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1. Write algebraic expressions that can be simplified

2. Apply the steps for problem solving

© 2002 by Shawna Haider
Choose something to represent the first
integer---let’s choose “x”.

x = first integer
Then to represent a consecutive integer, that
would mean the integer right after x or x+1.

x +1 = second integer

The sum of two consecutive integers is 137.

Find the integers.
Means add together
x + x +1 = 137
Now solve for x to get the first integer. Just add 1 to get the second.
The sum of two consecutive integers
is 65. What is the second number?
• Let x = the 1st number x = 32
• Let x + 1 = the 2nd number x + 1 = 33
• Sum means???
x + x + 1 = 65
32 + 33 = 65 
2x + 1 = 65
-1 -1
2x = 64
2 2
The sum of two consecutive
integers is 27. What are the
two integers?
What two consecutive integers
have a sum of 39?
The sum of two
consecutive integers is 9.
What are the two integers?
Let’s consider a problem that asked for
consecutive even integers. Your first integer
will still be “x”.

x = first
Then to represent a consecutive even integer,
you would need to add 2 instead of 1 and get
x +2 = second
The sum of two consecutive even integers is
626. Find the integers.

x + x +2 = 626 Now you are ready to

Let’s consider a problem that asked for
consecutive odd integers. Your first integer
will still be “x”.
x = first integer
Now what would you do to x to get to the next
odd integer?
Most students initial reaction is “add 1” but try x = 3 (an odd integer)
and see what happens when you add 1. Not an odd integer.
So what would you add to 3 to get the next odd integer?
x +2 = second integer
So whether the problem says even integer or
odd integer, the setup would look the same. If
x happens to be odd then when you add 2 you
will be at the next odd integer and if it happens
to be even and you add 2 you will be at the next
even integer.
The perimeter of a rectangle
with sides of length
x and 2x - 1

x The perimeter of a rectangle is the

sum of the lengths of the sides

In words: 22sides
sides + 22sides
2x - 1
Translate: 2(x) + 2(2x-1)
Then: 2x + 4x-2
6x - 2 simplify
General Strategy for Problem Solving
1. UNDERSTAND the problem. During
this step, become comfortable with the
problem. Some ways of doing this are:

Read and reread the problem.

Choose a variable to represent the unknown.

Construct a drawing.

Propose a solution and check. Pay careful

attention to how you check your proposed
solution. This will help when writing an
equation to model the problem.
2. TRANSLATE the problem into an equation.

3. SOLVE the equation.

4. INTERPRET the results: Check the

proposed solution in the stated problem and
state your conclusion.

Suppose that a computer store just announced

an 8% decrease in the price of a particular
computer model. If this computer sells for
$2162 after the decrease, find the original price
of this computer.

What are the steps to solving this problem?

1. UNDERSTAND. Read and reread the problem.
Recall that a percent decrease means a percent of
the original price. Let’s guess that the original
price of the computer is $2500. The amount of
decrease is then 8% of $2500, or (0.08)($2500) =
$200. This means that the new price of the
computer is the original price minus the decrease,
or $2500 - $200 = $2300. Our guess is incorrect,
but we now have an idea of how to model this

In words:

Original price minus 8% of

is new price
of computer original price

Translate: x - 0.08 x = 2160

3. SOLVE the equation

x – 0.08x = 2162

0.92x = 2162 Divide both sides of equation

0.92 0.92

x = 2350 Solution

Check: If the original price of the computer

was $2350, the new price is

$2350 – (0.08)($2350) = $2350 - $188

= $2162

State: The original price of the computer was $2350

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