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An Introduction
What is weaving?
-Weaving: A type of textile production in which yarn or fabric is interlaced together at
right angles to form fabric. Weaving is the process of creating something through a pattern
of over and under. Baskets, rugs, wall hangings, and clothing are made through weaving

-Loom: A loom is a device used to weave cloth and

Tapestry. The purpose is to hold warp threads under
Tension to allow for interweaving of weft threads.

-Weft: Interweaving horizontal threads

-Warp: Interweaving Vertical threads. Warp threads

are attached to the loom.
Basic types of weaving
Plain Weave- This is the simplest and most sturdy weaving style. The weft threads alternate going over and under
the warp threads. This creates a sturdy fabric.

Twill Weave-This type of weave has weft threads passing over multiple warp threads in a pattern that shifts one
step the the right or left with each row, which creates a diagonal pattern. This is the most durable weave.

Satin Weave-Weft threads to a satin weave pass over 4 to 8 warp threads. This creates a staggering pattern similar
to the twill weave. The longer threads exposed at the surface give this type of weave a sheen. This type of weave
isn’t as durable.
Weaving of Peru
Weaving of Peru
-Weaving in Peru is an important part of Identity in the High Andes. Weaving is the means by which people
communicate their thoughts and feelings about the world. It is also used to tell stories and record history.

-Emphasis of bright colors, pattern and geometric designs in weaving

-Alpaca fur or sheep fur is used to make yarn for weaving in Peru.

-Backstrap weaving is a technique that is widely used here. This is the oldest form of loom in the world. It is
constructed with wood bone and string and easily portable from home to the field. It is wrapped inside traditional
lliclla or shawl that every woman wears.
-Four post weaving is widely used as well. The loom is fixed to the ground in this type of weave technique.
Peru Weaving Process
-Lliclla is a Quechua word for a type of
cape worn by Quechua women, also known
as a Manta

Polleras are wide skirts, traditionally made from

handwoven wool bayeta cloth
Women wear these on top of one another and
wear up to ten at a time.
Maximo Laura
Eternal Vision Exhibition
Branch Weaving Project
Project Requirements
- Explore your identity for this project
- What colors, patterns, shapes or designs would you use to describe yourself? What
are you drawn to as an artist?
- Must use plain weave
- Can add buttons or beads
- Can add branch wrapping
- Can add texture by using different weaving methods
Branch Wrapping
Branch Weaving
Tips for at Home Creations

-Branch with a forked end. Can have more than one fork.

- Twine or thread to create your warp (can use fishing line, dental floss or rope).

-Yarn or thread to create your weft (if you do not have these you can use ribbon, plants or
smaller branches outside for your weft).

-Fork or comb to pack weft to a tight fit

-Needle (only if you have one. You can use your hands to weave.)

Use what you have if you cannot access needed items! Be creative!
Weaving at Home Ideas
Additional Resources

Weaving technique videos

Plain Weave:
Twill Weave:
Satin Weave:

More advanced weaving techniques

Sumak Stitch:


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