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Non-Patentable Inventions In India

Sec. 3
• An invention contrary to well established
natural laws.
Eg.- Machine that gives more than 100%
• An invention, the primary or intended use of
which would be contrary to law or mortality or
injurious to public health. E.g. Human cloning.
Non-Patentable Inventions In India
Sec. 3
• Commercial exploitation or primary use of
inventions, which causes serious prejudice to-Health
or human animal, plant lifr or to the environment.
E.g.-Weapons of mass destruction.
• Inventions falling within section 20(1) of The Atomic
Energy Act, 1962.
• E.g.- Inventions relating to compounds of Uranium,
Radium, Graphite and more as notified by Central
Govt. From time to time.
Non-Patentable Inventions In India
Sec. 3
• The nmere discovery of scientific principle or
formulation of abstract theory.
E.g.-Discovery of micro-organisms, Newton’s
• The discovery of any new property or any new
use for a known substance or machine or process
unless it results in a new product.
E.g.- New use of some drug for diseases like
cancer, New uses of herbs like neem, aloe vera

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