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Niccolò Machiavelli Biography & Political Philosophy Summary

• Niccolo Machiavelli
Summary of the Political Philosophy of Niccolo
Machiavelli. Biography, pictures & quotes from
'The Prince'
• Tidak ada yang lebih sukar untuk merancang,
lebih ragu sukses, lebih berbahaya untuk
menguruskan daripada penciptaan sistem
baru. inovator ini mempunyai permusuhan
dari semua yang mendapat keuntungan
dengan pemuliharaan sistem lama dan
pembela hangat hanya oleh mereka yang akan
mendapatkan oleh sistem baru.
• There is nothing more difficult to plan, more
doubtful of success, more dangerous to
manage than the creation of a new system.
The innovator has the enmity of all who profit
by the preservation of the old system and only
lukewarm defenders by those who would gain
by the new system.
•  kembali ke prinsip-prinsip pertama dalam
republik kadang-kadang disebabkan oleh
kebajikan sederhana dari satu orang. contoh
yang baik-Nya telah sedemikian pengaruh
yang orang-orang yang baik berusaha untuk
menirunya, dan orang jahat malu untuk
menjalani hidup sangat bertentangan dengan
teladannya. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
• A return to first principles in a republic is
sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one
man. His good example has such an influence
that the good men strive to imitate him, and
the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so
contrary to his example. (Niccolò Machiavelli)
• Niccolò Machiavelli (1469 - 1527) was a Florentine
statesman and political philosopher. As a theorist,
Machiavelli was the key figure in realistic political
theory, crucial to European statecraft during the
His two most famous books, Discorsi sopra la prima
deca di Tito Livio (Discourses on Livy) and Il Principe
(The Prince), were written in the hopes of improving the
conditions of the Northern Italian principalities, but
became general handbooks for a new style in politics.
• The Prince, written to encourage the
appearance of a political savior who would
unify the corrupt city-states and fend off foreign
conquest, advocated the theory that whatever
was expedient (bijaksana) was necessary - an
early example of utilitarianism and realpolitik
(German for "realistic politics" - foreign politics
based on practical concerns (political
expediency) rather than theory or ethics).
• The Prince, ditulis untuk mendorong munculnya
seorang penyelamat politik yang akan menyatukan
negara-negara kota yang korup dan menangkis
penaklukan asing, menganjurkan teori bahawa apa
pun yang bijaksana yang diperlukan - sebuah
contoh awal dari utilitarianisme dan realpolitik
(Jerman untuk "politik realistik" - politik luar negeri
berdasarkan pada keprihatinan praktikal
(persoalan politik) daripada teori atau etika).
• Machiavelli was born in Florence. His father
was from an impoverished branch of an
influential old Florentine family. His life can be
divided into three periods, each of which
constitutes a distinct and important era in the
history of Florence. His youth was concurrent
with the greatness of Florence as an Italian
power under the guidance of Lorenzo de'
Medici, Il Magnifico.
• Machiavelli dilahirkan di Florence. Ayahnya
berasal dari cabang keluarga miskin di
Florentine berpengaruh tua. Hidupnya boleh
dibahagikan kepada tiga tempoh, masing-
masing yang merupakan era yang berbeza dan
penting dalam sejarah Florence. pemuda Nya
bersamaan dengan kebesaran Florence
sebagai kekuatan Itali di bawah bimbingan
Lorenzo de 'Medici, Il Magnifico.
• The downfall of the Medici in Florence occurred
in 1494, in which year Machiavelli entered the
public service. During this time, he traveled to
various European courts in France, Germany,
and other Italian city-states on diplomatic
missions. During his official career Florence was
free under the government of a Republic, which
lasted until 1512, when the Medici returned to
power, and Machiavelli lost his office.
• Kejatuhan dari Medici di Florence terjadi pada
tahun 1494, di mana tahun Machiavelli memasuki
perkhidmatan awam. Selama waktu ini, ia
melakukan perjalanan ke berbagai mahkamah
Eropah di Perancis, Jerman, dan negara-bandar Itali
pada misi diplomatik.Selama kerjayanya Florence
rasmi bebas di bawah pemerintahan Republik,
yang berlangsung hingga 1512, saat Medici kembali
berkuasa, dan Machiavelli kehilangan pejabatnya.
• His name was found on a list of 20 persons supposedly
involved in a conspiracy to oppose Medici rule. It is likely
he had no part in the plot, though he was briefly
imprisoned in the Bargello in Florence. He was tortured
yet maintained his innocence throughout. He was later
exiled and returned to Sant'Andrea in Percussina where
he had a small property. Here he devoted himself to
literature whilst the Medici again ruled Florence from
1512 until 1527. He died, within a few weeks of the
expulsion of the Medici, in 1527, aged fifty eight, without
having regained office.
• His name was found on a list of 20 persons supposedly
involved in a conspiracy to oppose Medici rule. It is likely
he had no part in the plot, though he was briefly
imprisoned in the Bargello in Florence. He was tortured
yet maintained his innocence throughout. He was later
exiled and returned to Sant'Andrea in Percussina where
he had a small property. Here he devoted himself to
literature whilst the Medici again ruled Florence from
1512 until 1527. He died, within a few weeks of the
expulsion of the Medici, in 1527, aged fifty eight, without
having regained office
Niccolò Machiavelli Quotes

