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In this section of the test you will have the chance to show
how well you understand spoken English. There are four parts
to this section with special directions for each part.
PART I. Directions: There are three items in this
part. For each item, you will see a picture on your
test paper and you will hear four short statements.
The statements will be spoken TWO TIMES. They
will not be printed on your test paper, so you must
listen carefully to understand what the speakers say.

When you hear the four statements, look at the picture on your test
paper and choose the statement that best describes what you see
in the picture. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the
question and mark your answer.
Look at the sample below. Now listen to the four statements.
Sample Answer
Statement (B), “There’s a bookcase behind the
man,” is thebest describes what you see in the
picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (B).

Now let’s begin with the picture marked number

(1) on your test paper.
PART II. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test. For each item,
you will hear a question or statement spoken in English followed by three
responses, also spoken in English. They will be spoken TWO TIMES. They will
not be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to understand
what the speakers say. You are to choose the best response to each question
or statement.

Now listen to a sample question.

You will hear :
Sample Answer :
You will also hear :

The best response to the question, “How are you?” is choice (A), “I’m
fine. Thank you.” Therefore you should choose answer (A).
Now let’s begin with question number (4) on your
test paper.

4. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
PART III. Directions: There are four items in this part of the test.
For each item you will hear a short conversation between two
people. You will hear the conversations TWO TIMES. They will not
be printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say. On your test paper, you will
read a question about each conversation. The question will be
followed by four answers. You are to choose the best answer to
each question.

Now, let’s begin with question number (8) on your

test paper.
8. What is probably the reason of Gloria’s absence?
A. She might be ill.
B. She wants to see the man.
C. She has trouble with her car.
D. She has something to do this morning.

9. What did the man do?

E. He went to the dentist.
F. He wanted to finish the report.
G. He left the office before noon.
H. He gave the woman permission.
10. What is the man doing?
A. He is reserving a room.
B. He is checking in a hotel.
C. He is staying at the hotel now.
D. He is confirming his reservation.

11. What is the conversation about?

E. A date.
F. A weekend.
G. An invitation.
H. A new president.
PART IV. Directions: In this part of the test you will hear two
short talks. Each will be spoken TWO TIMES. They will not be
printed on your test paper, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers say.

Now let’s begin with short talk number (12) on your test
12. What is this 13. To whom is the
announcement about? announcement given?
A. Apology. A. All of us.
B. Vacation policy. B. All trainees.
C. Next term activity. C. Management.
D. Training manual. D. A number of you.
14. What is being 15. Which show is cheaper?
advertised? A. 4 o’ clock .
A. A theater. B. 6 o’clock.
B. A school. C. 8 o’clock.
C. A ticket. D. 10 o’clock.
D. A film.
16. Adhi : I’m very tired of having non-stop walking for one
hour. I feel thirsty.
Dhina : . . ...................
Adhi : That’s very kind of you.

A. Can you give me a bottle of milk ?

B. Would you like to have some cakes ?

C. Would you like some mineral water ?

D. Do you want to have some cake ?

17. Wati : What do you do on Sunday morning?
Santi : . . . seeing blooming flowers makes me be
more relaxed.

A. I go cycling to the beach

B. I water the plants in the garden

C. I do some exercises in the gym

D. I watch TV program about farming

18. Sari : ‘ 2012 ‘ is the best movie ever

Anggi : I don’t think so. It is totally an irrational


From the conversation above, we can assume that


A. Anggi totally disagrees with Sari

B. Anggi doesn’t understand Sari’s opinion

C. Anggi is confused with Sari’s opinion

D. Anggi doesn’t like Sari’s opinion

19. Winny : When did you come back from the job training
program in Bangkok ?
Fanny : I just arrived yesterday
Winny : .........
Fanny : Oh yes. I enjoyed everything there, especially
the training.

A. Will you enjoy the training ?

B. Did you have a great time ?

C. Are you going to attend training ?

D. Do you plan to go back ?

20.Nanda : What is your hobby?
Dewi :…
Nanda : How often do you play it in a week?

A. I like listening to music.

B. I am fond of badminton.

C. I enjoy reading sport news.

D. I love watching basketball game.

21. Ardian : What does the teacher do exactly in the class ?
Randy : Many activities they do to make the students
smart and bravely
Ardian : Can you tell me what they do ?
Randy : They must make the class comfortable, giving
the material, ...........

A. Going to Bali, making the report and discussing the problem

B. Finishing the test, singing together and collecting the stamps

C. Making an absent, giving the test, doing the task of group and

giving remedial

D. Answering the question, counting the data, discussing and

reporting the problem
22. Fizha : Hi. What’s up, Nina?
Nina : I don’t feel well. I think I’ve got the flu. What
should I do?
Fizha : ... You need to take a rest.

