Repoooooort Philit

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- Is a Filipino playwright and book publisher.
His plays in English center on the conflicts
in the everyday lives of ordinary Filipinos.
The most famous among his works is The
World is an Apple which earned him his first
Palanca Award in 1954 and remains one of
the most performed plays in the Philippines.
By: Alberto S. Florentino
In the small and poor home behind a portion of
Intramuros walls. There are two wooden boxes in
either side of the doorway. At the left is an acacia
tree with a wooden bench under it. It was where the
poor family lived in, and where the story starts on
how life was going on and end in complexity of life in
which the main character lived with no choice but to
go back again with his old ways of life.
■Mario – he is the father of the story, the
husband of Gloria. He is known to be bad
before but he strive hard to change his
life for her daughter and for his wife, but
life sometimes is unfair that force him no
choice to go back the old way of life.
■Gloria – She is the wife of Mario.
The very good and lovable woman
who just want a simple life. She is
the reason why Mario changed
because of her unconditional love
to him.
■Pablo – The protagonist in
the story, the old friend of
Mario. He wants easy and
dishonest money, the life
that Mario lived before.
■Mario enters from the street at the
left. He is in the late twenties
shabbily dressed and with hair that
seems to have been uncut for weeks,
Gloria greeted him and then Mario
and about the condition of the Child.
Rising Action:
■Gloria asked his husband
about the salary but her
husband lost his job that’s why
he doesn’t have the salary that
he will give to Gloria.
■At the midst of the argument of Gloria
and Mario, Pablo came, he got tired of
waiting for Mario. Mario approach to
Pablo to ask help because he lost his
job. Gloria got mad because he
doesn’t’ want Mario to go with Pablo.
Falling Action:
■Mario Admitted that
he still communicates
with Pablo.
■Mario went with Pablo
even though he knew
the evil works of Pablo.
Man vs Man
Man vs Society

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