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Heath Standards

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What is DICOM

DICOM is the ONLY standard in the world

that covers the exchange of medical images

First successful DICOM Standard issued in


DICOM is a cooperative standard

Every major diagnostic medical imaging

vendor in the world has incorporated the
standard into their product design.

Most of the professional societies

throughout the world have supported & are
participating in the enhancement of the
standard as well

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Standards stimulate competition and drive

costs down

Easily replaceable and upgradable products

Avoids risks in investing towards proprietary


To create & maintain international standards

for communication of biomedical diagnostic
and therapeutic information in disciplines
that use digital images & associated data

To achieve compatibility & to improve

workflow efficiency between imaging
systems & other information systems in
healthcare environments worldwide

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Dicom Services

Archive/Transfer Images: Store (across network)

Archive/Interchange Images: Media Storage
Query for Information & Retrieve Images
Make Image Hardcopies: Print Management
Patient, Study & Results Management
RIS-Modality: Worklist Management
Test Connectivity: Verification

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Store Objects

Modalities acts as SCU

sDx acts as SCP while storing.

sDx behaves as a SCU when

requests storage commitment with
an AE.

Store Involves:
Association Negotiation

Sending the Image

Verifying the response

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Store Objects continued..

sDx being a Cardio PACS , major use cases for store

operation consists of

But also supports

Refer Conformance statement for the full list.

Supported encoding during store:-

-Lossless JPEG
-RLE lossless
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Archive/Storage Commitment

sDx server uses DICOM Storage Commitment Service Class as an SCU.

sDx can send image to another SCP for permanent storage and request safe keeping of
set of sop instances.

Committed Images are eligible for auto deletion from Cache when there is a space crunch

Support for displaying Archived Images by Query Retrieve.

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Query Object

sDx server uses DICOM C-Find Class as an SCU.

Auto Pre fetching AE s for priors based on configuration

Levels of Query supported:

Patient Root
Study Root
Patient/ Study only Root

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Retrieve/ Move Object

sDx Server provides standard conformance to the DICOM Query/Retrieve Service

Class as an SCU
Auto Pre fetching AE s for priors based on configuration
Levels of Move supported:
Patient Root
Study Root
Patient/ Study only Root

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WADO Service

sDx Server uses WADO (Web Access for Dicom Objects) service as a SCU.

This is used with syngoVia Integration where via acts as WADO SCP.

All the findings images from via are displayed in sDx report through this.

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Worklist Management

sDx Server provides Standard conformance to the DICOM Basic Worklist Management
Service Class as an SCU.

Makes association with a configured AE for querying a Patient or Study and updates
related information

Magiclink A which is a RIS can be configured with sDx for possible patient update

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Study Update

sDx Server provides Standard conformance to the following presentation contexts as SCU:
Study Component Management
Basic Study Content Notification
Modality Performed Procedure steps (Both SCU/SCP)

Study Component Management will be preferred over Study Content Notification when
both the SOP classes are supported by remote AE.
MPPS notification are configurable.

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Study Update –Unsolicited Notification

sDx Server provides Standard conformance to the following Detached contexts as SCU:
Detached Patient Management – Patient Updated event type
Detached Visit Management –Visit Scheduled /Patient transferred event type
Detached Study Management
Detached Interpretation Management

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Media write/read

sDx supports exporting/importing studies into CD/DVD/USB.

-Supports Media Storage SOP Classes and Media Storage Directory SOP Class.
-Ability to create DICOM dir during import
-Provides a default DICOM viewer during export for image viewing
Supported Brands
CDs: Kodak, Maxwell,Mitsui,Sony,Taiyo Yuden, TDK,Verbatim & Yamaha
DVDs: Maxwell, Mtsui, Pioneer,Taiyo Yuden, TDK & Verbatim

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Dicom Print

sDx supports DICOM print (Greyscale and/or Color).

Supports DICOM print management SOP class as SCU.

Dicom Printers acts as a SCP

Supports printing configured patient demographic information on images.
Printing done in an Offline mode

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Structured Reporting

-Supports Comprehensive SR
-Modality sends measurements through SR
-Supported SRs are imported and SR Data gets populated in the Worksheet.
-During Study Export, new SRs are created and exported along with Study.
-Ability to handle SRs from different vendors like GE, Philips etc..

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sDx supports verification service as an SCU/SCP.

It is the process of verifying whether an entity is alive or not

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Dicom Conformance Statement @

Dicom Standards: @

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SriramBalaji S
Group / Region / Department XY
Phone: 080 41606214
Mobile: 9900490200

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