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 In English grammar, a noun clause is

a dependent clause that functions as a noun (that
is, as a subject, object, or complement) within a
sentence. Also known as a nominal clause.
 Two common types of noun clause in English are
that-clauses and wh-clauses:
 that-clause: I believe that everything happens for
a reason.
 wh-clause: How do I know what I think, until I
see what I say?
 A noun clause serves the same purpose as a
noun. It can be the subject or object of a verb. It
can also be the object of a preposition. Noun
clauses are usually introduced by the
subordinating conjunctions that, if and
whether. Question words like what, how,
when etc., can also be used to introduce noun
 Functions in 5 different ways:
 * Subject: That she was nice is still a mystery to Donald.
* Predicate Nominative: a predicate nominative is a
noun that completes a linking verb and renames the
 The answer to life is what I'm trying to find.
* Direct Object: She understood why she had to write a
research paper, but she didn't like it.
* Indirect Object: The teacher will give whoever is
talking a detention.
* Object of a Preposition: Many people have speculated
about why Donald sings.
 The fact that Picasso was a great artist cannot
be challenged.
 Everybody knows that he is an honest boy.
Complete the following sentences by
adding suitable noun clauses.

 1. I cannot understand …………………………

 2. They said …………………………
 3. I think …………………………
 4. He told me …………………………
 5. ………………………… hurts me.
 6. You can eat …………………………
 7. Can you guess …………………………?
 8. I feel certain …………………………
 9. I do not know …………………………
 10. No one knows …………………………
Find out the noun clauses in the following
sentences and state what purpose they serve.

 1.    The king ordered that the traitor should be

put to death.
2.    He said that he would not go.
3.    That he is not interested in the offer is
known to us.
4.    He said that he was not feeling well.
5.    I cannot rely on what he says.
6.    I don’t know where he has gone.
 7.    He asked whether the servant had polished
his shoes.
8.    The news that he is alive has been
9.    The belief that the soul is immortal is almost
10.    It is certain that we will have to admit
11.    It was fortunate that he was present.
12.    The report that only ten persons were
killed in the riots is not true.
Underline the clause and identify
its function (DO, OP, PN, subject)
 1. I forgot what you said.
2. Who the new captain will be has not been announced. 
3. How it happened is still a mystery. 
4. Everyone agreed that the price was reasonable. 
5. No one knew what to do next. 

6. Frank doesn’t know what he should wear. 

7. Whatever you choose will be fine. 
 8. This organization provides help to whoever needs it.
9. Derrick’s problem was how he could earn the money. 

 10. Paula decided what we should bring.

11. What the members want is a new club room.

12. The team had decided where they are moving. 

13. The engineer stated she could design the foundation.  
 14. Nancy knew where the museum was.

15. A cheeseburger is what I ordered.

16. The solution was that Margaret would leave


17. The audience was amazed by how the trick was


18. Passengers were told why the flight was delayed.

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