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Market Leader –

With Aidan
Valentino Chocolates – Case study
Conflict – Page 92

• Unrealistic expectations - Kỳ vọng không
thực tế
• Lack of flexibility - Thiếu linh hoạt
• Lack of communication - Kém giao tiếp
• Differences in opinion - Sự khác biệt về
quan điểm
• Changes in personnel - Thay đổi nhân sự
• Machine component failing - Thành phần
máy móc bị lỗi
• Specification not being thought through –
Thông số kỹ thuật không chi tiết
1. Creating focus (ie Insuring that there is full discussion with
both parties.

2. Creating the right atmosphere for difficult conversations.

3. Making sure that decision makers are willing to get involved.

A mediator needs:
1. Alertness /əˈlɜːtnəs/ - Sự cảnh giác
2. Patience /ˈpeɪʃns/ - Sự kiên nhẫn
3. Credibility /ˌkredəˈbɪləti/ - Sự uy tín
4. Objectivity /ˌɒbdʒekˈtɪvəti/ - Tính khách quan
5. Adaptability /əˌdæptəˈbɪləti/ - Khả năng thích ứng
6. Perseverance /ˌpɜːsəˈvɪərəns/ - Kiên trì
7. Initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/ - Sáng kiến
• The mediator must be alert on several levels
while mediating. He must concentrate on the
information being provided by the source and be
constantly evaluating the information for both
value and veracity.
• The Mediator must have patience in creating and
maintaining rapport (mối quan hệ) between
himself and the party, thereby enhancing the
success of the process.
• The Mediator must provide a clear, accurate, and
professional product and an accurate assessment
of his capabilities. He must be able to clearly
articulate (khớp nối) complex situations and
concepts. The Mediator must also maintain
credibility. He must present himself in a
believable and consistent manner, and follow
through on any promises made as well as never
to promise what cannot be delivered.
• The Mediator must also be totally objective in
evaluating the information obtained. The
mediator must maintain an objective and
dispassionate attitude regardless of the
emotional reactions he may actually experience
or simulate during a questioning session. 
• A Mediator must adapt to the many and varied
personalities which he will encounter. He must
also adapt to all types of locations, operational
tempos, and operational environments.
• A tenacity (sự bền bỉ) of purpose can be the
difference between a Mediator who is merely
good and one who is superior (Cấp trên). 
• Achieving and maintaining the initiative are
essential to a successful questioning session just
as the offensive is the key to success in combat
First conditional
We use the first conditional to talk about possible events
and their consequences.

The first conditional has 2 parts: The condition and the

consequence. We express the condition using:

• If + present simple
• If we increase our order
• Will / wont + infinitive
• They’ll give us a higher discount.

= If we increase our order, they’ll give us a higher discount.

Second conditional
We use the second condition to talk about situations that
are imaginary or not likely.

Like the first conditional, there are two parts. The

condition and the consequence.

• If + past simple
• If we had more money to spend
• Would / wouldn’t + infinitive
• We would be interested.

= If we had more money to spend, we would be more


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