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840 Diagnostic Logs

840 Diagnostic Logs

• The objective of this module is to
describe how to use the System
Diagnostic and System Information logs
• This module also describes how to
interpret the 840 Diagnostic Codes for
System Diagnostic Log
Code Notes Section –
Time Vital Code Information
only helpful for
& Date Status certain codes
System Diagnostic Log
• Stores 6 digit alpha-numeric codes
generated by the GUI and BD CPU’s
• Primarily stores alerts and failures on
unexpected conditions detected during
POST and Background Tests like
System, Software or Hardware faults
System Diagnostic Log
• Go to your vents.
• Turn your units on in Service Mode and pull
up the System Diagnostic Log.
• Scroll all the way down to the earliest entry
and then scroll up.
• Review the types of entries in this log.
• What are the two most common code status
types in this log?
System Information Log
System Information Log

• Mainly tracks communications

between the CPU’s
For example: “init resume
communication” codes between the
GUI (ZB0084) and BD (LB0083)

• Can also indicate communication

problems between the CPU’s
System Information Log
• Go to back to your ventilator and turn it
on in Normal Operation if it is not
already on.
• Make a note of the current time and date.
• Turn your unit off and on again.
• Now pull up your System Information
Log - what two codes were just
generated? What do they signify?
Codes generated by the CPU’s
BD CPU Diagnostic Codes
• BD CPU generates communications,
fault, or failure codes during POST or
Background/On-Going Diagnostic Tests
• These codes are stored in the System
Diagnostic or System Information Logs
BD CPU Diagnostic Codes
• BD CPU generates ventilator codes
that begin with the letters:
What the BD CPU Codes mean:
• D & H codes are BDU problems that
resulted in soft reset during operation (as
opposed to during POST)
• E codes represent BDU user events (not an
• G codes represent BDU illegal instruction
traps, watchdog resets, or illegal address
traps that resulted in BDU soft reset
What the BD CPU Codes mean:
• J codes signify BDU watchdog umpire
events (3 “strikes” in 24 hours) resulting
in Safety Valve Open (SVO)
• K codes are BDU failures (during POST
or background checks) resulting in SVO
• L codes are POST or background checks
indicating BDU alerts or communications
BD CPU Diagnostic Codes
• Just like in baseball, 840
has a “three strikes &
you’re out” rule: any
three soft reset codes
beginning with the letters
D, G, H, or J generated
within 24 hours results in
The 2nd Letter of BD Codes Mean:
• B - Background check – occurs during
normal operation
• C - Communications
• N - Nonmaskable interrupt
• P - POST or initialization software
• T - Hardware-detected failure (trap)
BD CPU Code Examples
• DBxxxx = BD background check. Codes
beginning w/“DB” result in a ventilator
reset & POST run. If POST fails or if
this code is initiated 3x’s w/in 24 hours =
• Lxxxxx = BD POST/Background/Coms
BD CPU Code Examples

Test Event Code Type

Bus Error Access Fault DT0002 Failure

BD CPU Hardware

What is the corrective action?

BD CPU Code Examples

Test Event Code Type

Loss of GUI Coms LC0078 Alert

BD CPU Communications

Appropriate Action = Look at the other codes and logs to get more
information about the loss of GUI communications.
Explanation: If the GUI is experiencing problems or if there is a
communication problem between the BD CPU and GUI CPU, the
BD CPU may generate this Alert code. Always look to the other
codes for more information.
BD CPU Code Examples
• Kxxxxx = BD failure
during background
or POST.
Immediately results
INOP – no three
strikes and out.
Battery Event - LB0092
A status message has been
generated indicating the state of the
battery. Refer to page 6-46.
Identify the information after the
letters “ErrCode” in the NOTES
section of the System Information
Log to determine possible cause.
12:10:01 Battery Event LB0092 Task 8 BD
08Aug16 ErrCode:0x3
For LP0116 & KP0116 Codes Only
Determine which analog device is
failing by referring to pages 6-60 &
6-61. Identify the 5th & 6th digits
after the letters “PC” in the NOTES
section of the System Diagnostic
Log to find the analog failure below.


12:55:59 Analog Device KP0116 Failure PC:0x000202DD EV:0
08Aug03 NMI: 0xC0 Err Code 0xCC
Turn to the Sample
System Diagnostic
Log in the
Addendum, find the
Analog Device code
in the log. What
would YOU replace?
GUI CPU Diagnostic Codes

• GUI CPU generates communications,

fault, or failure codes during POST or
Background/On-Going Diagnostic Tests
GUI CPU Diagnostic Codes
• GUI CPU generates GUI codes that
begin with the letters:
GUI CPU Diagnostic Codes

• S - GUI user event

• U or V - GUI problem that resulted in soft reset
during operation
• X - GUI failure (during POST or background
check) caused GUI or ventilator inoperative
• Z - POST or background check alert or
communication error in GUI
The 2 Letter of GUI Diagnostic

Codes Mean:
• B - Background check
• C - Communications test
• N - Nonmaskable interrupt
• P - POST or initialization software
• T - Hardware-detected failure (trap)
• Y - GUI watchdog umpire (3 “strikes” in 24
hours) causes GUI inoperative condition
GUI CPU Code Examples

• UTxxxx = GUI Assertion Fault. Codes

beginning w/“UT” result in a GUI POST run.
If POST fails or if this code is initiated 3x’s
w/in 24 hours = GUI INOP.
• Xxxxxx = GUI failure during background
or POST. Results in a GUI INOP or
• Zxxxxx = GUI POST/Background/Coms error
For UT0002 Code Only
Locate the 3 digits of the Fault
Address (FA) that immediately
follow “0x” in the NOTES section
of the Sys Diag Log. If the three
digits are in Table 6-11 on page 6-
108 of the 840 Service Manual, then
replace the appropriate VGA
Controller. If the code is not in the
table, replace the GUI CPU.
For example:
12:55:59 Bus Error/Access Fault UT0002 Failure PC:0x000202DD
FA: 0x02BX 0000
Example “3 Strikes & Out” sequence
in a System Diagnostic Log
Unexpected Reset XP0087 Failure
Umpire Test GUI runs OUT!


Checksum Error “Strike 3”


Checksum Error “Strike 2”

Bus Error Access Fault UT0002 Failure

BD CPU logs “Strike 1”
a communication
problem w/GUI
because GUI has Init Loss of GUI LB0085 Alert
a problem Communication BD CPU sends the ALERT!
GUI CPU Code Examples

Test Event Code Type

Processor Initialization XP0001 Failure /GUI INOP


What is the Corrective Action?

Assertion Faults

• An assertion is programming code used to

check the validity of the present state of
the software application. Assertions are
included at various points in the code to
stop program execution because of invalid
conditions. This prevents the program
from continuing unnoticed in an erroneous
Only two ways to erase the EST/SST Diagnostic Log, the
System Diagnostic and System Information Logs is via the
840 Ventilator Test Software (VTS) & S/W Download:

Null Modem Cable

GUI Cable

Ethernet cable and

BDU download box

COMPUTER Serial I/O Card &
Ethernet Card

840 Ventilator Test Software Software Download

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