2002-Calculating The ROI For Business Intelligence

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Calculating the ROI for

Business Intelligence Projects

Jonathan Wu
BASE Consulting Group, Inc.
October 2002
Why Calculate a Return on Investment (ROI)?

 Individuals calculate ROI for the following reasons:

 Quantify the financial benefits of the project

 Prioritize IT projects
 Determine allocation of resources

Content Copyright © 2002 BASE Consulting Group - All Rights Reserved

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 Financial measures
 How to estimate the cost
 Performing a ROI sensitivity analysis
 Non-financial considerations
 Business intelligence ROI case study
 Conclusion
 Questions and answers

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Financial Measures 1/5

 Net Present Value (NPV) of project benefit

 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
 Payback period
 Return on Investment (ROI)

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Financial Measures 2/5

 Net Present Value (NPV) of project benefit

 Calculation of the discounted projected cash flows
of project benefit from the date of implementation

 NPV formula

NPV = CF1 + CF2 + CF3 +…+ CFn

(1 + r)1 (1 + r)2 (1 + r)3 (1 + r)n

CF The net cash flow for each year that the NPV is to be applied
r The borrowing rate or investment yield rate for the organization
n The total number of years for which the calculation is to be applied

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Financial Measures 3/5
 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
 Calculation of the rate that will make the present value of the
projected cash flows equal to the investment

 IRR formula

Initial Investment = CF1 + CF2 + CF3 + … + CFn

(1 + r)1 (1 + r)2 (1 + r)3 (1 + r)n
  Solve for the “r” to calculate the IRR
CF The net cash flow for each year that the IRR is to be applied
r The Internal Rate of Return
n The total number of years for which the calculation is to be applied

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Financial Measures 4/5

 Payback Period
 Calculation of the number of years that are required for the
discounted projected cash flows to equal the initial

 Payback Period formula

Payback Period = Initial Investment

(NPV of project benefit / N years)

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Financial Measures 5/5
 Return on Investment (ROI)
 Calculation evaluates the discounted projected cash flows
derived from the benefit generated by the project divided by
the initial investment

 ROI formula

ROI = NPV of project benefit X 100

Initial Investment

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 Financial measures
 How to estimate the cost
 Performing a ROI sensitivity analysis
 Non-financial considerations
 Business intelligence ROI case study
 Conclusion
 Questions and answers

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How to Estimate the Cost 1/7

 The cost of implementing a BI project can be

classified into one of three types:

 Hardware
 Software
 Labor

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How to Estimate the Cost 2/7

Hardware Cost
The cost of the hardware devices required by the

 Examples

 Client systems
 Server system(s)
 Network communication hardware

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How to Estimate the Cost 3/7

Software Cost
The cost of the software applications required by the

 Examples

 BI license fees
 Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)
license fees

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How to Estimate the Cost 4/7

Labor Cost
The cost of internal and external resources dedicated
to the project

 Examples

 Project manager
 Business analyst(s)
 BI application specialist(s)
 Trainer(s)

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How to Estimate the Cost 5/7

 The total cost of implementing a BI project can be

divided into two categories:

 Initial
 Recurring

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How to Estimate the Cost 6/7

Initial Cost
The cost an organization incurs for the BI project that
are a one-time event

 Examples
 Hardware cost for the project
 Software license fees
 Labor cost associated with the development,
implementation, and deployment of the BI solution

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How to Estimate the Cost 7/7

Recurring Cost
The cost associated with the maintenance and
support of the BI solution after the BI project has
been implemented

 Examples
 Software maintenance fees
 Labor cost to maintain the solution and to train
individuals on the BI solution

Content Copyright © 2002 BASE Consulting Group - All Rights Reserved

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 Financial measures
 How to estimate the cost
 Performing a ROI sensitivity analysis
 Non-financial considerations
 Business intelligence ROI case study
 Conclusion
 Questions and answers

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Performing a ROI Sensitivity Analysis 1/2

