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In Early sep of 1990,weymouth found itself with both
good and bad news to communicate to its salaried
employees. The good news would affect all salaried
employees, the bad news only some. When chairman of
board Carl Weymouth and his staffs discussed the matter,
they realized that they faced a familiar but difficult task
in corporate communication.
1. What key audiences need to be addressed in Weymouth's
communication of good and bad news?

The key audiences are the employees who are being laid off and the
media people.

The media people will come under "HOSTILE" audience -those who
wont support for whatever we say and secondary audience. So they
should be given both good news and bad news but explain what are
the reasons that made them to take such a decision-laying off the
people and making them understand their situation.

The employees who are getting laid off belong to "secondary audience"
- they are the one who are affected a lot. Weymouth
should tell about both good and bad news. When a person speaks about
negative information like this, he should sympathies with the audience.
When Weymouth informs this to the employees he should
communicate specially with the employees and console them.
2.Where do their interest Conflict? Overlap?
3.Most business communications involve good news for
some audiences, bad news for others. What does this
imply about how Weymouth should send its
o A news has two effects it may create Positive impact or

Negative impact depending upon the Person and how

he/she perceives it.
o Weymouth should not send both good and bad news for

all the employees.

o It can segregate the employees into two groups

according to nature of the message.

o It can post bad news in the bulletins and good news to

particular employees who are given increment in their

salary etc..
4.What is Weymouth doing- telling, selling consulting,

 According to Munter's Examples of approaches – Weymouth

communication style is Telling

Tell: In these situations, you are instructing or explaining.

You want your audience to learn, to understand. You do not
need your audiences opinions.
 Weymouth and staffs could follow Consulting style of
communication while informing bad news.
 Media – Explanatory Video tapes.

 Communication Letter or Bulletin Should me signed by

VP for Personnel
 News should be communicated by Weymouth to
Employees in presence of high level staffs.

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