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• Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able
- Discuss the interactions between science&
technology and society throughout history.
- Discuss how scientific and technological
development affect society and environment.
Introduction of STS
Science, Technology and Society is a
broad topic that encompasses the
intersections among these three fields
of discipline.
Science- is a systematic and organized
body of knowledge that explains or
predicts nature and the universe.
-is the collection of methods, techniques
and processes used in the production of
goods or services, or the
accomplishment of objective,such as
scientific investigation or any other
consumer demands.
-it uses scientific principles and scientific
findings in achieving technological
advancements and improvements.
The effect of Sc. and T in S
- Improved S&T results to
And thus converting a simple society
to complex one.
- People’s life and lifestyle change as a
result of improved society and
- Urbanization results when S&T improve because
people usually migrate to a place where their basic
needs are met.
- People have stronger desire for material goods
when S&T improve in the place.
- More discoveries and inventions that benefit the
people due to improved Science and Technology.
Historical development of
S&T in the World
- The earliest known form of human
artifacts about 2.3Million years ago were
roughly shaped stones used for chopping
and scraping. These stones were primarily
found in Eastern Africa.
- Some of the earliest scientific record as
evidence of emerging science came from
Mesopotamian cultures around 400 BC are
disease symptoms, chemical substance
and astronomical observation instruments
- Same period in Nile Valley of Egypt there
were evidences regarding the treatment
of wounds and diseases were found.
- Mathematical calculations currently used
in Geometry and Trigonometry such as
angles, rectangles, triangles,volume of a
portion of a pyramid have found around
for thousands of years.
- From 300-400BC, there was a rise in philosophers
who wrote topics on psychology, biology, and a host
of others.
- Euclid considered as the" Father of Modern
- Archimedes, the founder of engineering
Who calculated a value for pi which is being used
today. He also invented the first water pump.
- Early middle period which began after the
fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476
AD, the coming of Islam in the 7th century.
-8th century the rise of Charlemagne,
intellectual scientific, and technological
activities were mainly concentrated on the
Christian faith.
- Medicine and botanical knowledge were
used for the church’s duty to help and tend
the sick.
- Plato’s work provided suitable clues for the view
of the natural world in the light of Christianity.
- Aristotle (384-322BC) in his book “Physics "who
thinks of the creation of the world as being based
on nature only.
- Albertus Magnus (1200-1280) who stated that
natural ways are the result of natural causes.
- Roger Bacon (1214-1294) who taught that
science must be based on empirical methods.
Latter part of the middle
- Inventions of gunpowder and
firearms that made mathematical
knowledge indispensable;
- Geometry and statistics that enabled
architects to construct Gothic
- New pumping device, new machines
for lifting heavy loads
- New methods of finding and extracting metals.
- Knowledge of human anatomy, geocentric
definition of the universe.
- Introduction of the Gregorian calendar during the
time of Pope Gregory XII in 1852.
- In 16th to 17th century modern science began to
develop in this period.
- Scientific revolution started in Europe and spread
later to other parts of the globe.
- From 18th through late 20th century, science and
technology emphasized more on physical and
biological sciences.
- Scientific knowledge was often presented in a
progressive narrative in which theories replaced
false beliefs.
- Today , there are many scientific and technological
advancements to enhance our daily activities, such
iPad, computer game, video game and other digital
gadgets for entertainment and information
purposes or as vital as an artificial heart for human
History dev. of S and T in
the Phils.
- Before the coming of the Spaniards, there were already
indigenous technology that existed such as;
- The use of technology was on wet and dry rice
technology, handicrafts, pottery, weaving, metal ware,
and boat making.
- When the Spaniards arrived and colonized the country,
the colonizers changed the lives of the natives.
- It was believed that the primary reasons for colonizing
the country was to make our country a source of raw
materials such as gold, silver, bronze and spices( w/c
command a very high price in Spain and Portugal) and
were used for international trade.
- Christianizing the early Filipinos was believed not the
main reason for coming to the Philippines.
- Converting the native Filipinos was only accidental and
for opportunity reasons.
- The best possible reason Spain could easily extract raw
materials and make production of goods faster was to
set up a colonial government in the Philippines.
- Socio-political system were erected and introduced to
divide the country’s land and mineral resources
including people’s hacienda for easier and faster
extraction of the country’s valuable resources it could
be found.
- Spaniards rule (333 years to be exact) the
country evolved into a colony largely exporting
raw materials and importing those that the
country cannot produce.
- Americans came, the feudal system established
by Spain still maintained but a “ farce” trading
system between the Phils. and U.S was
- Lesser value of Philippine products compared to
that of foreign finished products, the trade
between the Philippines and the more advance
countries was basically unequal.
- This trade imbalance has caused lesser-
developed countries, like Philippines, to incur
loans to pay for this trade deficit. Such foreign
loans grew steadily, as trade imbalance became
more unequal.
