Roles of Computer Professionals

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IT Professions
• The IT department of any business has the responsibility of
keeping the computer aspect of the business alive. They have to
keep the computers going, write programs to run on different
computers, maintain databases, fix or replace computers and a
host of other activities. Even though they are all aiming for the
same goal(s) they each have there own individual responsibility to
complete. IT departments have persons with different IT
professions and the professions all have different job descriptions
attached to them, ,these jobs can be divided into the following five
categories: Management; Operations; Systems development;
Technical services and End-user computing. The following
paragraphs contains different IT jobs and there responsibilities.
• Direct the direction of information services
Computer operator
• Performs equipment related activities such as
monitoring performance, running programs,
backup and recovery of files, loading printers
with ink and paper, replacing storage media as
often as necessary.
Network administrator
• Installs and maintains local area networks as
well as resolving connectivity problems.
Data communication specialist
• They design and maintain LAN and WAN. They
are responsible for selecting the appropriate
hardware such as modems; selecting
appropriate data transmission medium such
as coaxial cable or fiber optic cable; selecting
appropriate software. Can work for the
company or hired from a firm.
Database administrator
• Responsible for the creation, security, integrity
and coordination of data sharing of a
System Development
Application programmer
• Converts the pseudo code into the
appropriate programming language. Different
types of programs require different
programming language.
System analyst
• They design information systems that meet
the user’s data processing need and
information needs. They analyze, design, test,
implement and maintain information systems.
Software engineer / Computer science engineer
• Responsible for analyzing, designing, coding,
implementing, testing and maintaining of
Computer engineers
• Responsible for analyzing, designing, building,
implementing, testing and maintaining of
computer or computer systems.
Technical services
Network security specialist
• Responsible for the security on a network.
Might use feature such firewall.
System programmer
• They are responsible for analyzing, designing,
coding, implementing and maintenance of
softer that operates the computers.
End user computing
Computer technician or computer service
• Responsible for the replacement or fixing of
defective parts as well as solving software
related problems on a computer.  
Data entry operator
• Translate human readable information into
machine readable formats by using key punch,
a key-to-tape or key-to-disk equipment.
Computer trainers
• Responsible for training other persons to use
the computer.
• Persons employed by computer firms or an
individual to give advice about the software
and hardware currently being used. A
consultant can either work independently or
for a firm.
Electronic data processing Auditors
• These are accountants with special training in
computer. They audit computer firms and one
of their duties is the detection of computer
Information Systems Manager
• Plan, co-ordinate, manage and staff the data processing department.
• Communicate with, motivate and lead a number of highly skilled
• Be aware of the latest developments in the ICT field
• Read reports on the system’s performance and develop strategies
improve it
• Meet users and members of other departments to discuss problems
encountered with the system or new projects for computerisation.
• Prepare budget projections for the department, including the cost
new hardware and software and the training of employees.
Database Administrator

• Interact with managers and users to ensure that the database is accomplishing what
they need 
• Meet with users to make modifications to the database whenever there are changes
in the company’s operation
• Ensure that the database is performing at its optimum at all times to meet the needs
of its users
• Develop policies and procedures to ensure the security and integrity of the system
• Select and maintain database management software
• Co—ordinate database design
• Establish back-up and recovery procedure in case of failure or loss of data
• Establish a data dictionary that records company-wide data definitions and standards
• Co-ordinate the data collection and storage needs of users
Systems Development Manager

• Manage teams of information systems

personnel (systems analysts, engineers,
programmers, technicians and others) to design,
develop, implement, operate and administer
computer software
• Oversee the professional development and
training of personnel under his/ her supervision
  Systems Analyst
• Plan and conduct studies to determine if the existing system needs to be upgraded or
if a new system has to be put in place
• Hold discussions with managers and users of the system to determine their exact
• Gather facts about, and analyse the basic methods and procedures of current
information systems
• Design new systems, integrate existing procedures into new system specifications as
required, and assist in the implementation of new designs
• Make recommendations for the procurement of hardware software if necessary  .
• Test and debug the new system
• Create documentation for the system 0
• Assist in training employees to use the system
• Evaluate the performance of the system over a period of time to see if it performing as