A. You should keep on working.

B. You can go home and go to bed.

C. You’d better focus to your current job.

D. You can continue studying the lessons

23. James: What are you going to do in the future?

Naren: I want to be an engineer. I think our nation needs

engineers in large numbers for nations-buidling and
defense work. What about you?

James: I think I like to be a doctor. I want to go to my

native village and treat help people for normal
fee. Most of them are poor.

Naren: That’s a noble idea.

What are they discussing?

A. Different kinds of jobs

B. Helping poor people
C. Their future career
D. Noble rewards
24. Bonn: I was wondering if you would like to play volleyball
with us on Saturday afternoon.

Steve: It sounds like fun, but I’m afraid I’m not much of
an athlete these days.

Bonn: That’s all right. We just play to socialize, have fun,

and get a little exercise.

Steve: In that case then, I’ll see you there.

What did Steve feel about Bonn’s invitation?

A. He agreed to join it.

B. He didn’t like the sport
C. He never got an exercise
D. He had another thing to do
25. Wien : What is Mr. Sims doing?

Dania : He’s answering the telephone.

Wien : Really? He is our new manager, right?

Dania : That’s right, besides doing all the managerial

things, such as plan the company’s programs,

supervise all the employees’ work, decide
important things, he is not reluctant to answer the


What are Mr. Sims responsibilities?

A. Answering the telephones.

B. Supervising the client’s order.
C. Managing the company’s profile.
D. Planning and deciding the programs
26. Bobby : I don’t see the children here. Where are

they now?
Mandy : ….
Bobby : I see. When will they be back?

A. They were visiting their uncle.

B. They studied English at a course.
C. They will be at school the whole day.
D. They’re in the park watching an exhibition.
27. Receptionist : Good morning. Happy Family Restaurant. May I help you ?
Guest : Good morning………………..
Receptionist : When would you like your reservation ?
Guest : Tomorrow evening

A. I’d like to reserve a single room, please

B. I’d like to book a table for dinner, please

C. Is it possible for me to book a ticket to Denpasar for tomorrow

afternoon ?

D. I want to order some food, please

28. Mawar : You look so weak. What’s the matter with you ?

Melati : I’ve got a stomachahe. I haven’t eaten anything since

morning, but I have a lot of work to do

Mawar : ... lunch time is almost over. Work can wait but not health.

A. What about seeing the doctor ?

B. How about taking supplement ?

C. What time do you finish working ?

D. What don’t you get something to eat ?

Dear Director,
There's a reason why:
Friends hand me the dinner bill to divvy up.
My checkbook always balances at the end of each month.
My three kids are never (29) … for events.
Community groups look to me to organize events.
I'm a "detail person" — the kind of person you need as your administrative assistant.
For the last five years, I've (30) … all the scheduling, finances, and logistics for my family of five. It's time
for me to get back into the corporate work force and put my organizational talents to use (31) …
I'll contact your Human Resources Department in the next few days to see how you or one of your
associates might need administrative assistance.
Thank you!
Kimberly Lee

29. A. late 30. A. responded 31. A. here

B. brief B. published B. there
C. short C. handled C. hard
D. little D. granted D. fast

The school drama is going to organize “Lautan Jilbab” drama cast

audition. For those who are ( 32 ). . . to join the audition, please
come to our office on Monday, August 4th, at 2 p.m. to register.

The requirements are as follows :

>Your latest photograph of postcard size

> The registration form (get it at the office)

The audition will be held on Sunday, August 10th at 9 a.m. The list
of the (33). . . candidates will be announced in a week. We ( 34 ) . . .
your participation.
Thank you.
The Committee

32 A. Registered 33 A. Selected 34 A. Doubt

B. Interested B. Elected B. Appreciate
C. Courteous C. Informed C. Apologize
D. Expectant D. made D. sorry
Situated in Pantai Indah Kapuk in North Jakarta, the Angke Kapuk natural tourism park
covers an area of 99.82 hectares overlooking the Jakarta bay. With an entrance fee of
Rp 25,000 (US$1.87) per person for adults and Rp 10,000 for children, the place offers
river cruising on a motorboat as well as walking and cycling around the forest through
bamboo and wooden paths. A six-seat motorboat can be rented for Rp 350,000 per
boat. A bigger size, which can accommodate up to eight people, is available for Rp
400,000. Fauna watching is one of the perks that visitors can expect to enjoy while
cruising the mangrove forest. During our recent visit, several wild birds were standing
at wooden poles scattered among the trees.
"If you arrive earlier in the morning, you can also see some lizards swimming in the
river," said our boatman, Agus.
In addition to a bird watching area, which is best seen from a wooden bridge
connecting one mangrove zone to another, there is also an avian nursery reachable by
bike. When it is close to sunset, visitors can be found lingering at and around a 20-
meter tower near the cottage area. Made entirely from wood, the accommodation
options are perfect for those seeking to enjoy the lush trees and calm river overnight.

