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group 4
• Charles Frederic GErdhardt treated sodium salicylate with acetyl
chloride to produce acetylsalicylic acid.
• In 1897, Bayer began studying ASA and by 1899, Bayer had names
the drug Aspirin and was selling it around the world.(The word
ASPIRIN was Bayer's brand name)
• Aspirin is also known as Acetylsalicylic acid(ASA), is a medication
used to treat pain,fever and inflammation.
• Can cause gastric irritation, peptic ulcer and bleesing is common.
• Antiplatelet action
• No specific antidote
• Not given in children: causes Reye's syndrome
5. Give the toxic dose of Aspirin in human?
• More than 100mg/kg per day
6. How is the diagnosis of Aspirin overdose being determined?

• The diagnosis of Aspirin overdose is being determined by

measuring the plasma salicylate, the active metabolite of
aspirin by automated spectrophotometric methods.
• Plasma salicylate levels in general range from
– 30-100mg/L AFTER usual therapeutic doses
– 50-300mg/L in people taking HIGHER doses
– 700-1400mg/L following acute overdose
7. What is the antidote of Aspirin overdose? How does it work?

• Though there is not a specific antidote for Aspirin but

Activated charcoal can help and it works through the
chemical process of absorption int he body. Absorption is
the reaction of elements icnluding minerals, chemicals
and toxins soaked up and assimulated in the blood.
• Other managements:
– IV dextrose and normal saline
– Sodium bicarbonate
8. What is the prognosis after aspirin overdose?

• Aspirin prognosis
– The recovery is like if the treatment is given and the dose of
aspirin taken is not too high.
9. What are the precautionary measures? Give also the emergency measures and
supportive management in case of acute poisoning of Aspirin.
• Undesirable combined use with other NSAIDs and glucocorticoids. For 5-7 days
before surgery should stop taking.
• The probability of NSAID-gastropathy decreases in the appointment after a meal,
use of tablets with buffer additives or coated with a special enteric-soluble shell. The
risk of hemorrhagic complications is minimal when used in doses less than 100 mg /
• This medication has a teratogenic effect: when used in the I trimester leads to top
palatoschisis, in the III trimester - cause inhibition of labor (inhibition of prostaglandin
synthesis), premature closure of the ductus arteriosus in the fetus, pulmonary
vascular hyperplasia and hypertension in the pulmonary circulation.
• Caution used in patients with liver diseases and kidney, bronchial asthma, erosive
and ulcerative lesions, and bleeding from the digestive tract in history, with
increased bleeding or while holding anticoagulant therapy, decompensated
congestive heart failure.
• The use of acetylsalicylic acid is contraindicated in
pediatrics, as in the case of viral infection in children
under the influence of acetylsalicylic acid increases the
risk of developing Reye syndrome. Symptoms of Reye
syndrome are prolonged vomiting, acute encephalopathy,
liver enlargement.
• Duration of treatment (without consulting a doctor) with
Aspirin should not exceed 7 days when administered as
analgesic and more than 3 days as an antipyretic.
• During treatment the patient should abstain from alcohol.
• Both aspirin and paracetamol are used for analgesic treatment. Analgesic are
mainly to provide pain relief effect. They are used to soothe headache,
toothache, menstrual pain and weeks in short-term basis. However, some
people might need them in long-term basis to treat painful condition for
instance, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic back pain. Secondly, both
medication have antipyretic effect which help to treat fever. However both
medications have some clear differences in terms of usage. Aspirin is more
widely used by doctors and pharmacists as it not only can be used to reduce
fever and pain, it also has anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties. It
is very useful to prevent atrial fibrillation, heart attack or even stoke as it have
blood tinning effect which reduce the blood from clotting easily within the
blood vessel.

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