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Literacy Report
Reported by:
Orinday, Liza Mae
Juacalla, Renalou Johanna Nicole
Sabaybay, Clarisse
Luna, Exekiel
What is Ecological
Ecological Literacy
is the ability to understand the
natural system.

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Why is Eco-Literacy

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•To take them learn how important it
is to take care of the environment.
•To help them expand their
knowledge by showing them outdoor
activities. Like tree planting.
•To foster learning process toward a
deep appreciation of nature.
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The development of ecological
understanding is not simply
another subject to be learnt but
a fundamental change in the
way we see the world.

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•According to Fritjof Capra, “In the
coming decades, the survival of
humanity will depend on our
ecological literacy – our ability to
understand the basic principles of
ecology and to live accordingly.

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Fritjof Capra is an
Austrian-born American
physicist, systems
theorist and deep
ecologist. In 1995, he
became a founding
director of the Center for
Ecoliteracy in Berkeley,
California. He is on the
faculty of Schumacher

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David W. Orr has stated that the
goal of ecological literacy is “built on
the recognition that the disorder of
ecosystems reflects a prior disorder
of mind, making it a central concern
to those institutions that purport to
improve minds.

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David W. Orr is the Paul
Sears Distinguished
Professor of Environmental
Studies and Politics at
Oberlin College Emeritus.
He is a well known
environmentalist and is
active in many areas of
environmental studies,
including environmental
education and ecological

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Five Ways to Develop
1.Develop empathy for all forms of
-At a basic level, all organisms—
including humans—need food,
water, space, and conditions that
support dynamic equilibrium to
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2.Embrace sustainability as a
community practice
-Organisms do not survive in isolation.
Instead, the web of relationships
within any living community
determines its collective ability to
survive and thrive.

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3. Make the invisible visible
-If we strive to develop ways of
living that are more life-
affirming, we must find ways to
make visible the things that
seem invisible.

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4. Anticipate unintended consequences
-Building resiliency—for example, by moving
away from mono-crop agriculture or by creating
local, less centralized food systems or energy
networks—is another important strategy for
survival in these circumstances. We can turn to
nature and find that the capacity of natural
communities to rebound from unintended
consequences is vital to survival.

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5. Understand how nature sustains life
-Eco literate people collectively practice a way
of life that fulfills the needs of the present
generation while simultaneously supporting
nature’s inherent ability to sustain life into the
future. They have learned from nature that
members of a healthy ecosystem do not abuse
the resources they need in order to survive.

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