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Machine Design 1

Problems in keys and


Engr. Edwin C. Esperanza

Chairperson, ME Department

1.) A keyed sprocket delivers a torque of 778.8

N-m through the shaft of 54,m OD. The key
thickness is 1.585 cm and the width is 1.11
cm. Compute the length of key. The
permissible stresses are 60 MPa for shear and
90 MPa for tension

a. 4.62 cm b. 5.62 cm
c. 4.32 cm d. 5.84 cm
2.) A pulley is keyed to a 2.5 in diameter by
means of a 5/8’’ x 7/16’’ x 3’’ flat key. The
allowable bearing stresses for the key, hub and
shaft are 66 ksi, 59 ksi and 72 ksi, respectively.
Determine the maximum power that the
pulley can safely transmit at 300 rpm.

a. 210 hp b. 230 hp
c. 260 hp d. 320 hp
3.) A flange coupling is to connect two 57mm diameter shaft. The
hubs of the coupling are each 111mm in diameter, 92 mm thick
and the flange webs are 19 mm thick. Six 16 mm blots in a
165mm diameter bolt circle connect the flanges. The keyway is
6mm shorter than the hub’s thickness and the key is 14mm x
14mm. The coupling is to transmit 45 kW t 160 rpm. For al the
parts, the yield point value on shear is one-half the yield value in
tension and compression which is 448 Mpa. Find the folowing
stresses and factors of safety based on yield point.

a. shear in the key

b. bearing in the key
c. shear in bolts
d. bearing in the bolts
e. shear in the shaft
f. shear in the hub

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