to process a job ‘j’
2. Ready time ( r j )– The earliest time at which job j is available for
3. Due date  d j  – the date on which job has to deliver
4. Completion time  c j  – the time at which processing time of job j is
Objective is to measure the
to be complete
performance using same criteria.
5. Make span  C max  - completion time for the last job to leave from
Through the tardiness the
the system
6. Flow time  Fj  - the amount of time job j spend in the system performance can be measured
during the scheduling of job. If
Fj  c j  r j
more number of jobs are in
In single machine problem if rj = 0 (when all jobs submitted at time t=0) tardiness means sequence is not
C max  Fj good.
Fj  c j

Lateness  L j   c j  d j

Lateness may be positive known as Tardiness  c j  dj

Lateness may be negative know as earliness  d j c j 

Tardiness  T j   max 0, L j  where zero means finish the job in scheduled
Performance measurement criteria for sequence rule
1 n
mean flow time F   F
n j1

1 n
mean tardiness T   Tj
n j1
max imum tardiness  Tmax   maxTj 

Number of tardy job  N j     Tj 



where,  x   1 if x  0
otherwise 0

• Average inventory in the system increases with increase in Mean flow time of
the job
Sequencing n jobs in one machine
• First come first served (FCFS) method
• Last come first served (LCFS) method
• Due date method
• Shortest processing time (SPT) method
• Example FCFS SPT EDD
Minimizing the number of tardy job in a system
(single machine n job)-Hodgson’s Algorithm
Step 1. Sequence the job according to the EDD rule.
Step 2. Find the first tardy job in the current sequence. If no such job is found
then go to step 4 else go to step 3.
Step 3. find the job in the sequence up to first tardy job with largest processing
time & reject this from the current sequence.
Return to Step 2 with a current sequence are shorter than before.
Step 4. form a optimal schedule by taking current sequence and appending to it,
the rejected job which may be sequenced in order
Application:- Algorithm can be used when a manager given with various project
and with a due date.
Johnson’s Algorithm (for 2m/c problem)
• Divide the jobs into two sets
S1   J  n : P1 j  P2 j  processing time of machine1is less than processing time of job in machine 2
S2  J  n : P1 j  P2 j 

• Rule: arrange the jobs of S1 in SPT order

Arrange the jobs of S2 in LPT order
This give the minimum completion time

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