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MD.MATEEN (17885A0207)
B.SAI PRASHANTH (17885A0210)
MAAZIN KHAN (16881A0229) 
Under the guidance of
Mr. B. Raj Gopal Reddy
Assistant professor

 To extract maximum available power from the PV module by

making them operate at the most efficient voltage .

The effectiveness of solar energy as a viable energy source is hampered by

various factors including high cost of components and lowered operating
efficiency due to partial shading. Partial shading reduces the output of not only
the shaded part of the panel but also the other panels connected to the same
photovoltaic (PV) array.
This project discusses the benefits of using a bypass diode based voltage drop
measurement and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) system in the power
generation of a PV array. An algorithm to find the global maximum power in
short span of time is also presented. MATLAB is then used to perform the
simulation of the proposed algorithm on a 3 × 3 photovoltaic array and the results
are checked against actual outdoor tests to test the validity of the proposed
method. The proposed method holds even when extended to any array
combinations for practical applications.
 The mathematical model of solar module is developed in MATLAB/simulink. The panel used for practical
implementation is of polycrystalline type. The equivalent circuit of a solar cell using two diodes is shown in fig. The
solar cell I-V characteristics is derived from accurate from two exponential diode model and its current output can
be derived as equation shown below.
 I = I L −I 0 [ e^ q ( v + I R s )/ n 1 kT −1 ] −I 01 [ e^ q ( v + I R s )/ n 2 kT −1] − [[V
+ I R s ]/R p]

I L - Light Induced Current

 I 0 - First Diode’s Saturation Current
 I 01 - Second Diode’s Saturation Current
 k - Boltzmann’s Constant
 T - Operating Temperature of the device
 q - An electron’s Elementary Charge
 n 1 - First Diode’s Ideality factor (DEC - Diode Emission Coefficient)
 n 2 - Second Diode’s Ideality factor (DEC)
 V - Cell Voltage
Modeling of PV panel:

 Panel details at standard testing

conditions (STC
S.NO Parameters Rating
1 Maximum power (P max ) 10 W
2 Open circuit voltage (V oc ) 21.96V
3 Short circuit current (I sc ) 0.59A
4 Voltage at maximum power (V max 18.25V
5 Current at maximum power (I 0.55A
max )
Array Construction
 For extracting maximum current and voltage from the solar PV system, the array is formed by
interconnecting the modules in series and parallel. For xy PV array, ‘ x ’ indicates the total
number of columns and ‘ y ’ indicates the total number of rows in that array. The string x 1, x 2 and
x 3 indicate the panels in column 1, 2 and 3 respectively, whereas y 1 , y 2, and y 3 indicate the
panels in row 1, 2 and 3 respectively. In this paper, a 3 ×3 PV array with 9 panels (PV xy ) and the
same number of bypass diodes (9 diodes with each panel having its individual diode) are used for
testing the proposed system. This configuration is shown in Fig. 2 . Table 1 shows the specifications
of the solar panel used for simulation as well as the practical implementation and testing. The
ratings of the PV panel used for simulation and hardware are
 V oc = 21 . 96 V , I sc = 0 . 59 A , V m = 18 . 25 V , I m = 0 . 55 A , P max = 10 W
 The array type discussed in this paper is 3 ×3. So, the array specifications are
 V oc = 65 . 88 V , I sc = 1 . 77 A , V m = 54 . 75 V , I m = 1 . 65 A , P max = 90 W
 Array’s current versus voltage (I–V) and power versus voltage (P–V) characteristics curves are
shown in Fig. 3 obtained by using MATLAB/SIMULINK. These curves are obtained at standard test
condition (STC) that is under the irradiation of 10 0 0 W/m 2 and Temperature of 25 °C. Array’s I–V
& P–V characteristics curves under partial shading conditions are also shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b)
respectively. It is seen that these curves widely differ from the characteristics of the normal curve.
I-V & P-V characteristic curves obtained under STC:
(i)Block Diagram of conventional PV system & (ii)Proposed
PV system under shading conditions
Partial Shading Impacts:
 Partial shading occurs on small household solar power plants mainly due to trees, the nearby
house, birds, and dust. The same problem occurs in large-scale solar plants because of the
shading by passing overhead clouds. The analysis revealed that clouds cause almost all of the
shading in large plants and the other types of shading in such plants are practically negligible.
This shading by clouds on a large farm does not cause major power variation for a long duration.
So, this work mainly focuses on the partial shading occurring on the small-scale solar power
plants. From the modeling equation, it is clear that V m ’ & I m ’ (maximum voltage & maximum
current) values of the PV panel are directly proportional to the irradiation. So if any panel is partially
shaded, the average irradiation received by that panel will vary thereby making V m ’ & I m ’ and
maximum power point to vary as well. In an array, if the PV panels are partially shaded, then the PV
characteristics will have multiple peaks (P1, P2 & P3) . P2 is the GMPP and P1, P3 are non-
global/local peak power points. From the partially shaded PV characteristics, it is clear that the
conventional algorithm tends to settle down many times in the non-global peak power points
without extracting the maximum power point. In bypass diode based series-parallel PV array, the
panels are open circuited when the bypass diodes are in the ON state. Because of this, the MPP
voltage of the array gets shifted to other voltage regions.
PV array and P-V curve obtained under
partial shading conditions:
Graph for I-V & P-V under partial shading impacts:
Simulink setup of the PV cell system:
 The proposed bypass diode scanning algorithm is intended to extract the maximum power
from a 3 ×3 photovoltaic (PV) array during unavoidable shading conditions. The bypass diode
voltage is first scanned for detecting the shading level and maximum power point tracking
(MPPT) algorithm is then used to track the global maximum power point. The algorithm
needs only the bypass diode voltage drop measurement. The proposed method was tested
for various partial shading conditions by simulation and practical implementation. During
simulation, partial shading conditions are created by setting various levels of irradiations to
panels in the PV array. During the practical implementation of the proposed work, partial
shading conditions are made artificially by hiding the panels by cardboard sheet. Both the
simulation and practical results conclude that power extraction has increased in the proposed
method during high and medium shading levels. It extracts more power under partial shading
with a lesser time of 2 ms. The steady state oscillation is also very low (0.75) compared to
other techniques. The percentage of the power extracted from global maximum power point
is 100% under all the seven partial shading patterns. Per day energy extracted is nearly 9%
higher when compared to the existing methods. In future, this method can be extended for
PV array combinations of any scale and size and modern wireless sensors can reduce the
infrastructure requirement.
 Residential applications like heating water with the help of solar heater.
 Industrial applications like office, warehouse and industry to supply power.
 Transportation applications such as trolleys, buses and railways.
 Pool heating during cold seasons.

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