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Project 20% 58

Status of Team Members

Summary Completion
We have thus far completed This project involves and
Here we present the most critical about 20% of the project utilizes talents from three
project that we will be embarking on and on track with our initial departments: Design,
plan. Marketing, and Project.
this year. To start this meeting, we
will first review our current project
status, the team members assigned
to the project, the timeframe needed
for the project to complete, as well as
its budget allocation. Overall, our 10 $500K
goal is to ensure that project gets
Months to Budget Allocated
delivered on time, with outstanding Complete
We have thus far completed two Due to the importance of this project,
results, and preferably under planned
months of the total timeframe upper management has allocated more
originally planned for this budget than usual to ensure its success.
Detailed Overview
$ 80,500
Project Budget

Project Name Healthcare Software Product

Project ID HSP-00123

Project Manager Joseph Christensen

11 Months
Project Timeframe Start Date January 20th, 2020

End Date June 28th, 2020

28 Planning Designing Development Testing Maintenance

Team Members

Current Year
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

230 Development and planning

Key Tasks
Design and testing

First round of feedback

11 Days Testing and improvement

Time Delayed Product launch plan

Project Team Organization

Samantha Smith Chase Stimson

Project Investor Advisory Committee

Our project leaders are responsible for
keeping all aspects of project development in
Thomas Johnson Tamara White
Project Lead Project Manager

The project team should also communicate
with their resources manager. It is also
Peter Davidson Theresa Lucas
divided into Design, Development, and
Project Team Lead Resources Manager
Testing groups.

Clarisse Jones Ryan Fassbinder Darryl Jacobson

Design Team Lead Development Team Lead Testing Team Lead
Project Timeline by Phases

Current Year Upcoming Year

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Time Management
Planning Phase
Team Organization & Structure Plan Sales & Financial Planning

Paper Sketch

Mock-up Design App Prototyping

Designing Phase
Final App Design

Web Panel Paper Sketching

Application Development
Execution Phase
Application Testing

Marketing & Sales

Closure Phase Launch Preparation

Results & Data Analysis

Team Task Management

Backlog | 3 Currently Doing | 5 QA& Integration | 2 Completed | 3

Completed T & C Design system requirements Bug on welcome page Project team formation

Training for project team Strategize baseline plan App loads very slowly Diagramming and research

Finalize pre-launch plan Finalize launch marketing Application development

Systemize workflow Product marketing plan

Ask for more budget

Task/Function Manager Name Status Completion Progress

Web Application Hailey Jones Complete Complete Doing

System Requirements Kathy Goodman Pending Doing Complete

Budget Allocation William Smiths Doing Pending Complete

Project Progress Report

Activity Priority Manager Start End % Project Progress Status

Define Initial Scope High John Webb Jan 21st Feb 12th 100%

Write Functional Specification Medium Pedro Parks Jan 5th Marc 15th 10%

Prototype User Interface Low Justin Alverez Feb 12th Apr 30th 20%

Develop Application Low Holly Moore May 23rd Jun 23rd 65%

User Acceptance Test Low Carrie Jones Mar 10th Aug 15th 85%

Fix Bugs Medium David King Apr 18th Sep 21st 49%

Train Support Team Low John Cruise Oct 1st Nov 15th 61%

Release Product Medium Jessie White Sep 28th Dec 16th 91%

Tasks are completed and Team members have Budget allocation and

QA’ed within allocated worked all of their boundaries are successfully
timeframe or sooner 94% assigned hours since 100% monitored and observed
project started.
Timeline Monthly View

Project Task 1 30 Days

Project Task 2 20 Days

Project Task 3 40 Days

Project Task 4 60 Days

Project Task 5 15 Day

Project Task 6 70 Days

Project Task 7 20 Days

Project Task 8 50 Days

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Project Start : February 20th Project End : November 28

Timeline Quarterly View

Insert task description here.

Insert task description here.

Insert task description here. Insert task description here.

Insert task description here.

Insert task description here. Insert task description here.

Quarter One Quarter Two Quarter Three Quarter Four

Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Milestone 4

Allocated part of project budget All hands-on deck meeting to address Better inter-departmental Performed more extensive user
to purchase new tools and hired each department’s needs and assess communications protocol and research and revised previous interface
external trainers to teach whether requests are reasonable. workflow system implemented design. Better feedback received this
Project Risk Analysis

5 12
Risk Impact 4 Risk Probability Risk Value
3 2.5

2.5 2 6

0.5 0.5

0 0 0
Risk 1 Risk 2 Risk 3 Risk 4 Risk 5 Risk 1 Risk 2 Risk 3 Risk 4 Risk 5 Risk 1 Risk 2 Risk 3 Risk 4 Risk 5

No. Risk Category Risk Description Impact Probability (1-5) Risk Value (1-16)

1 Resource Team member hasn’t received enough training on current tools. 5 - High 4 12

2 Resource Discrepancy b/t what each team believed they need vs assigned budget 3 - Medium 2 8

3 Time Team members may required to work overtime to meet deliverables 2 - Low 1 5

4 Financial Overall budget increases due to delays in project development 3 - Medium 3 10

5 Quality Not enough personnel working on quality control 3 - Medium 2 7

Delays in Project

Although we strive to deliver this project on time and in

its promised quality, we take precaution in the
following areas as they have historically proven to be
prone to producing delays during the project Resource Shortfall
development process. While it might not be possible to
Delay in Product Launch
mitigate delays altogether, our awareness of them can
better guide us.
Delay in Approval
1. Not enough resources or started project too early 27%
2. Project launch plan was never fully finalized

3. Upper management took too long to approve

4. More revisions and reworks than originally planned

5. Unforeseen circumstances from team members 26%

Other Reason
Project KPI Dashboard

23% 65% 81% 12%

System Interface Quality Activity
Activity Build Activity Build Standards Prep Interface Testing

Resource Utilisation (Actual Vs Capacity) Project Tasks & Time Spent

50 500
79 73 70
76 40 400
59 58 68
50 64
30 300
42 46 46 20 200
34 38 38
30 28 26 26
10 100

0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Task Project Manager Budget Used Remain Schedule

Project Name 1 Samantha Davis $2,250,000 $1,800,000 $450,000 01/23/2020

Project Name 2 Susan Kerr $750,000 $262,500 $487,500 03/14/2020

Project Name 3 Anna Finn $2,000,000 $300,000 $1,700,000 05/19/2020

Project Name 4 Stuart Carton $1,500,000 $600,000 $900,000 11/29/2020

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