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English Teaching Media I
Lazarus Ndiku Makewa 2016 in his journal classified teaching media into:

No. Education Media Specifications

1. Books
2. Magazines
1 Printed media
3. Articles
4. News papers
1. Radio
2 Audio media 2. Audio recording
3. Tape recorders

1. Chalkboard
2. Still pictures
a. Non projected
b. Projected pictures
Film strips
c. Graphic materials
3 Visual media
Maps and globes
d. Exhibits
School-made displays
Bulletin boards
e. Objects

A. Motion pictures
4 Audiovisual media
B. Television
Printed media
Printed media are the oldest form of instructional media that are commonly used in the
classroom. The medium consists of alphanumeric letters and characters either printed on
papers or books. It is used to inform, instruct, and motivates learners such as books/text
book, handout, newspaper, magazine and article.
Characteristics of good printed media
1. Appropriate with students levels
2. Relevant to the curriculum and the objectives of the instructional program
3. Accurate in terms of content
4. Free of bias and stereotype
5. Up-to-date
6. Cost effective in terms of use
Advantage and disadvantage of printed media
1. Portable
2. Common
3. easy to use
4. Students sometimes find it difficult to understand the material
by using this media because it is lack of sound and animation.
5. Boring
6. Takes time to updated
Audio media
Audio media are the media using audio or voice recording as
medium in conveying information such as analog, tape cassette,
digital CD, and computer file containing audio.
Characteristics of good audio media
1. Having clear voice/recording
2. Relevant to the topic
3. Relevant to students’ level
4. Relevant with time allocation
Advantage and disadvantage of audio media
■ Audio media is useful in developing the listening skills of students (especially for language learning).
■ It can be useful to stimulate students interest
■ Audio media supports distance learning.
■ Audio media helps in memorization (music, mnemonics, etc).
■ Audio media supports auditory learners.
■ Teachers can use audiobooks for storytelling sessions.
■ Audio media aids learners with special needs (specifically children with learning disabilities), like
children with dyslexia.
■ Extended use may bore students
■ Costly
■ Power failure issues can disturb the learning environment
■ Need more preparation in using this media than printed media
■ Trained teacher is needed

Visual media is media that help the students to understand the material or to
receive information through their eyes.
Characteristics of good visual media
1. Presenting clear and simple information
2. Well organized
3. Directing viewers (students’ attention) to important information
4. Relevant to the topic
5. Relevant to students’ level
Advantage and disadvantage of visual media

1. Helping store information longer
2. Making teaching learning process become quicker and simpler
3. Helping better comprehension
4. Driving motivation
1. Technical problem can disturb teaching learning process
2. Only providing visual information
3. Costly
4. It Needs more preparation
Audio visual Media
Audio- visual areare instructional devices which are used to communicate
messages or to deliver instructional material more effectively through sound
and visuals such as Telivision, Film, Motion Picture, Video tapes.
Characteristics of good audiovisual media
■ Relevant with instructional objective , students level, curriculum
■ Accurate in terms of content
■ Motivating students in learning
■ Interesting
■ Presenting clear information
Advantage and disadvantage of Audiovisual media
■ It helps to make learning process more effective
■ It helps to grab the students attention
■ It builds interest and motivation in learning process
■ It helps deep understanding
■ It provides students a realistic approach and experience
■ Technical Problems
■ Expensive
■ Time consuming
■ Need Space

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