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Starry Night

By: Santiago Valbuena

During our last class, Danieli
Hurtado said that art was
everything that was around us.
He also said his favorite art form
was paintings because they
expressed what the painters felt
in the moment they painted it.
Danieli added that Starry Night
was his favorite painting and it
had been painted by Vincent Van
Gogh in 1889. Vicent Van Gogh
was a famous painter.

By: Rosa Pérez
During our last class, Edgar Valera
said that, for him, art was
whatever a person can use to
express themselves. He also said
that his favorite art form was
musci because he forgets about
problems and feels calm when he
listens to it. Edgar added that his
favorite singer was Adele. He said
Adele had been born in the UK
and has recorded 3 albums so far.

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