Math CH 21

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Computer Engineering

241-213 Computer Engineering Mathematics 1
Chapter 21
Complex Functions

241-213 Computer Engineering Mathematics 2

• Limits
• Continuity
• Derivatives

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Complex Functions
• A complex function is a function that is defined for complex
numbers in some set S and takes on complex values.

• If C denotes the set of complex number, and

• f is such a function,
• then we write f :S C

• This means, f(z) is a complex number for each z in S.

• The set S is called the domain of f.

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• Let S consists of all z with |z| < 1
• and define f(z) = z2 in S
• then f : S  C and f is a complex function.

• Often we define a function by some explicit expression in z, for

z i
f ( z)  2
z 4
• In the absence of specifying S, we agree to allow all z which the
expression for f(z) is defined
• This function defines for all complex z except 2i and -2i

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Example 21.1

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Limit Theorems
• Many limit theorems from real calculus hold for complex
functions as well
• Suppose lim z  z0 f ( z )  L and lim z  z0 g ( z )  K

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Limits of Real vs Complex functions
• Limits of real functions approach the point from 2 sides
• Limits of complex functions approach the point from any

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• Any polynomial is continuous for all z

• Any rational function (quotient of polynomians) is continuous
whenever its denominator is nonzero.
• If f is continuous at z0, so is |f|

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• If {zn} is a sequence of complex numbers and each f(zn) is
• then {f(zn)} is also a complex sequence

• For example, if f(z) = 2z2 and zn = 1/n then f(zn) = 2/n2

• We claim that {f(zn)} converges if {zn} does, when f is

• “Continuity preserves convergence of sequences”

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• Let f : S  C be continuous, and let {zn} be a sequence of
complex numbers in S. If {zn} converges to a number w in S,
then {f(zn)} converges to f(w)

• A converse of Theorem 21.1

If f(zn) -> f(w) for every sequence {zn} of points of S converging
to w, then f is continuous at w.

241-213 Computer Engineering Mathematics 13

Bounded Function

• If f is bounded if there is a disk about the origin containing all

the numbers f(z) for z in S

• A continuous function need not be bounded (look at f(z) = 1/z

for z != 0)

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• Let f : S  C . Suppose S is compact and f is continuous on S.
Then f is bounded.

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• Let f : S  C be continuous and suppose S is compact. Then
there are numbers zi and z2 in S such that, for all z in S

f ( z1 )  f ( z )  f ( z 2 )

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The Derivative of a Complex Function

• The reason for having S open in this definition is to be sure that

there is some open disk about z0 throughout which f(z) is defined

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Example 21.2

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Derivative Formulas
• If n is a positive integer
• and f(z) = zn
• then f’(z) = nzn-1

• if f(z) = sin(z) then f’(z) = cos(z)

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Derivative Formulas

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Chain Rule

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241-213 Computer Engineering Mathematics 23

Cauchy-Riemann Equations
• We will derive a set of partial differential equations that must be
satisfied by the real and imaginary parts of a differentiable
complex function.

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Example 21.4

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Example 21.5

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Cauchy-Riemann Equations

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Example 21.8

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Example 21.8 (cont.)

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Example 21.8 (cont.)

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Example 21.8 (cont.)

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