53.What would people think of touring the park?

A. It is lack of beauty and passion.
B. It is a unique experience.
C. It is a boring exploration.
D. It is all about animals.
Situated in Pantai Indah Kapuk in North Jakarta, the Angke Kapuk natural tourism park
covers an area of 99.82 hectares overlooking the Jakarta bay. With an entrance fee of
Rp 25,000 (US$1.87) per person for adults and Rp 10,000 for children, the place offers
river cruising on a motorboat as well as walking and cycling around the forest through
bamboo and wooden paths. A six-seat motorboat can be rented for Rp 350,000 per
boat. A bigger size, which can accommodate up to eight people, is available for Rp
400,000. Fauna watching is one of the perks that visitors can expect to enjoy while
cruising the mangrove forest. During our recent visit, several wild birds were standing
at wooden poles scattered among the trees.
"If you arrive earlier in the morning, you can also see some lizards swimming in the
river," said our boatman, Agus.
In addition to a bird watching area, which is best seen from a wooden bridge
connecting one mangrove zone to another, there is also an avian nursery reachable by
bike. When it is close to sunset, visitors can be found lingering at and around a 20-
meter tower near the cottage area. Made entirely from wood, the accommodation
options are perfect for those seeking to enjoy the lush trees and calm river overnight.

36 What is the first paragraph about?

A. The reasons why people have to ride bicycles in the park area.
B. A brief description of the Angke Kapuk natural tourism park.
C. A short history about Pantai Indah Kapuk in North Jakarta.
D. Some popular entertainment found in tourism parks.
This is to inform you that The Great George is now open and is located at 4500 4th Avenue
North, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Our store offers a complete and diverse line of computer software packages for both personal
and business application. Since we do not represent any individual computer hardware
manufacturer, the products that we carry are compatible with many systems. We are therefore
able to offer to our customers a wide range of excellent software packages. Enclosed, for your
review, is a partial list of the items we currently have available.
We hope that you will come and visit us soon.

37What does the Great George offer?

A. Computer repair
B. Personal packages
C. Computer software
D. Compatible systems
This is to inform you that The Great George is now open and is located at 4500 4th Avenue
North, St. Petersburg, Florida.
Our store offers a complete and diverse line of computer software packages for both personal
and business application. Since we do not represent any individual computer hardware
manufacturer, the products that we carry are compatible with many systems. We are therefore
able to offer to our customers a wide range of excellent software packages. Enclosed, for your
review, is a partial list of the items we currently have available.
We hope that you will come and visit us soon.

We can conclude from the text that the Great George is ….

A. manufacturing business application tools
B. dealing with programs of electronic device
C. offering a wide range of company hardware
D. representing customers in computer application
Let Expresso Wash do your laundry fast !
Now you can stop worrying about your laundry. Leave it to Espresso
wash ! Just bring in your laundry and we will do all the best. At
Espresso Wash, we do all the washing and the ironing. No need to
wait at all. Within 24 hours, we will deliver your washed and ironed
What’s until August 30, so hurry.

Visit us with your laundry today. more, you can avail yourself of our 5th
anniversary promo. You will get a 10 % discount for every 5 kilos of
your laundry, and 25 % discount for every 10 kilos. This promo lasts

39 Espresso Wash gives discounts because ......

A, They celebrates the 5 th anniversary

B. They do all the washing and ironing
C. They will do all the best
D. The promo lasts only until August 30
Let Expresso Wash do your laundry fast !
Now you can stop worrying about your laundry. Leave it to Espresso
wash ! Just bring in your laundry and we will do all the best. At
Espresso Wash, we do all the washing and the ironing. No need to
wait at all. Within 24 hours, we will deliver your washed and ironed
What’s until August 30, so hurry.

Visit us with your laundry today. more, you can avail yourself of our 5th
anniversary promo. You will get a 10 % discount for every 5 kilos of
your laundry, and 25 % discount for every 10 kilos. This promo lasts

40. Within 24 hours, we will deliver your washed and ironed

clothes. The underlined words mean..

B. Cut
C. Pressed
D. Dried

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