 A sensitivity analysis addresses the probability of

various outcomes and quantifies the financial impact
of the BI project

 Example

Outcomes % Probability
Successful 60%
Partially successful 30%
Failure 10%

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Performing a ROI Sensitivity Analysis 2/2

 The % probabilities associated with each potential

outcome must be validated with available research

 When performing the sensitivity analysis, the total

project benefit should be greater than the initial
investment for the benefit to outweigh the risk

Content Copyright © 2002 BASE Consulting Group - All Rights Reserved

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 Financial measures
 How to estimate the cost
 Performing a ROI sensitivity analysis
 Non-financial considerations
 Business intelligence ROI case study
 Conclusion
 Questions and answers

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Non-Financial Considerations 1/2

 Non-financial considerations or qualitative analysis

should be assessed and factored into the project
business case

 Examples

 Improved information dissemination

 Improved information access
 Propagation of knowledge about the organization
through training and use of the BI solution
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Non-Financial Considerations 2/2

 In certain cases, qualitative aspects can be quantified

after the BI solution has been implemented as a post-
project ROI assessment

 Examples

 Assessment of sales channel after September 11th

 Financial analysts working more efficiently
 Reduction of paper expense

Content Copyright © 2002 BASE Consulting Group - All Rights Reserved

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 Financial measures
 How to estimate the cost
 Performing a ROI sensitivity analysis
 Non-financial considerations
 Business intelligence ROI case study
 Conclusion
 Questions and answers

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 1/17
 XYZ corporation is interested in implementing an
BI application

 The project sponsor wants to know the costs and

benefits of the initiative

 The current reporting environment requires 1,000

hours/month to support

 There are ~ 250 individuals that spend ~ 1 hour/week

gathering data and updating their spreadsheets

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 2/17
 One Sun Enterprise 3500 server with 4 processors is
needed with an estimated cost of $115,000
 The number of users with access to the BI application
is estimated at 1,200 individuals

 WebIntelligence UNIX server (InfoView, Reporter, and

Explorer) uncapped license is estimated at $761,400

 Broadcast Agent on Windows NT using an existing

server is needed for scheduling documents with an
estimated cost of $135,000
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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 3/17
Assumptions (continued)
 The number of developers/administrators of the BI
application is estimated at 5 individuals
 BusinessObjects Designer and Supervisor (IT Bundle)
modules for 5 individuals is estimated at $20,950

 The software maintenance fee is 20% of the initial

license fee per year for InfoView, WebIntelligence,
Broadcast Agent, Designer, and Supervisor modules

 A discount of 20% of the total software license cost

will be applied
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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 4/17
Assumptions (continued)
 The duration of the project is less than 1 year

 The proposal amount from the external consulting

firm selected is $850,000

 The number of work hours per year per individual

is 2,000

 The fully burdened hourly labor rate is estimated at

$100 for IT professionals and $75 for business

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 5/17
Assumptions (continued)
 XYZ’s borrowing rate is 7.75%

 Annual inflation rate is 0%

 A three-year time horizon is used for the

ROI calculation

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 6/17
Assumptions (continued)
 Ongoing support of the BI environment after
implementation will require the following:

# Position % of Time
2 BI specialists 100%
1 Database administrator 5%
1 System administrator 5%
1 Network administrator 1%
1 Trainer 25%

Total 236% or 2.36 Full Time Equivalents

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 7/17
Initial Cost
 Hardware$115,000 = Server cost
 Software $917,350 = WebIntelligence
Broadcast Agent
/ InfoView $
IT Bundle (5) $ 20,950
Gross License cost $ 917,350
20% Discount $ (183,470)
Net License cost $ 733,880

Maintenance Fee - 20% $ 183,470

Total Software Cost $ 917,350

 Labor$850,000 = Consultant proposal

Total $1,882,350
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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 8/17
Recurring Cost
 Software$183,470 = $917,350 license x
20% maintenance
 Labor$472,000 = 2,000 hrs x 2.36 FTE x $100/hr