• The evening has come, I return home and go to my study;

at the entrance I pull off my peasant- clothes, covered
with dust and dirt, and put on my noble court dress, and
thus becomingly re-clothed I pass into the ancient courts
of the men of old, where, being lovingly received by them,
I am fed with that food which is mine alone; where I do
not hesitate to speak with them, and to ask for the reason
of their actions, and they in their benignity answer me;
and for four hours I feel no weariness, I forget every
trouble, poverty does not dismay, death does not terrify
me; I am possessed entirely by those great men.
• Malam telah datang, aku kembali ke rumah dan pergi ke kajian
saya, di pintu masuk I pull off petani saya-pakaian, ditutupi dengan
debu dan kotoran, dan mengenakan gaun mahkamah mulia saya,
dan dengan demikian becomingly kembali pakaian saya masuk ke
dalam kuno mahkamah orang-orang tua, di mana, yang penuh
kasih yang diterima oleh mereka, saya makan dengan makanan
yang milikku sendiri, di mana saya tidak ragu untuk berbicara
dengan mereka, dan untuk meminta alasan dari tindakan mereka,
dan mereka dalam mereka kemurahan hati menjawab aku, dan
selama empat jam aku merasa letih tidak, aku lupa setiap masalah,
kemiskinan tidak kecewa, mati tidak menakut-nakutkan aku, Aku
yang dimiliki sepenuhnya oleh orang-orang besar.
• And because Dante says, “Knowledge doth come of
learning well retained, Unfruitful else” 
I have noted down what I have gained from their
conversation, and have composed a small work on
'Principalities,' where I pour myself out as fully as I can in
meditation on the subject, discussing what a principality
is, what kinds there are, how they can be acquired, how
they can be kept, why they are lost: and if any of my
fancies ever pleased you, this ought not to displease you:
and to a prince, especially to a new one, it should be
welcome … 
• Dan kerana Dante berkata, â € Sesungguhnya œKnowledge
datang belajar dengan baik ditahan, tidak berbuah elseâ €
 saya catat apa yang saya dapatkan dari percakapan
mereka, dan telah menyusun sebuah karya kecil di
'kerajaan,' di mana saya mencurahkan diri saya sepenuhnya
sebagai saya dapat dalam meditasi pada subjek, membahas
apa asas adalah, apa saja ada, bagaimana mereka boleh
diperolehi, bagaimana mereka boleh disimpan, mengapa
mereka hilang: dan jika ada yang naksir saya pernah senang
anda, ini seharusnya tidak mengecewakan anda: dan untuk
putera, terutama kepada yang baru, itu harus diterima
• (A letter to Francesco Vettori, dated 13
December 1513, Machiavelli describes his life
at this period, which elucidates his methods
and his motives in writing The Prince)
• (Sebuah surat kepada Francesco Vettori, tarikh
13 Disember 1513, Machiavelli
menggambarkan hidupnya di tempoh ini, yang
memaparkan kaedah dan motif dalam menulis
Sang Putera)
• He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to
• It is not titles that honor men, but men that
honor titles.
• The first method for estimating the intelligence of
a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.
• The wise man does at once what the fool does
finally. (Niccolo Machiavelli)
• Dia yang ingin ditaati harus tahu bagaimana
Ini bukan tajuk yang menghormati laki-laki,
namun laki-laki yang gelar kehormatan.
Kaedah pertama untuk menganggarkan
kecerdasan penguasa adalah dengan melihat
orang-orang ia mempunyai sekitar dia.
Orang bijak tidak sekaligus apa yang bodoh
tidak akhirnya. (Niccolo Machiavelli)

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