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Chapter I
1. Background of the study
 Language is known as a tool of communication used by huma
n being to express his thought, emotion, and desire to others
by using sounds, gestures and signals.
 In studying the language, the we need the knowledge called li
nguistics. Linguistics is a scientific knowledge that can be app
lied to study many languages in this world. Hartley (1982: 3) s
ays, “Linguistics has something to do with language, it also im
plies that linguistics relevant to the learning of language”.
 One of linguistic aspects is concerned to the contra
stive linguistics. Contrastive analysis is the method
of analysis whereby the differences and similarities
of two or more languages (or sub-systems of langu
ages) are made explicit (Jawasi Naibaho, 2006:1).

 From the statement above, it means that the main g

oal of contrastive linguistics is to find out what the di
fferences and similarities in analyzing languages.
 Indonesia is one of the big countries in the world consists
of islands which are separated by ocean and islands that
has many tribes as well as their languages. One of the tri
bes in Indonesia is Bataknese.

 The Batak`s society consists of 6 tribes, they are : Karo,

Pakpak, Toba, Simalungun, Angkola or Mandailing. The
Batak Toba language is one of regional languages in Ind
onesia. Batak Toba is a dialect of the Batak language. It i
s spoken by about one million people living on Samosir i
sland and to the east, south, and south-west of Lake Tob
a and henceforth in North Sumatra.
 And in this occasion, we tend to contrast prefixes in English betw
een Batak Toba language.

 Prefix is a part of affix that must be added to a base form in front

of it, and morphologically prefix can not stand alone because it is
a bound morpheme.

 For example:
English => Batak Toba
Prefix im - Prefix mar -
im- + possible = impossible mar- + ende = marende
impossible & Marende from the above example, we conclude that po
sition of prefix is in front of the base form, not after base form.
 In prefix, there are four points that we need to comp
are in both languages. They are in form, distribution,
function, and meaning. Form talks about whether a
prefix that can be attached in the root of words.

 Distribution, concerns when a prefix can be distribut

ed to any class of words, whether it is noun, adverb,
adjective, or verb. Function, talks whether an attach
ment of a prefix can change the class of words. And
meaning is concerned on the meaning of words afte
r putting a prefix.
The problems that will be analyzed :
1. What are prefixes in Batak Toba language?
2. What the examples of prefixes in Batak Toba language?
Particularly, this study analyzing Prefixes in Batak Toba Language.
We choose Prefixes Batak Toba language to be analyzed because th
is language that contrasts to English has uniqueness, similarities and
even complexities in both languages, and the other reason is Batak T
oba language also one of the most used ethnic language in Indonesi
a and as the second language for one of the writers as a Bataknese.

Prefix may be classified into two categories depending on whether the

y change or maintain the word-class categories of the derived words.
The word prefix is composed of a root and a prefix. A prefix is a meani
ngful unit of one or more syllables added to the beginning of a root to f
orm a new word.
In this study we only take some prefixes that are commonly used. In s
hort, it can be stated that all the affixes which appear before the word
are called prefix
Prefixes in English
Prefixes are affixes that attached to the beginning of a word. We
can find a lot of prefixes in English. The following are some exa
mple of prefixes that used in English.
Ex : prefix sub- and prefix twi-
 sub- + marine (Adjective) = laut’an => submarine ( noun) = ka
pal laut
 twi- + light (noun) = cahaya => twilight (Adverb) = senja hari

From the examples form above, the prefixes has changed the functi
on (word class). In other examples, some prefixes in English do n
ot change the word class.
Ex : prefix un- and prefix dis-
 Un- + kind (adjective) = unkind (adjective)
 Dis- + agree (adjective) = disagree (adjective)
Prefixes in Batak Toba language
Prefixes in Batak Toba language almost similar with the English one. Some pre
fix can changed its function (word class) and meaning, some are not changed.
There are some examples prefixes in Batak Toba language.
Ex :
 Prefix ma-

ma- + hiang (dry) adjective = mahiang (dry up) adjective

ma- + ila (shy) adjective = maila (shy) adjective
 Prefix par-

par- + karejo (work) noun = parkarejo (worker) noun

par- + jabu (house) noun = parjabu (the owner of the house) noun
 Prefix di-

di- + alap (pick up) verb = dialap (picked up) passive verb
di- + boan (take) verb = diboan (took) passive verb
 Prefix mar-

mar- + sogot (tomorrow) adverb = marsogot (tomorrow) adverb

mar- + sangap (honor) adjective = marsangap (honored) adjective
 The attachment prefixes ma-, par-, mar- from the examples above shown that, there a
re not changed function (word class) by adding prefix to its root. In other way, there ar
e some prefixes in Batak Toba that changed its class word and meaning. Such as exa
mples below;
 Ex :
 Prefix na-
na- + gogo (strong) adjective = nagogo (strong person) noun
na- + malo (clever) adjective = namalo (clever person) noun
 Prefix hina-
hina- + denggan (kind) adjective = hinadenggan (kindness) noun
hina- + roa (ugly) adjective = hinaroa (ugliness) noun
 From the examples above, can be seen that prefix na- and hina- that att
ached to the root have changed the word class and meaning of the word
. Prefix na-, hina- from adjective changed into noun.
 In Batak Toba language somePrefixes which are attached to the root als
o can have two forms that change its function and meaning, such as an
examples below.
 Ex :
 Prefix mar-

mar- + tangiang (pray) noun ( martangiang (pray) as a verb

mar- + bada (argument) noun ( marbada (argue) as a verb
 Prefix ma-

ma- + biar (fear) adjective ( mabiar (fear) as a noun

ma- + tait (hook) noun = kait ( manait (hook) as a verb = mengait(kan)
O This paper analyzed about prefixes in Batak Toba language
. From our discussion, some prefixes form, distribution,
function and meaning have been analyzed from the examples
above. The result of adding prefix to the root in Batak T
oba language can change the function and the meaning of t
he word. But some are not change.

O In other case, in Batak Toba language some prefixes which

are attached to the base word also can have two forms tha
t change the function and meaning of its word. Ex: prefix
mar- in base “sogot” = mar- + sogot (tomorrow) adverb
( marsogot (tomorrow) => adverb.... prefix mar- in root
“tangiang” = mar- + tangiang (pray) noun ( martangiang
(pray) as a verb.
4. Our thoughts / opinions
1. What are prefixes in Batak Toba lang
uage, please explain by your own wor
ds and give some examples.

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