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Chapter 7 VITAMINS

Definition and Classification

 Non-caloric organic nutrients

 Needed in very small amounts
 Facilitators – help body processes
proceed; digestion, absorption,
metabolism, growth etc.
 Some appear in food as precursors or
Definition and Classification

 2 classes, Table 7.1

 Fat soluble:

 Water soluble:
Definition and Classification

 Fat soluble vitamins

 Found in the fats and oils of food.
 Absorbed into the lymph and carried in
blood with protein transporters =
 *Stored in liver and body fat and can
become toxic if large amounts are
Definition and Classification

 Water soluble vitamins

 Found in vegetables, fruit and grains, meat.
 Absorbed directly into the blood stream

 Not stored in the body and toxicity is rare.

Alcohol can increase elimination, smoking,
etc. cause decreased absorption.
Fat Soluble Vitamins
 Vitamin A (precursor – beta carotene)
 3 forms: retinol (stored in liver), retinal, retinoic acid
 Roles in body:
 Regulation of gene expression
 Part of the visual pigment rhodopsin, maintains clarity of
cornea (yes eating carrots is good for your eyesight)
 Required for cell growth and division - epithelial cells,
bones and teeth
 Promotes development of immune cells, especially
“Natural Killer Cells”
 Antioxidant
Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin A
 Deficiencies cause:
 Night blindness, xerophthalmia (keratin deposits
in cornea), macular degeneration.
 Skin and mucous membrane dryness and

infection, keratin deposits.

 Anemia

 Developmental defects – bones, teeth, immune

system, vision
Fat Soluble Vitamins
 Vitamin A
 Toxicities (RetinA/Accutaine, single large
doses of supplements, eating excessive
amounts of liver) cause:
 Fragile RBCs, hemorrhage
 Bone pain, fractures
 Abdominal pain and diarrhea
 Blurred vision
 Dry skin, hair loss
 Liver enlargement
Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin A
 DRI: 700(women)-900(men)
micrograms/day, UL 3000 micrograms
 Sources, see snapshot 7.1
Snapshot 7-1, p, 219
Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin D – precursor is cholesterol,

converted by UV from sunlight exposure,
therefore is a “non-essential” vitamin.
 Roles:
 Increases calcium absorption in bone, intestines,
kidney. Promotes bone growth and
 Stimulates maturation of cells – heart, brain,

immune system, etc.

Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin D
 Deficiencies: rickets (children),
osteomalacia (adults). What are some of
the causes of deficiencies?
 Toxicities (5X DRI)
 Loss of calcium from bone and deposition in soft
 Loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting,

psychological depression.
Bowed legs –
of rickets

Fig. 7-5a, p. 222

Beaded ribs –
of rickets

Fig. 7-5b, p. 222

Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin D
 DRI – 5 micrograms/day for ages 19-50, 10
for ages 51-70, 15 for ages >70.
 Sources, see snapshot 7.2
Snapshot 7-2, p, 223
Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin E – tocopherol, *alpha-, beta -,

gamma-, and delta-
 Roles:
 Antioxidant (protects polyunsaturated fats)
 Prevention of damage to lungs, RBCs, WBCs

(immunity), heart
 Necessary for normal nerve development
Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin E
 Deficiencies (decreased absorption of fats-
liver disease, low fat diets)
 Premature babies – fragile RBCs (hemolysis)
 Loss of muscle coordination, vision, immune

 Toxicities (more than 1000 milligrams/day)
 Increases the effects of anticoagulants
(Coumadin, Warfarin)
Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin E
 DRI 15 milligrams/day (alpha-tocopherol)
 Sources, see snapshot 7.3
Snapshot 7-3, p, 226
Fat Soluble Vitamins
 Vitamin K – produced by bacteria in large
 Roles
 Promotes synthesis of blood clotting proteins (**Interferes
with Coumadin)
 Bone formation
 Deficiencies are rare but seen in infants, after
prolonged antibiotic therapy, and in patients with
decreased bile production.
 Toxicities (>1000 mg/day): rupture of RBCs and
Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin K
 DRI: 90(women) – 120(men)
 Sources, see snapshot 7.4
Snapshot 7-4, p, 228
Water Soluble Vitamins

 8 B vitamins – Tender Romance Never

Fails with 6 to 12 Beautiful Pearls
(Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, B6,
B12, Biotin, and Pantothenic acid)
 Aid in metabolism of and energy release
from carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids.
 Mode of action – coenzymes or parts of
coenzymes that are necessary for the
proper activity of enzymes, fig 7.9

Without the coenzyme, compounds A and A

B don’t respond to the enzyme. B
Active site

With the coenzyme in place, compounds B Vitamin

A and B are attracted to the active site
on the enzyme, and they react. Coenzyme


The reaction is completed with the

formation of a new product. In this case,
the product is AB. Enzyme

The product AB is released. A B New product

Enzyme Fig. 7-9a, p. 233

Brain and other

Muscles and
other tissues Bone tissues
metabolize make new
protein. blood cells.

