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Organizing Science

Research Papers (7)


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Methodology to achieve objective
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Widely distributed in aquatic environments, bacteria in the
genus Vibrio are considered autochthonous bacteria in marine and
estuarine waters. Capable of causing infection in humans, some Vibrio
species have been isolated from a variety of intestinal and
extraintestinal sites. Specifically, this bacteria can cause gastroenteritis
in humans. PCR method is the conventional means of detecting the
target with the tdh gene or trh gene, in which the specificity in the
chromosome of V. parahaemolyticus gene of chitinase can be used as
the detection marker.
However, this method is inefficient.
For instance, PCR method requires seven days to
authenticate the results. However, the PCR method can be used as
long as the effect can be authenticated. The molecular biology method
is an effective means of authenticating the results efficiently.
The inability to detect the target with the tdh gene or
trh gene more efficiently will lead to a higher incidence of food
poisoning in humans from aquatic foods, with an especially high
incidence during the spring season.
Based on the above, we should develop a PCR-based molecular
biology method to identify a particular gene of Vibrio parahaemolyticus rapidly.
To do so, this gene in a chromosome can be extracted from
bacteria. Amplification of this gene can be achieved by using the PCR method.
PCR-based assays can then be made by preparing all of the genomic DNAs of
the strains in Tris-EDTA buffer (TE; pH 8.0)according to previous literature.
Next, the purity and the amount of DNA in each preparation can be estimated
colorimetrically, with the DNAs subsequently stored at 4C until further use.
Additionally, whether germs can be found in seafood can be determined using
the PCR method.
As anticipated, the proposed PCR-based molecular biology
method can rapidly identify the presence of marine bacteria in the early stages.
In addition to providing quick results with a high degree of
sensitivity, the proposed method can yield rapid and accurate results to detect
Vibrio parahaemolyticus in the environment.
Gene expression requires that many proteins interact
with a regulated element. However, modulation of gene
expression has not been thoroughly investigated, making it
impossible to determine the period and location of gene
However, expression of the same gene in a diverse
cell can be regulated based on different expressions
and, thus, cannot be expressed 100%.
The inability to thoroughly understand the
mechanism of distinct gene expression makes it impossible to
understand how this unique mechanism affects embryo
Based on the above, we should elucidate the mechanism of
gene expression in a cell owing to the importance of acquiring genes in
a cell for embryo development.
To do so, the regulatory role of a gene in the upstream
as promoter and enhancer can be analyzed by adopting molecular
cloning methods. Next, the identified gene can be linked with a
regulating gene to clarify how gene expression sites are regulated.
As anticipated, analysis results can clarify the mechanism
of gene expression in cells and regulation of tissue-specificity genes.
Results of this study can provide a valuable reference for
efforts to develop a therapeutic method of gene expression for patients
with genetic defects.
Further details can be found at

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