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Christian Marriage

The Christian Marriage Act, 1872

• Christian Person who professes the religion of Jesus
• Indian Christians :
• Native converts to , and their descendants
• Competent to solemnise:
• Minister of religion who may be licensed
• Registrars appointed under this Act
• persons licensed under this Act to grant
certificates under the Act
• those who received . "Episcopal ordination" can
mean one of two different things: either
ordination as a bishop "), or ordination by a
bishop. “
• Conditions for marriage
• when one or both, is or are Christians
• Exception If either of the parties personal law
prohibits on the ground of prohibited degree of
• Where it is by Marriage Registrar under the
• Notice
• Marriage registrar of the district in which
the parties are dwelling
• If the parties are dwelling in different districts.
It is to be given to each Registrar
• Notice tobe fixed in the conspicuous part of
theoffice of the marriage Registrar
• Oath before the Registrar
• One of the parties should personallyappear
before the Registrar and make oath
• a) no impediment of kindred or affinity or
lawful hindrance
• b) residence with in the jurisdiction of the
Marriage Registrar
• c) Consent of guardian if either party is a
• Certificate of notice
• After the oath has been made and 4 days later
the notice have expired ( 14 days if one of the
parties is a minor), the Registrar will give
• No certificate if protest is made
• Marriage after getting certificate within 2
months, otherwise the certificate becomes void
• Mode
• according to the form and ceremony the parties
think fit in the presence of some Marriage
Registrar(Need not be the person issued the
certificate) sign and 2 or more witnesses attest
• Registration
• Registrar present at solemnization shall register
in Marriage Register and attach certificate as
• Spl. For Indian Christians
Marriage may be certified without a preliminary notice
Necessary conditions:
Bride grooms age above 16 years
Neither of the parties has a husband or wife living
In the presence of a licensed to grant certificate and
atleast 2 witnesses
each party should say to other “ I call upon thee persons
here present to witness that I, A, in the presence of Almighty
God and in the name of our Lord Christ, do take thee B, to be
my lawful wedded wife(or husband)” of words to that effect
• If the either of the parties is under 18 years
• No certificate until the consent of the person
competent to consent is given
• Competence : father, next mother
• Procedure for getting Marriage Certificate:
after it is entered in Marriage Register, on the
application of either of the parties to the
marriage a certificate of the marriage should be
furnished on payment of fees
• Ceremonies incidental to christian marriage
• The Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
• If one of the parties to a Christian marriage is a
christian or both are Christians, the Marriage should be
solemnized under this Act
• Solemnization
• by Minister of the church or by Marriage Registrar
under the Act
• Indian Christians marriage may be solemnized by any
person licensed under the Act to grant Certificate
• Forms of marriage solemnized by a minister of the
• One of the parties intending to marry shall give a
notice to the minister of the church by giving the
names of the parties to the marriage and the church
or dwelling where it is to be performed
• Notice shall be fixed to a conspicuous part of the
church by the minister, who offficiates in the church
• if one of the parties is a minor it must be affixed in
the Marriage Registrar’s office.
• If minor is having no father or guardian then
the mother has to give consent
• Minister of the church gives a certificate of
• Marriage should be solemnized with in 2
months thereafter
• Solemnization by the Marrige Registrar
• Notice to the Marriage Registrar
• to be affixed in a conspicuous part in the office
of the Registrar
• Tobe entered in the Marriage Notice Book
maintained by the Registrar
• Registrar issue a certificate of receipt of notice
• Oath before registrar
• Christian Law of Marriage
• Indian Christian Marriage Act, 1872
• Sec.60 .Conditions for certification of Marriage of Indian Christians
• Age of the man intending to be marriedshall not below under21 and the
woman shall not be under 18 years.
• Neither of the persons intending to be married shall have a wife or husband
still living;
• In the presence of a person licenced under Sec.9 with two credible witnesses
other than such person licensed under Sec.9 shall say to the other—
• I I call upon these persons here present to witness that I, AB, in the presence of
Almighty God, and in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ, do take, CD, to be my
lawful wife or husband ‘ or words to the like effect.
• Christian Law
• Indian Divorce Act, 1869, Sec. 18 and Sec.19 Marriage
maybe declared null and void in the following:
• Respondent was impotent at the time of Marriage at
the time of institution of the suit
• Parties are within the prohibited degrees of
consanguinity or affinity
• Either party was a lunatic or idiot at the time of marriage
• Spouse living at the time of marriage while the earlier
marriage was subsisting
• Reliefs under Indian Divorce Act
• If either of the parties is a Christian
• Reliefs Dissolution of Marriage’
• Declaration of nullity of the marriage
• Decree of judicial separation
• R CR
• The Special Marriage Act 1954
• Sec.27 of the S M Act Deals with divorce:
• Subject to the provisions and the rules, A petition for divorce may be presented to the
District court by either parties to the marriage on the ground that the respondent:
• Adultery; or
• Desertion;or
• Undergoing a sentence of imprisonment for 7 years or more for an offence as defined in the I P C
• Cruelty;or
• Unsound mind
• Expln: Unsound mind ;or
• Psychopathic disorder; or
• Venereal disease in a communicable form; or
• Suffering from leprosy, the disease not having been contracted from the petitioner; or
• Has not been heard of as being alive for a period of seven years
• Explanation: desertion
• Sec.27(1-A) A wife may present petition for divorce in a district
court in the following:

• Since the date of marriage the husband has been guilty of rape,
sadomy or bestiality
• (ii) Non- resumption of co-habitation between the parties for
one year or upwards after decree or order of maintenance
• Sec.27 (2 ) (i) Non resumption of cohabitation for a period of
One year or more after decree for judicial separation
• (ii) failure to comply with the decree of Restitution of
conjugal rights for a period of one year or upwards
• Muslim Law
• Grounds available to a muslim wife contained in Dissolution of
Muslim Marriage Act, 1939
• ( a muslim husband does not need any ground as such to divorce his
• Sec.2 A muslim woman can obtain a decree for the dissolution of
her marriage on the following:
• (i) Whereabouts of the other spouse have not been known for 4
• (ii) neglected by the husband or has failedto provide for her
maintenance for two years;
• (iii) Has been sentenced to imprisonment for seven years or upwards;
• (iv) Husband failed to perform without reasonable
cause his marital obligations for a period of 3 years
• (v) Husband was impotent at the time of marriage
and continues to be so’
• (vi) Husband has been insane for a period of two
years or is suffering from leprosy or virulent V D
• (vii)Given by her father or guardian in marriage
before she attained the age of 15 years, repudiated
her marriage before attaining the age of 18 Provided
that the marriage has not been consummated;
• (viii) Husband treats her with cruelty, that is to say:
• Habitually assaults or makes her live miserable by cruelty of
conduct; or
• Associates with women of evil repute; or
• Attempts to force her to lead an immoral life;or
• Disposes or prevents her exercising her legal rights over her
• Obstructs her in the observance of her religious profession
• Does not treat her equally in accordance with injunctions of the
Quran with other wives
• (ix) Any other ground recognized as valid for dissolution under
Muslim Law
• Provided that:
• No decree shall be passed on ground (iii) until the sentence
has become final;
• Decree passed on ground(i) shall not take effect for a
period of six months from the date of such decree
• Before passing a decree on ground (v) on application by
the husband, the court shall make an order requiring him to
satisfy the court within a period of one year from that date
that he has ceased to be impotent
• Muslim law also provides for Divorce by mutual consent
• Christian Law
• The Indian Divorce Act, 1869 has been amended in 2001, provides divorce on the
• Sec.10(1) Any marriage solemnised either before or after commencement
of Act 2001.may be dissolved on a petition to the District court, eithr by the
husband or the wife be dissolved on the ground that since the solemnization of
the marriage therespondent-
• Committed adultery
• Ceased to be Christian by conversuion
• Incurably of unsound mind for a period of not less than 2 years immediately
preceding the presentationof the petition or
• for a period of not less than 2 years immediately preceding the presentationof
the petition has beensuffering from Virulent and incurable form of leprosy
• for a period of not less than 2 years immediately preceding the presentationof the
petition from V D in a communicable form
• Has not been heard of as being alive for a periodof 7 years or more
• Wilfully refused to consummate the marriage and the marriage
has not herebeen consummated
• Failed to comply with the decree of restitution for a period of 2
years or more after passing the decree
• Deserted the petitioner for atleast two yers immediately preceding
thepresentaionof the petition
• Treated the petitioner withcruelty
• 2. A wife may also present a petition for the dessolution on the
ground that the husband has since the solemnization guiltyof
rapee, sodomyor bestiality

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