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Integrated Vs Supplementary

The relative clauses considered so far have all been tightly
integrated into the structure of the NP containing them. As such, they
contrast with another kind of relative clause that is more loosely
attached. This second kind we call supplementary relative clauses.
These examples illustrate the contrast:
i. INTEGRATED Politicans who make extravagant promises
aren’t trusted.
ii. SUPPLEMENTARY Politicans, who make extravagant promises,
aren’t trusted.
(a) intonation and punctuation

 Intonation
Integrated relatives are integrated intonationally into the large
Supplementary ones are set apart,spoken as a separate intonation unit.
 Punctuation
Supplementary relatives generally marked off by commas( or stronger
punctuation,such as dashesbor parentheses).
Integrated doesn’t used punctuation.
(b) Interpretation

 Intregated relative is presented as an integral part of the larger

 Supplementary relative is presented as supplementary to that
expressed interest of the sentence: it is additional, often parenthetical,
Two types of relative clause are traditionally called “restrictive”
and “non-restrictive” respectively. We don’tuse these terms.
They are misleading.take these examples:
[The father who had planned mylife to the point of my unsought varrival
in Brighton] took it for granted that in the last three weeks of his legal
guardianship I would still act as he directed.
(c ) syntax
 wh relativesvs non-wh relatives
- Supplementary relatives are almost always of the wh type: the bare construction
is not allowed at all as a supplementary relative.
- Supplementary that relatives are extremely rare .
 Antecedents allowed for supplementary relatives
Supplementary relatives allow a wider range of antecedents than integrated ones.
Most importantly, they accept clauses, and proper nouns without determiners,as :
i. Max arrived late, which caused some delay.
ii. Max, who was usually very punctual, was twenty minutes late.
Notes :
Determiner : a kind of dependent found only in NP Structure. It is normally an
obligatory element in NPs with certain types singular noun as head. (page 83).
Determinatives : such as the, this, that, what, and no occur with either type of
noun, but in singular NPs. (page 88).
 Which as pronoun or determinatives
which occurs in intregated relatives only as a pronoun, but in
supplementary relatives it can also be a determinatives :

e.g : This will keep us busy until Friday, by which time the boss will
be back.

 Function
 Integrated relatives : as dependent-more specifically, modifier-
within the construction containing them.
 supplementary relatives : attached more loosely,
andindeedmay constitute a separate sentence.
[A]: Our rent is due next week.
[B]: Which is why we shouldn’t be going out to dinner tonight.
Identify which are integrated and supplementary !
1. This is the house that Jack built
Jack, whom my sister married three years ago, built that house.

The following examples are presented without the usual internal punctuation so as
to avoid giving any clues as to whether the relative clauses are integrated or
supplementary. Identify the relative clauses, and for each say whether it could be
interpreted in either way (with corresponding differences in meaning and
punctuation) or in only one way. In the latter case, specify which interpretation is
required and explain why the other is excluded.
1) I was sitting next to Sandra who is studying law at Harvard.
2) There are several points I'd like to make in response to your criticisms.
Thank You
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