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Members of group :

1. Ni Kadek Dwi Pradnya Ningrat (1701541001)

2. NI Gusti Ayu Putri Apriyani (1701541004)
3. ni putu diantari (1701541019)
4. Ni Luh Putu Yustina Kusuma Dewi (1701541023)

Free combination

A free combination is a sequence of lexemes governed by factors

which are controlled by an individual speaker, and not by
tendencies in the language as a whole.

Example : I like…


▸ Collocation is defined as a sequence of words or terms which co-

occur more often than would be expected by chance.
▸ In collocations there are certain restrictions on how words can be
used together, for example which prepositions are used with
particular verbs, or which verbs and nouns are used together.
▸ When sequences are so highly predictable that they allow little or
no change in their lexical elements they are usually referred to
as fixed expressions.

Examples :

▸ ‘crystal clear', 'middle management', 'nuclear family', and

'cosmetic surgery‘
▸ a beautiful woman and a handsome man
▸ high mountains and tall trees,

Collocational restriction

Collocation restriction is a linguistic term used in morphology.

The term refers to the fact that in certain two word phrases
the meaning of an individual word is restricted to that
particular phrase. Collocations with restriction. There are
words often used in combination with restriction.

Example :


▸ white wine In the examples above it

means 'yellowish', 'brownish',
▸ white coffee 'containing many frequencies
▸ white noise with about equal amplitude',
▸ white man and 'pinkish' or 'pale brown',

Lexical Phrases

Lexical phrases are multi-word chunks of language in

varying length used to make texts coherent.

▸ would you mind..., What I’m trying to say is... on the
other hand..., lived happily ever after.

The Used of Lexical Phrases

▸ The lexical phrases are used for:

- Expressing agreement
- Summing up an argument
- Introducing an example
- Changing a topic.

Catch phrase
▸ Catch phrase is a phrase that is interesting and makes people feel enjoy
using it.
▸ Catch phrases, typically, have a clearly identifiable source.
▸ The sources of catch-phrases such as cinema, television and mass media.
▸ They came mostly from films.

Example :
▸ ’A man’s gotta do what a man’ gotta to do’
It means you will do whatever you have to do, even if it is difficult or
▸ ‘Whatchu Talkin' 'Bout, Willis?”
Some people use it is can be a way to ask what someone is saying.

A quotation is an exact reproduction of somebody‘s words and it is

usually written. Quotations tend to be of written origin,
indeterminate in length, highly restricted in the contexts where they
may be used, semantically more profound, and capable of standing
the test of time.

Examples :

▸ Benjamin Franklin wrote ”Well done, is

better than well said”
▸ Quote by Mahatma Gandhi “There are two
day in a year that we can not do anything,
yesterday and tomorrow.

Thank You



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