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B_ L_ N_ E
SP_ _ D
FL _ X _ B _L_ T Y
S T R _ N G_ H
Physical Fitness Test
A set of measures to determine
one’s level of fitness.
Body Mass Index(BMI)

– Formula
Weight (kg.)
Height (m)²

_ 30 = _30 _ = 20.83
(1.20)² 1.44
Below 18.5 underweight
18.5-24.9 Normal
25.0-29.9 Overweight
30.0-Above obese
Waist Circumference

• All you need is a tape measure. Start

at the top of your hip bone, then
bring the tape measure all the way
around your body, level with your
belly button.
 Waist Circumference
Zipper test
• This test is done in the standing
• Place one hand behind the head
and back over the shoulder, and
reach as far as possible down the
middle of your back.
• Your palm touching your body
and the fingers directed
Zipper Test
Standard Measurement
0 did not touch the fingertips

1 just touch the fingertips

Fingers overlapped by 1-2 cm.

3 Fingers overlapped by 3-4 cm.

4 Fingers overlapped by 5-7 cm.

5 Fingers overlapped by 8 cm and

Sit and reach
• Sit on the floor with the back flat on the wall,
feet approximately 12 inches apart.
• Without bending the back, knees and elbows,
place one (1) hand on top of the other and
position the hands on the floor.
• After the tester has positioned the zero point of
the tape measure, start reaching the farthest
point possible without bending the knees.
• Lie down on the mat, face down in
standard push-up position ; palms on
the mat under the shoulders, fingers
pointing forward and legs straight ,
parallel, and slightly apart, with the
toes supporting the feet.
• For BOYS: • For GIRLS:
– straighten the arms , keeping – with the knees in contact with
the back and knees straight, the floor straighten the arms ,
then lower the arms until keeping the back straight,
there is a 90 – degree angle at then lower the arms until
the elbows ( upper arms are there is a 90 – degree angle at
parallel to the floor). the elbows ( upper arms are
parallel to the floor).
 90 degrees push-up
Test 1: Identification

1. A set of measures to determine one’s level of fitness?

2. Measure of flexibility, and specifically measures the flexibility of the lower back
and hamstring muscles
3. What is the test that uses tape measures wrap around your waist?
4. Purpose of this test is to test the upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility
intended to parallel the strength/ endurance?
5. Measures muscular endurance of the upper body muscles (anterior deltoid,
pectoralis major, triceps).

Test 2: Enumeration
Enumerate the 5 Physical Fitness test.

• Research Famous
Filipino athlete under
Individual/Dual and
Team sports.

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