- Under 46 years of American rule, Philippines sild
down from being 2nd country next to Japan in
terms of technological development to being next
to bottom ranking among Southeast Asian
countries in technological development.
- Even after more than 100 years of independence
the Philippines have yet to rid itself of the poor
system created by the colonial rulers and later on
by the succeeding Philippine governments.
- President Aquino’s term, his administration did
not serve well the scientific and technological
needs of the Filipino masses. Up to this time .
- Past years of the Philippine government rule. It
must be noted that 75% of the Filipinos were
engaged in agriculture since the Philippines is
primarily agricultural but nothing or less than
nothing has been done to spur rural
industrialization which is very much needed by
85% of the population who resides in the rural
- To this day, we have yet to see efficient
development of infrastructure, energy generation,
transportation, information and communication
technology(internet speed and WIFI elsewhere)
and basic services (water, utilities and electricity
in every places, healthcare services, especially to
the senior citizens and PWDs, and the
establishment of basic services such as steel
production around the country.
I. Word Bank
Define the following terms according to your own
1. Interaction
2. Science
3. Technology
4. Society
5. Environment
II. Shape Up Your Mind
1. What is the impact of Science and Technology to
2. Describe briefly the interaction between science
and technology?
3. Specify the inclusive date( starting and ending
period of time)
a. Ancient Age of S & T (________ to _________ )
b. Middle Age of S & T ( _________ to ________ )
c. Modern Age of S & T (_________ to ________ )
4.Enumerate the key
themes during this period
( at least 5 )
a. Ancient Age of Science and Technology
b. Middle Age of Science and Technology
c. Modern Age of Science and Technology
5. Identify the inventions and discoveries that
took place or were done during these eras in
a. Ancient Era S&T ( at least 3 )
b. Middle Era S&T ( at least 8)
c. Modern Era S&T ( at least 8 )
Name the philosophers/intellectual thinkers in the field of
science and technology and indicate the period where they
Name Period
a. _____________________ ________________________
b.______________________ _______________________
C. _____________________ _______________________
d. _____________________ _______________________
e. _____________________ _______________________
f. ______________________ ________________________
g. _____________________ ________________________
h. _____________________ ________________________
Write an essay consisting of 100-200 words on a
short bond paper.
1. The importance of Science and Technology in
Contemporary Society.
2. The Truth About Science and Technology in the
TOPIC-2 Intellectual Rev.
that define Society
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:
- Articulate ways by which society is transformed
by science and technology; and
- Analyze the concepts or ideas proposed by the
intellectual thinkers in the field of society.
Science is Transformed by
S&T: A Viewpoint
1. Nicolaus Copernicus(1473-1543)- a
mathematician and astronomer.
His proposals;
- The sun is stationary and is the center of the
universe and Earth revolved around it, contrary to
the proposal of Ptolemy’s geometric model of the
universe and Aristotle’s uniform circular motion of
all ecclesiastical bodies.
- His heliocentric model of the universe is the
distance of the planets from the sun bare a direct
relationship to the size of their orbits.
- His concept of the universe was the start of a
change in a way the world was viewed, because of
his heliocentric model of the universe, he called as
the “initiator of the Scientific Revolution”.
Benefits derived from Copernicus concept.
i. Financial benefits, opportunities for sustainable
growth and job creation in Europe.
ii. His programme uses accurate and timely data
from satellites and other sources to provide key
information services.
Such as;
1. To improve the way the environment is
2. To help mitigate the effects of climate change;
3. To enable the creation of new applications and
services for citizens and businesses;
4. To safeguard everyday lives.
iii. The programme is expected to generate new
employment and business opportunities throughout
iv. His Sentinels Serving Society and Environment
Conference brought together a variety of political
institutions and European Scientific organizations.
v. His concept of the universe has also brought
importance to economic development.
vi. His concept has importance in Europe research
and development by accessing them for free under
the open data policy, and use them to develop new
products and service for profit.
vii. His concept ensures long term data availability
for business development. This is done by investing
in space and doing it generates employment and
further innovation.
2. Charles Darwin
Darwin’s natural evolution theories;
- The origin of species (1859) and Descent of Man
(1871). He held that man descended from apes. He
presented that natural species have changed or
evolved over a long time. Such evolution of species
radically forms new life which developed out of
existing species.
- The species which are not fit for survival or not better
adapted to environmental conditions die or eliminated.
This process referred to as “struggle for existence and
the elimination of the unfit” natural process of survival.
Darwin’s Evolution
Have touched a good aspects of modern day
i. In biological science, it sheds light on fossils and
vice versa. Biologist have learned about what it
is that makes a species thrive and how
ecosystems and species become extinct
because of natural selection.
ii. In psychology, evolution makes sense. We do,
and think how we think because of that innate
drive to survive.
iii. Literature, technology, music, religion and others
also make use of the theory of evolution as this is
pervasive in our society.
iv. In application to cutting edge technology, the so-
called “Ecological Niche Modeling” determines the
likelihood of an organism surviving in a particular
Invasive species like( dandelions, rats, mice,
python, zebra, mussels) affects ecosystems.
