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Human Resource Management

Practices in a Select
Group Project
• To identify the human resource
management policies and practices in a
select organizations
• To find out the issues and challenges with
respect to HR faced by the organisations
and measures adopted to address them
• To examine the viewpoint of the
employees on the HR practices of the
select organization
What are the HRM Practices?
• HR Department
• Human resource planning
• Recruitment and selection
• Employee orientation
• Training and development
• Career development
• Performance appraisal
• Employee compensation
• Employee relations
• HR outsourcing
What is a Select Organization for
this Project ?
• Software company
• How to locate it
– List is available
Who are the Employees?
• Hardcore professionals of the Software
– a) Account manager
– b) Delivery Lead
– c) Program Manager
– d) Project Manager
– e) Project Lead
– f) Team Member
What Data to be Collected ?
• Management data on all HR practices as
mentioned earlier
• Viewpoint of employees of the same
company on the HR practices
How to Collect Management Data ?
• Identify the company
• Establish relationship with the officer/s
• Explain the purpose of the study
• Ensure confidentiality of the information
• Administer the questionnaire titled ‘Human
Resource Management Practices in a
Software Organization’ and collect data
How to Collect Data to Find out
Employees’ Viewpoint
• Administer the questionnaire tilted “Human
Resource Management Practices in a
Software Organization -Employees’
Viewpoint” on at least 40 hard core
professionals ( category of employees is
mentioned earlier) of the same
organization from which you collect
management data.
Data Analysis
• Content analysis of management
• Statistical analysis of data collected from
Report: Management Data
• Introduction
• HR Department
• Human resource planning
• Recruitment and selection
• Employee orientation
• Training and development
• Career development
• Performance appraisal
• Employee compensation
• Employee relations
• HR outsourcing
Report: Employee Data
• Statistical analysis for all 27 items
• Inferences drawn
• Association between personal data 28 to
31 items) and viewpoint of the employees
• Chapter 1: HRM practices in a Select
Software Company
• Chapter 2: Employees’ Viewpoint on HRM
• Chapter 3: Summary and Conclusion
• For Data Collection: 6th December 2010
• For submission of the report (soft copy) with all
attachment : 16th December, 2010
• Attachments
– Filled in questionnaire of Human Resource
Management Practices in a Software Organization
– Excel sheet containing the data collected from
employees using the questionnaire tilted “Human
Resource Management Practices in a Software
Organization -Employees’ Viewpoint”
Excel Sheet Format
R. 12345 Responses 31


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