• Discuss program specifications with the systems analyst 

• Write programs       
• Test programs for correct operation and intended results
• Debug programs 
• Document programs, i.e. produce system/ program flowcharts
and program listings (a list of variables used and an
explanation of their purpose), details of data structures used
(files, arrays, etc.), test data and expected output
• Update, repair, modify and expand existing programs 
Network administrators 

• Plan and design the network

• Oversee the installation of the network’s hardware and software
• Test the network to ensure it is functioning properly
• Set up user accounts and arrangements for access
• Ensure that staff are trained to use the hardware and software that form
part of the network
• Monitor the network’s performance to ensure it is working at its optimum
• Troubleshoot and solve problems on the network
• Create security policies for the network
• Set up systems to ensure compliance by users of the network
Operations Manager

• Supervise the use and maintenance of equipment

• Supervise data reception and preparation
• Schedule processing activities
• Allocate duties to members under his/ her charge
•  Consult with the data processing manager on
staff issues (problems, training and recruitment)
Computer Operator
• Start up and shut down the system
• Respond to messages from system software and carry out the actions
• Continuously observe the operations of the equipment, and report any
faults to the supervisor
• Perform routine equipment maintenance, such as cleaning drive-heads
• Process jobs according to established procedures
• Load input and output units with materials such as tapes for tape drives
and paper for printers
•   Keep a log of matters such as machine performance, operating records
and data processing supplies, maintain inventories and disk- and tape—
library records
Data Control Clerk
• Regulate work-flow in accordance with operating
• Be responsible for the receipt, safekeeping and
retrieval of data, software, hardware and security
• Distribute materials on request and follow up on
overdue items
• Help with the destruction of information-system
Data Entry Operator/Clerk

• Transcribe data from a variety of source

documents into the computer 
• Keep records on the data transcribed 
• Verify the data entered
File Librarian
• Maintain and protect the company’s programs and
• Catalogue and store magnetic tapes and disks   .
• Supply magnetic tapes and disks to authorised
• Clean and inspect storage media
• Keep records of the disks and magnetic tapes
Data Security Analyst
• Keep information safe from floods, fire, power outages, fraud, theft, invasion of
privacy and viruses
• Analyse and assess the potential threats to a computer system
• Set up procedures to protect vulnerable information
• Develop, document and implement data security policies, standards and
• Identify and fix security vulnerabilities
• Work with different types of security software
• Ensure there are no security loopholes
• Conduct ‘raids' on the system to try to expose security loopholes
• Keep up to date with cryptographic tools and techniques, and with all the
different types of security hardware and software
• Have in-depth knowledge of operating systems and networking technology
Computer Consultant
• Hold discussions with users to identify and clarify their
information needs 
• Identify and evaluate potential hardware and software 
• Assist in the design, development and implementation of a
company’s computer system
• Assist in the development of programs, applications and
• Develop training programmes for users 

Electronic Data Processing Auditor
• Inspect programs, systems, operational procedures,
documentation, control techniques, disaster plans, insurance
protection and fire protection 
• Use sample data to test the accuracy of computer programs and
the control procedures that are built into them
• Check and report on the use of computing facilities
• Examine the input and output of programs for accuracy (an auditor
will report any discrepancies to upper management
• Make recommendations for changes to ensure system integrity and
accuracy (these recommendations are frequently implemented by
the data security analyst)
Web-Page Designer
• Ensure that all the links on the site work and the
site is easy to navigate
• Ensure the site contains the required information
• Develop a visually stimulating web site
• Run the web server software
• Find and install tools to create web content
• Maintain and improve existing web pages
Computer Engineer
• Design, develop, test and supervise the
manufacture of components (such as new
computer chips or circuit boards) and peripheral
• Assemble and test new designs for overall
effectiveness, cost, reliability and safety
• Maintain and repair computer hardware sold to
Computer Sales Representative
• Explain the specifications, functions and
capabilities of hardware and/ or software
products to their company’s customers  
• Help customers to install new equipment l
• Attend trade shows and seminars to keep abreast
of the latest trends or products in the field
• Demonstrate equipment to clients

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