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Again what is the moral issue involving the Sikh

1. Enhance ethical decision-making abilities by
applying the theories and principles from the
previous lesson

2. Share one’s ethical judgment on the given case.

3. Explain and justify what make’s a decision is

ethical or not.
Case Analysis Answers
a. The PNR project was built in Malhacan,
Meycauayan resulting to the demolition of
houses and business establishments in the area.
Because of this, the residents were forced to
move to the corresponding relocation site, that
was built right at the river in Bayugo,
Meycauayan Bulacan as part of Noli De Castro’s
relocation project.
Does it support the principle of greatest number?

Yes. It supports the theory of greatest number because…

• The commuters are greater than the affected areas as Malhacan and
*The commuters are students, employees, business owners, private
vehicle owners, who might avail of the train during coding days, even
unemployed from different barangays and municipalities that are located
within the route of the PNR.

• The future generation might also benefit from the PNR project, which
will multiply the number of people who will benefit from it.

• The PNR project will someone ease if not totally resolve the traffic
congestion which means faster income for businesses.
*The entire country may not ride the PNR, fast transportation has a
positive impact to the economy as a whole.
Case Analysis Answers
b. MRT Line 7 lines runs from at San Jose del
Monte, Bulacan up to the under-construction
North Avenue Grand Central station. Many
household and business establishment within
the route of the project were abolished because
of the said project.
Does it support the principle of greatest number?
Yes. It supports the theory of greatest number because…
• The commuters are greater than the affected areas, because not only
those who are living within the route of the train (North avenue to San
Jose Del Monte) will benefit but also,, all other commuters living
beyond the connecting lines.
*The commuters are students, employees, business owners, private
vehicle owners, who might avail of the train during coding days, even
unemployed from different barangays and municipalities that are located
within the route of the MRT Line 7 .

• The future generation might also benefit from the PNR project, which
will multiply the number of people who will benefit from it.

• The MRT Line 7 project will someone ease if not totally resolve the
traffic congestion which means faster income for businesses.
*The entire country may not ride the PNR, but fast transportation has a
Let’s go back to the question…

How will you know if your decision is

ethical or not?
The principles that we’ve discussed will serve as guide
in our ethical decision-making ability

• 3 Sources of Authority (Law, Religion, Culture)

• Moral Decision making process
• Utilitarianism
• Bentham Quantitative and Mill’s Qualitative Model

There is no single formula that will determine what is

ethical or moral and not.
7 steps to help you make better decisions

1. Stop and think

It prevents rush decisions, prepares for more thoughtful
discernment, and can allow us to mobilize our discipline.

2. Clarify goals
Before you choose, clarify your short-term and long-term
aims. Determine which of your many wants and “ don’t wants
affected by the decision are the most important. The big
danger is that decisions that fulfill immediate wants and needs
can prevent the achievement of our more important goals.
7 steps to help you make better decisions

3. Determine facts- Be sure to have adequate

information to support an intelligent choice.

-consider the reliability and credibility of the people

providing the facts.
- consider the basis of the supposed facts.
(If the person giving the information says he/she
personally heard/saw something, evaluate that
person in terms of honesty, accuracy, and memory)
7 steps to help you make better decisions

4. Develop options

Make a list of actions you can take to

accomplish your goals, if important
decisions, talk to someone you trust so
you can broaden your perspective and
think of new choices.
7 steps to help you make better decisions

5. Consider consequences

Filter your choices to determine if any of

your options will violate any core ethical
values, then eliminate any unethical options.
Identify who will be affected by the decision
and how the decision is likely to affect them.
7 steps to help you make better decisions

6. Choose the best option

7. Monitor and modify

Individual Assessment
• There will be 5 moral issues that will be flashed
on the next slide.

• Determine whether it is moral right or moral

wrong applying the principles you’ve learned
from the previous topic.

(Remember your justification matter more than

your answer)
1. "Divorce"

2. "Sex between an unmarried man and woman"

3. "Gay or Lesbian relations“

4. "Polygamy, when one husband has more than one

wife at the same time"

5. "Married men and women having an affair"

Group Assessment
1. You are a very skilled doctor with five dying
patients, each of whom needs a different organ
in order to live. Unfortunately, there are no
organs available to perform any of the
transplants. It just so happens that you have a
sixth dying patient, suffering from a fatal illness,
who will die sooner than the other five if not
treated. If this sixth patient dies, you will be able
to use his organs to save the five other patients.
However, you have a medicine you can give to
this sixth patient that will cure his illness and he
won’t die.
Gp 1-The government side will wait for the
patient to die and then harvest his organs
for the other patient. (When in fact you
can give a medicine that will lengthen his
life, and delay his death)

Gp 2- The Opposition side will save the

patient even though the other patients
won’t get organs.
2. You have witnessed a man rob a bank,
but then, he did something completely
unusual and unexpected with the money.
He donated it to an orphanage that was
poor, run-down and lacking in proper food,
care, water and amenities. The sum of
money would be a great benefit to the
orphanage, and the children’s lives would
turn from poor to prosperous.
Gp3. The Government side will call the
police and report the robber, even
though they would likely take the
money away from the orphanage

Gp4. The Opposition side, will do

nothing and leave the robber and the
orphans alone.

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