3. Sigmund Freud
- Born on May 6, 1856 was an Austrian physician
who emphasized the role of psychoanalysis in
dealing with personality.
Freud’s Theories: Aspects of personality that
influenced human behaviour.
- Mind
- Structures of personality
- Psychosexual stages of development
Three levels of Mind
1. The conscious mind (lowest level) – consists of
our thought desires, and wishes which we are
aware of or can be recalled at any time.
2. The pre-conscious mind –is located between the
unconscious and conscious mind. It consists of
experiences that we are not aware of but are
made conscious by simply focusing on them.
3. The unconscious mind (sometimes referred to as
sub-conscious)- is the highest level of mind that
contained repressed urges, thoughts, memories
and wishes which are disturbing and threatening.
Three Structures of
1. ID – is the animalistic nature of man – the
MAKAHAYOP personality. It is destructive and
pleasure-seeking structure of personality.
2. EGO (self)- is the human nature of man – the
MAKATAO. It builds; it acts according to laws and
morals. It is bound by limits of reality.
3. SUPER EGO (conscience) is the MAKA-DIYOS. It
strives for perfection. It is always to be good and
5 Psychosexual stages of
Oral ( 0- 1 year) Pleasure centers on the mouth-
sucking, biting,chewing.
Anal (1-3 years) Pleasure focuses on the bowel and
bladder elimination; coping with
demands for control
Phallic ( 4-6years) Pleasure zone is the genitals; coping
with incestous sexual feelings.
Latency ( 7-12 years) Dormant sexual feelings.
Identification process- gender identity
Genital ( 13+ years) Maturation of sexual interests
4. Information Technology
Technology’s role in society today has an overall
impact of living.
In education; knowledge can easily be process with
the help of internet. Learning I very convenient.
Distance learning become easier.
Business; become more profitable with the help of
various advanced machineries and led to a rise in
standard of living.
5. Mesoamerican S&T
- The most advanced of all pre-Columbian
- The Mayans knew how to make paper and have a
pictorial script. This allowed the Maya to record
all knowledge on long strips of paper, which they
folded harmonica-style into books.
6. Asian Science and Technology
Global material wealth had increased at a snail
There is a burst of knowledge and innovation that
ignited economic growth in a way never before
S&T in the Middle East
-Jordan government is laying the foundation for a
digital transformation which will provide high speed
connectivity between public facilities, hospitals,
schools and other agencies.
- Auto technology organizations have been very
successful in providing training to thousands of
students in areas such as maintaining and building
computer networks and monitoring cars using
electronic devices.
-The technology and innovation of Africa are enablers
for achieving continental development goals.
- The STISA-2024 is firmly anchored on six areas, aimed
at contributing to the achievement of the vision of the
African Union.
Priority Areas:
i. Eradication of hunger and achieving food security;
ii. Prevention and control of disease;
iii. Communication (physical and Intellectual mobility);
iv. Protection of our space;
v. Live together-build the society;
vi. Wealth creation;
Reinforcing pillars for its success:
i. Building and /or upgrading research
ii. Enhancing professional and technical
iii. Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
iv. Providing an enabling environment for STI
development in African continent.
Learning Activities
Name: ____________________________ Score: _______
Year /section: _______ Professor: __________________
I. Word Bank
Define the following terms according to your own
1. Intellectual revolution
2. Intellectual thinkers
3. Natural selection process
4. Ecology
5. Invasive species
II. Shape up your mind
1. How does ICT play an important role in
2. How do technologies speed up the innovation
process and make faster diffusion of codified
knowledge and ideas?
3. How do invasive species affect the ecosystem?
4. Why Darwin’s ideas so important in science and
5. How influential are Freud’s ideas in today’s
III. React to the ff.
a. The theory of evolution is pervasive in our
present society.
b. Information technology has great impact on
c. The greatest civilization in Meso-America was the
Maya civilization and by far the longest lasting of
all Meso-American civilizations.
d. Technology transformed society in Asian
e. Catholic teachings were based on the theory that
the universe was Earth centered.
TOPIC-3 S&T and Nation-
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be
able to:
- Discuss the role of Science and technology in
Philippine nation building;
- Evaluate government policies pertaining to S&T in
terms of their contributions to nation building; and
- Identify actual S&T policies of the government on
the development of the Filipino nation.
Role of S&T in Nation
- For a successful economy, particularly in search for
knowledge based economies, science, technology
and eng’g are the basic requisites.
- S&T is associated in all means with modernity and
it is an essential tool for rapid development. If our
nation does not implement S&T then we will be
rated as an underdeveloped nation.