Total $655,470

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 9/17

XYZ with a BI application

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Hardware $ 115,000 $ - $ - $ -
Software $ 917,350 $ 183,470 $ 183,470 $ 183,470
Labor $ 850,000 $ 472,000 $ 472,000 $ 472,000

Total cost $ 1,882,350 $ 655,470 $ 655,470 $ 655,470

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 10/17
XYZ without a BI application
Labor Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
IT support $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000 $ 1,200,000
Business analysts $ 937,500 $ 937,500 $ 937,500 $ 937,500

Total cost $ 2,137,500 $ 2,137,500 $ 2,137,500 $ 2,137,500

• IT support of current reporting environment

$1,200,000 = 1,000 hrs/month x 12 months x $100/hr
• Business analysts cost to gather data and update
$937,500 = 250 individuals x 1hr/wk x 50 wks/yr x $75/hr
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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 11/17

XYZ with a BI application

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total cost $ 1,882,350 $ 655,470 $ 655,470 $ 655,470

XYZ without a BI application

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Total cost $ 2,137,500 $ 2,137,500 $ 2,137,500 $ 2,137,500

Project benefit $ 1,482,030 $ 1,482,030 $ 1,482,030

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 12/17
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Project benefit $ 1,482,030 $ 1,482,030 $ 1,482,030
benefit at
7.75% $ - $ 1,375,434 $ 1,276,505 $ 1,184,691
= $1,482,030
= $1,482,030 x 1 /
= $1,482,030 x 1 / [(1+.0775) x
NPV x1/ [(1+.0775) x (1+.0775) x
formula (1+.0775) (1+.0775)] (1+.0775)]

Total discounted project benefit at 7.75% $ 3,836,630

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 13/17

Calculation of ROI Over 3 Years

Total NPV of project benefit at 7.75% (a) $ 3,836,630

Initial investment in BI project (b) $ 1,882,350

Return on investment [(a) / (b)] x 100 204%

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 14/17

Calculation of Internal Rate of Return

Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Project benefit $ 1,482,030 $ 1,482,030 $ 1,482,030

Initial Initial
Initial Investment = Investment =
Investment = $1,482,030 x $1,482,030 x
IRR $1,482,030 x 1 / [(1+ r) x 1 / [(1+ r) x
formula 1 / (1+ r) (1+ r)] (1+ r) x (1+ r)]

Internal rate of return (Solve for variable r) 59.2%

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 15/17

Calculation of Payback Period

Total discounted project benefit at 7.75% $ 3,836,630
Number of years in time horizon 3
Average total discounted project benefit at 7.75% $ 1,278,877

Initial investment in BI project $ 1,882,350

Payback period in years 1.47

Payback period is approximately 1 year and 6 months

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 16/17
Sensitivity Analysis
% Weighted
Outcomes Probability Gain/(Loss) Outcome
Successful 60% $ 3,836,630 $ 2,301,978
Partially successful 30% $ - $ -
Failure 10% $ (1,882,350) $ (188,235)

Totals 100% $ 2,113,743

The weighted outcome of $2,113,743 is greater than the

$1,882,350 initial investment

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Business Intelligence ROI Case Study 17/17
Summary of Case Study
 3 year ROI is 204%
 Payback period is 1.47 years and less than time horizon
 3 year IRR of 59.2% is greater than XYZ’s borrowing
rate of 7.75%
 Probability of success is greater than 50%
 Total weighted outcome is significantly greater than the
initial investment
The potential gain to XYZ corporation
from the BI project
outweighs the risk of failure
Content Copyright © 2002 BASE Consulting Group - All Rights Reserved
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 Financial measures
 How to estimate the cost
 Performing a ROI sensitivity analysis
 Non-financial considerations
 Business intelligence ROI case study
 Conclusion
 Questions and answers

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 ROI quantifies the financial benefits of a project

 Qualitative benefits must also be considered

Without the necessary support and user involvement,

a ROI calculation for a BI project is meaningless

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Questions and Answers

For a copy of this presentation or the accompanying

white paper or ROI calculator, please contact

Jonathan Wu
(510) 628-3300 x224

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