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Social Institutions

Education 3
Social Dimensions of Teaching
Social Institutions

 Social institution is a group of social positions,
connected by social relations, performing a social role. It
is any institution in a society that works to socialize the
groups of people in it.
5 characteristics and functions of an institution

 1. Institutions are purposive.
 2. They are relatively permanent in their content.
 3. Institutions are structured.
 4. Institutions are a unified structure.
 5. Institutions are necessarily value-laden.
5 Major Social Institutions.
 1. The Family

 The family is the
smallest social
institution with
the unique
function of
producing and
rearing the young.
1. The Family
 The family is also the basic

agent of socialization,
because it is here where
the individual develops
values, behaviors, and
ways of life through
interaction with the
members of the family.
Characteristics of the Filipino Family

 -Usually extended family.

 - Typical family today averages five children.
 - Kinship ties are extended to include the compadre or
sponsors. Compadres and comadres are regarded as
relatives and closer ties are formed.
 - A great difference exists in the roles of man and woman.
A woman’s position in the home and society is much lower
than that of the man.
Functions of the Family

 1. Reproduction of the race and rearing of the young
 2. Cultural transmission or enculturation
 3. Socialization of the child
 4. Providing affection and a sense of security.
 5. Providing the environment for personality development
and the growth of self-concept in relation to others.
 6. Providing social status.
Kinds of Family Patterns

1. Nuclear Family- consists of husband, wife and
2. Extendes Family- consists of husband, wife and
children including grandparents or relatives.
2. Education

 The basic purpose of education is the transmission of
 The functions of a school:
 To move young people in the mainstream of society. In
school we teach reality in a professional, formal and
structured way. Hence in school there is a set of
curriculum which includes knowledge subjects, skill
subjects and enabling subjects.
3. Religion

 Religion may be defined as any set of coherent
answers to the dilemmas of human existence that
makes the world meaningful. Religion functions to
meet the spiritual needs of individuals. It is a system
of beliefs and rituals that serves to bind people
together through shared worship, thereby creating a
social group.
Characteristics of Religion

 1. Belief in a deity. Atheists believe that no deity
exists. Theists believe in a deity or deities. Agnostics
say that the existence of a deity cannot be proved or
 2. A doctrine of salvation. The major religions –
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism- teach
a doctrine or salvation.
Characteristics of Religion

 3. A code of conduct. This is a set of moral teachings
and values that all religions have in some form.

 4. Religious rituals. They include the acts and

ceremonies by which believers appeal to and serve
God, deities, or other sacred powers.
Difference among churches, sects and cults

 Church tends to be large, with inclusive membership,
in low tension with surrounding society.
 Sect has a small, exclusive membership, high tension
with society
 Cults are referred to as more innovative institutions
and are formed when people create new religious
beliefs and practices.
4. Economic Institutions

 Economic Institutions refer to any institution that is a
player in an economy. This includes manufacturer,
leaders, consumers as well as regulators of an
 Categories of economic institutions:
 Manufacturers
 Distriubutors
 Consumers
Microeconomics vs. Microeconomics

 Microeconomics is concerned with the specific
economic units of parts that make an economic
system and the relationship between those parts. In
microeconomics, emphasis is placed on
understanding the behavior of individual firms,
industries, households and ways in which such
entities interact.

 Macroeconomics is concerned with the economy as a
whole, or large segments of it. It focuses on such
problems as the role of unemployment, the changing
level of prices, the nation’s total output of goods and
services and the ways in which government raises
and spends money.
3 basic economic problems

 1. What good and services to produce and how much.
 2. How to produce the goods and services.
 3. For whom are the goods and services.
In the Philippines, the children od rich families acquire
better education in exclusive schools, while the poor
students enroll in the public schools where facilities are
not sufficient and adequate

 A government is an institution entrusted with
making and enforcing the rules of society as well as
regulating relations with other societies.
 3 branches of government:
 1. The executive branch- proposes and enforces rules
and laws.
 2. The legislative branch- makes rules and laws.
 3. The judicial branch- adjudicates rules and laws.
Types of Government

 1. Monarchy- a political system in which a
representative from one family controls the
government and power is passed through the family
from generation to generation.
 2. Democracy- a political system in which citizens
periodically choose officials to participate in a

 Authoritarianism- a political system that does not
allow citizens to participate in government.
 Totalitarism- a political system under which the
government maintains tight control over nearly all
aspects of the citizens’ lives.
Government in Conflict

 1. Revolution- a violent overthrow of the government by
the citizens. Often a group charismatic philosophers and
intellectuals sparks the government.
 2. War- armed conflict between nations or societies.
Societies have always waged war over rights to land and
 3. Terrorism- a politically motivated violent attack on
civilians by an indio or group.
Functions of a Government

 Observance/preservation of order and provision for the
protection or persons and property from violence and robbery.
 Settlement of the legal relations between husband and wife
and between parents and children.
 The definition of punishment for crimes.
 The administration of justice in civil cases.
 The administration of political duties, privileges and relations
of citizens.

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