- Modernization in every aspect of life is the greatest
example of implementation of S&T.
- For the growth of our country , youth should be
equip with all the facilities for their research
motivate and support them for advancement.
Contribution of S&T in
- Science affects everyone- agriculture and food
production, generic research in medicine, global
change and energy.
- The impact of technological inventions of
individuals, communities and the environment must
be considered.
- Good scientific communication via mass media is
important in those areas directly and strongly
affecting people’s lives.
Contribution of S&T in
the Environment
-the availability of computer system in homes and
in work environment has eradicated the need to
have reams of paper files that will help to preserve
our forest.
- Recycling technology will help eliminate waste
- Scientific knowledge, technological
developments, infrastructure and productive
capabilities educated and skilled human
resources, entrepreneurial skills, commercial
organizations and rapidly expanding global social
network offer unprecedented opportunities for
rapid social progress.
- New technology which will boost food production,
improve infrastructure, improve healthcare and
provide sanitation facilities could dramatically
change the quality of life in the developing world.
- With the help of charitable organizations and the
government leaders from developed countries,
this kind of technology is gradually being
introduced into the developing countries.
Government Policies
pertaining S&T
- The Department of Science and Tech.(DOST;
Filipino-Kagawaran ng Agham at Teknolohiya- is
the executive department responsible for the
coordination of science and technology-related
projects in the Philippines.
- Formulate policies and projects in the fields of
science and technology in support of the national
Organization under DOST
- National Science and Technology Plan 2002-2020
Long-term plan that covers nearly 20yrs.
*2004 vision- the S&T significantly contributes
enhancing the national productivity and
competitiveness and solving urgent national issues.
*2010 vision- the Philippines has created a niche
market to provides and utilizes world-class
And expertise in the fields selected
*2020 vision- The Philippines develops world-class
competitive products and services based on high
technical capabilities.
Strategic areas are
classified into 9 categories
1. Pursuit of a niche and formation of cluster.
2. Efforts to tackle urgent issues(poverty,
inadequate medical system, food, water, and
energy, housing and unemployment, increase in
population, low income, low productivity,
devastation, cyber terrorism and fragile
3. Cultivation of human resources in the fields of
4. Provision of support to small-to-mediocre
5. Promotion of technology transfer and utilization.
6. Building and upgrading of infrastructure in the
7. Enhancement of the relationship between
government, industry, academic and society, and
foreign countries.
8. Improvement of administrative ability in the
fields of science and technology.
9. Fostering of scientific, technological and
innovative culture.
National Development plan 2011-2016- were
presented with an aim of building innovative
industries and service sectors:
a. Widening access to cost effective and useful
technologies in order to enhance innovation
capabilities of small-to medium companies.
b. Providing state-of the art equipment and other
support to assists local industries in creating
c. Utilizing ICT to expand economic opportunities.
d. Motivating researchers and engineers to create
social and technical innovations.
Website of DOST show
outcomes to be pursued:
• science-based expertise and tools for achieving
world-class productivity in the field of agriculture.
• Revolutionary, cost-effective and appropriate
technologies for small-to-medium companies to
develop and produce world-class competitive
• State-of-the-art facilities and equipment for
achieving a world-class competitive edge while
improving values chains of domestic industries
• the Philippines as a world leader in the It field create
1.3 million jobs including 520,000 jobs outside the
capital region.
• Transforming the government based on ICT in a
manner that widens access to government services
(medical and education)
• Improving medical care by scientific innovation.
• Fostering highly-capable and world competitive
human resources in the field of S&T thro’ national
science and technology program
• Providing science based weather & climate
information with impact assessment results.
Major Dev. In S&T in the
USAID and DOST partnership;
• Storm surge modelling, training and study visits
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration(NOAA) scientific centers.
• Registered 1.3M fisherfolk to give them access to
basic services and help in fisheries conservation.
• Use of renewable energy and environment-
friendly alternative energy.
• Addressed increasing levels of emissions due to
rapid urbanization.
• Assisted Batangas City in more effective and
sustainable local planning.
• Helped the Philippines to improve its ability to respond
to natural disasters adapt a negative impacts of
climate change.
• Introduced mobile and web-based applications
• Promote digital literacy.
• Helped create an electronic medical record system,
which facilitated access to 300,000 patients and
generated 700,000 patients consultations, significantly
improving delivery of health services and advise.
• Initiated support for researching utilization of
oxytocin in Uniject, a pre-filled, exact-dose of
oxytocin that provides an efficient alternative to
preventing post-partum hemorrhage. Aims to
reduce the number of maternal deaths in the
• Supported research in tuberculosis (TB) in
children and the relationship of tabacco and TB to
Major Personalities in
S&T in the Philippines
Filipino scientist who are “changing the world”.

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