Liver and other Digestive

tissues tract lining
metabolize fat. replaces
its cells.

Fig. 7-10, p. 234

Water Soluble Vitamins
 Thiamin and Riboflavin
 Roles – energy metabolism in cells, part of nerve
cell membranes.
 Deficiencies
 Beri beri, edema &/or muscle weakness
 Alcohol abuse – Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome
 DRI thiamin:1.1(women) – 1.2(men) mg/day;
riboflavin 1.1(women) – 1.3(men) mg/day
 Sources: All food groups except fats and oils
Snapshot 7-6, p, 236
Snapshot 7-7, p, 237
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Niacin – can be produced from the

amino acid tryptophan.
 Roles: energy metabolism
 Deficiencies: Pellagra – dermatitis,
diarrhea, dementia, death
 Toxicities (2 - 3X DRI): *prevents blood
clotting, causes liver damage, enhances
action of Coumadin
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Niacin
 DRI 14(women) -16(men) mg/day
 Sources, snapshot 7.8
 Meats
 Some vegetables and grains
Snapshot 7-8, p, 238
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Folate
 Role: required for synthesis of DNA -
 Deficiencies (drug interactions, smoking)
 Anemia
 Decreased immunity

 Decreased digestive and cardiovascular function

 Colon and cervical cancers

 *Neural tube defects, ?other birth defects

Water Soluble Vitamins

 Folate
 Toxicities (>1000 mg/day): rare, interferes
with anticancer drugs.
 DRI 400 milligrams/day

 Sources, snapshot 7.8

Snapshot 7-9, p, 240
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin B12 (requires intrinsic factor for

 Roles: works with folate, part of insulating
sheath around nerves.
 Deficiencies:
 Pernicious anemia
 Paralysis

 Nerve damage in fetus

Water Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin B12
 DRI 2.3 micrograms/day
 Sources, see snapshot 7.9
 Meat and dairy
 Implications for vegans??
Snapshot 7-10, p, 242
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin B6
 Roles:
 Conversion of amino acids to other amino acids
 Ex.: Tryptophan to niacin
 Synthesis of hemoglobin and neurotransmitters
 Release of glucose from glycogen

 Immune function

 Promotes steroid hormone activity

 Development of nervous system

Water Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin B6
 Deficiencies
 Anemia
 Dermatitis

 Muscle weakness

 Behavioral problems

 ?Heart disease

 Toxicities (>100 mg/day) – muscle

weakness, nerve damage
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin B6
 DRI 1.3 milligrams/day
 Sources, see snapshot 7.10
 Meat and dairy
 Vegetables and fruits
Snapshot 7-11, p, 243
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Biotin and Pantothenic acid

 Roles:
 Metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins
 Synthesis of lipids, neurotransmitters, steroid

hormones, hemoglobin.
 “Non-B vitamins”: choline, carnitine,
inositol, lipoic acid, etc. No beneficial
effects proven!!
Water Soluble Vitamins

 Vitamin C, ascorbic acid – history of

 Roles:
 Connective tissue development, collagen
 Antioxidant

 Promotes iron absorption, immunity?

 Protects vitamin E
Water Soluble Vitamins
 Vitamin C
 Deficiency – Scurvy (skin and mucous membrane
damage), anemia.
 Toxicity (> 2grams/day) – pro-oxidant, activates
oxidizing agents.
 DRI – 75(w) – (90(m) milligrams/day. Increased for
 Sources, see snapshot 7.11
 Notes: can interfere with diagnostic tests for
diabetes, and blood clotting
 ??Prevents colds
Snapshot 7-5, p, 232
Vitamin/Mineral Supplements

 Who needs them?

 Who does not need them?
 Oyo read - Controversy, pp257-263

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