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Facebook Entrepreneur

Submitted By : priyanka bajariya

Submitted to: Snehal ma’am

Mark Zukerberg

• Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO and co-founder of Facebook, a $155 billion

• Mark Elliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14 1984, in White Plains,
New York
• He went to Phillips Exeter Academy & Ardsley high school & attended
Harvard but never graduated.
Facebook’s founder and co founders
Personal Life
• Zuckerberg was high in Westchester county, New York, by his parents,
Edward and Karen Zuckerberg.

• His father Edward is a dentist in Dobbs Ferry, New York, and his
mother is a doctor
Mark’s house California
Early Life
• Middle School:
• Zuckerberg created using computers and writing software in middle
• High School:
• During Zuckerberg’s high school years, under the company name
Intelligent Media Group, he built a music player called the Synapse
Media Player.
The Budding Programmer
• Zuckerberg developed an interest in computers at an early age.
• When he was about 12, he used Atari BASIC to develop a messaging
programme called ‘Zucknet’ .
• His father used the programme in his dental office so that the
• The Zuckerberg family also used zucknet to communicate within the house.
• Together with his friends, who were artists, he used to create computer
games for fun.
Art History Class
• 2 days before an art history final he realized he didn’t know the 500
images he was accept to
• He set up a site and put the images online. All of his classmates
commented on the images and they all had the notes for the class
Zuckerberg Today

• Zuckerberg has a net worth of US $33.1 billion (July 2014).

• He is the youngest billionaire in the world at the age of 25.
• 212 richest person on the Forbes richest people List.
Business Started
• He tried his face book concept again with (Feb 4,
• This time it was voluntary.
• Within 2 weeks half of Harvard had signed up.
• Within a few months it has spread to other universities.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg visited India in
October, meet
PM Narendra Modi
What type of business is
• Facebook is a privately owned and operated social network site
• Facebook’s Mission
• Zuckerberg created Facebook as a way for people to share
information and contact information. If they have the ability to do this
they are able to connect more with the people around them and
understand more of what is going on in their world.
“ Facebook’s mission is to give people the power to
share and make the world more open and

“people use Facebook to visit connected with
friends and family, to realize What’s going on in the
world, and to share and express what matters to
• (CEO)


• (COO)

• (VP)
Mark Zuckerberg fact

• Facebook is blue because Zuckerberg is color-blind

• He says he’s not that interested in money
• He once wore a tie every day for a whole year
• According to a report in Business Insider, Zuckerberg doesn't own a
• Zuckerberg considers himself an unbeliever.
Growth and Success
• 2004- Facebook was founded.
• 2005- Facebook launched a high school version.
• 2006- Facebook was open to everyone with valid email address.
• 2007- Facebook had 100000 business pages.
• 2008- Facebook set up it’s headquarter in Dublin, Ireland.
• 2009- It had turned cash flow positive for 1st time.
• 2010- Facebook increased progressively as more people visited Facebook
than Google.
• 2011- Facebook become second most opened website in US.
• 2012- Facebook announced app center an online mobile store.
Facebook headquarters
Palo alto, California
Successful Characteristics
• Motivated.
• Focus.
• Has Technical Experience.
• Introvert Person.
• Determined.
• Not thinking Over Problems.
• Creative.
• Care Free Individual
Interesting Facts About
• Microsoft wanted to invest in Facebook but was originally turned
down. Now they own 1.6% of the company’s shares.
• Facebook has over 500 full time employees and is worth about $15
• On November 30, 2007 the 11th richest man in the world, Li Kashing,
invested $60 million dollars in the company.
• There are over 250 million registered users on Facebook.
• Over 1 billion photos and 10 million videos are uploaded to Facebook
each month.
• The age group that uses Facebook the most is 35-45 years
Reason Why We Chose?
• Mark Zuckerberg is a source of motivation for many of the youth
entrepreneurs across the world. He has given the tag as next Bill
Gates Himself.
• II. He works for the society and passionate about the work he is in. He
takes only $1 as his salary.
• III. He believes in his ideas and projects and never give up. According
to him.
• “Successful people only have two things on their lips, silence and

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