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International Business & Trade

Export Market Research

 Understanding Export Market Research
 Sorces for Export Market Research
 Explain the elements of export market research
• Market Potential
• Product Requirement
• Market Practices
Export Market Research
Export market research is the
process of gathering and evaluating
information in the target foreign
market with the objective of
identifying market opportunities and
Export Market Research
 Export market research aims to
provide your company with
customized, useful, and practical
information that can help you assess
accurately your business potential
within the specific target market.
Export Market Research
• Export market research supports successful strategic
decisions. Selling to a new market without the right
information can cost time and money. Research helps
exporters determine:
 which markets to enter and when
 the best routes into a market
 how to position your product or service in your chosen
 suitable customers, and any competitors
 barriers to market entry
Sources for export Market Research
1.Primary market research is when data is
collected directly from the foreign market
place through interviews, surveys and
other direct contact with representatives
and potential buyers or customers.
Sources for export Market Research
2.Secondary market research is when a company
collects data from various ‘secondary’ sources,
such as trade statistics for a country, trade
magazines, the Internet, published business
articles, e.t.c. This method is also known as Desk
1.Market Potential
Your country's trade Country Restrictions

• Currency and tax regulations

Market access • Licencing and other document requirements
• Distribution channels
• Health and safety regulations
• Political Factors affecting access

Market size,patterns • Imports(volume,value,sources,trends)

and • Consumption(volume,growth trends,geographic
growth patterns, market segmentation)
• Factors affecting demand(economic,climate and
geographic,social and cultural)
Market Potential
Your country's trade Country Restrictions

• Domestic products,volume and growth

• Structure(market share,plan locations,capacity,plans)
Competition • Strength(size and special advantage)reason for
• Gaps in product lines
• Trademarks and patents

• price to end users

Price • Trade mark- ups
Structure • Transport cost
2.Product Requirements
Category Specific Requirements
Product • Color-technical specification
• Taste-reasons for use
• Design and Styling conditions of use
• Materials-performance characteristics
Packaging and • Handling method-storage conditions
Shipment • Marketing requirements
2.Product Requirements
Category Specific Requirements
Consumer pack • Protective requirement(storage and handling methods in-
store conditions)
• Information requirement(labeling
regulations,languages,consumers,knowledge of the
• Merchandisng requirement(display,conditions,size and
shaperequirements,local regulatuions)
• Reactions to trade names,color,and symbols
• Usage(dispensing requirments,home storage
conditions,reuse or disposal requirements)
• Legal requirements(labeling,weight and
3.Standard Marketing Practices
Consideration Standard Practices
Transport • Freight rates-speed and frequency
• Reliability-risk
• Packaging requirements
Sales and • Normal channels for the product
distribution of • Alternative Channels
channels • Advantages,disadvantages,and feasibility of using
normal or alternative channels
• Delivery time reqiurements
• Mark-ups and discounts of each level
• Major disributors
Pricing Stategy • Practical Limits-likely reactions of competitors
factors • Supply of compating products
• Prices of competing products-Product advantages
3.Standard Marketing Practices
Consideration Standard Practices
Services • Technical advice-replacement of defective
expected by merchandise
buyers • Guarantees
• Repairs and maintenance-spare parts
Advertising • Media and Techniques mainly used
and sales • Timing and geographic concentration
promotion • Sales message emphasized in advertism
In both principes and practices,knowing the
buyer/importer means that the seller/exporteris sure
• The buyer/importer is knowledgeable about
the market he/she represents
• He/she is familiar with the products
• He/she knows the competition
• He/she has a sound sales networking capability
• He/she is financially capable
Group 4:Market Research
Chinalpan, Ceaser
Cangoy, Clifton
Fagyan,Phoebe Grace

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