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Project Quality

Sections of this presentation were adapted
from A Guide to the Project Management
Body of Knowledge 4th Edition, Project
Management Institute Inc., © 2009
Project Quality Management
“Creating and following policies and
procedures to ensure that a project meets
the defined needs it was intended to meet
from the customer’s perspective.” PMP
Exam Prep, 6th Edition
Why Quality Management?
Quality means conformance to specifications and
fitness for use – i.e. just what you need and not
Projects or products with unnecessary features
can be too expensive to meet the business need
Prevention is much cheaper than inspection, build
quality in early to minimize costs/maximize quality
How Do We Manage Quality?
Three processes
 Plan Quality
What is quality and how will we ensure it?
 Perform Quality Assurance
Are we following the quality standards?
 Perform Quality Control
Are we meeting the quality standards?

Plan Perform Perform

Quality Quality Quality
Assurance Control
Plan Quality
Inputs Tools & Techniques Outputs
Scope Baseline Quality Management
 Cost-benefit analysis Plan
Stakeholder Register  Cost of quality
Quality Metrics
 Control charts
Cost Performance
Baseline  Benchmarking Quality Checklists

Schedule Baseline  Design of experiments

 Statistical sampling Improvement Plan
Risk Register
 Flowcharting
Enterprise Project document
Environmental Factors  Proprietary quality updates
management methodologies
Organizational Process
Assets  Additional quality planning

Plan Perform Perform

Quality Quality Quality
Assurance Control
Plan Quality
Cost of Quality – Deming’s Costs of Quality
Evaluating the cost of
conformance with the Cost of Cost of Non
cost of nonconformance Conformance Conformance
to reach a balance. Quality training Rework
 Prevention Costs Studies Scrap
 Appraisal Costs
 Failure Costs
Surveys Inventory Costs

Warranty Costs

85% of the costs of quality are the direct responsibility of management - Deming
Quality Planning Terms
Gold Plating – Giving the customer extras that
do not add value to the project
Marginal Analysis – The point where the
incremental revenue from an improvement
equals the cost to implement it
Kaizen – Continuous improvement process to
reduce costs and promote consistency
ISO 9000 – International standard to ensure that
companies have quality procedures and that
they follow them
Perform Quality Assurance
Tools & Techniques
Outputs Organizational
Project Management Plan  Plan quality and perform Process Assets
Inputs Updates
quality control tools and
Quality Metrics
Change Requests
Work Performance  Quality audits
 Process analysis Project Management
Plan Updates
Quality Control
Project Document

Plan Perform Perform

Quality Quality Quality
Assurance Control
Statistics Terms Review
Mutually Exclusive – Two Normal Distribution
events that cannot both
occur in a single trial +/- 1  = 68.26%
Statistical Independence – +/- 2  = 95.46%
+/- 3  = 99.73%
Probability of one event +/- 6  = 99.99%
occurring does not affect
the probability of another
event occurring
Probability – The
likelihood that something
will occur (usually
expressed in percent)
Perform Quality Control
Inputs Tools & Techniques
Project Management
Plan  Cause and effect diagram Quality Control
Outputs Measurements
Quality Metrics  Control charts
Validated Changes
 Flowcharting
Quality Checklists Validated Deliverables
 Histogram
Organizational Process
Work Performance  Pareto Chart Assets Updates
Measurements  Run chart Change Requests
Approved Change  Scatter diagram Project Management
 Statistical sampling Plan Updates
Deliverables  Inspection Project Document
Organizational Process  Approved change requests
Assets review

Plan Perform Perform

Quality Quality Quality
Assurance Control
Pareto Chart
Graph of problem type vs. frequency
80/20 Rule – 80% of your problems will come from
20% of your work!

Cumulative Percentage

Problem Type
Control Chart
Upper & Lower Control Limits (UCL & LCL)
 Set by quality goal i.e. 3
 Includes the normal and expected variation in the process
Specification Limits
 Contracted acceptable limit, usually outside UCL & LCL
Out of Control
 Data point falls outside of UCL/LCL
 Non-random data points i.e. “Rule of Seven”
Rule of Seven
 If you get seven points in a row on one side of the mean, seven points
ascending, or seven points descending, the process is no longer random and it
is out of control
 Originally adopted from a Ford quality manual
Assignable Change
 When the controller adjusts the process to bring the process back within
process control limits
Control Charts

Specification Limit

(or Mean)

Specification Limit

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