07 Relaxation in Midwifery

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Asuhan Kebidanan dengan

Relaxation in Midwifery

Mardiyono, MNS, PhD

Prodi Magister Kebidanan

Program Pascasarjana Poltekkes Kemenkes Semarang
Konsep Manusia Holistik

Macam Relaxation in Midwifery

 Guide Imagery
 Dzikir
 Spiritual Emotion Freedom Technigue
 Kombinasi SEFT dan Dzikir
 Self healing/Pernafasan 478
What is guided

• Guided imagery is intended to induce a

generalized state of deep relaxation.

• Guided imagery is a program of directed

thoughts and suggestions that guide your
imagination toward a relaxed, focused state.
You can use an instructor, tapes, or scripts to
help you through this process.
What is guided
• Guided imagery is based on the concept that your body
and mind are connected. Using all of your senses, your
body seems to respond as though what you are
imagining is real.
• An example often used is to imagine an orange or a
lemon in great detail-the smell, the color, the texture of
the peel. Continue to imagine the smell of the lemon,
and then see yourself taking a bite of the lemon and
feel the juice squirting into your mouth. Many people
salivate when they do this. This exercise demonstrates
how your body can respond to what you are imagining.
What is guided
• You can achieve a relaxed state when you imagine all the
details of a safe, comfortable place, such as a beach or a
garden. This relaxed state may aid healing, learning,
creativity, and performance. It may help you feel more in
control of your emotions and thought processes, which
may improve your attitude, health, and sense of well-

• Guided imagery is safe. No known risks are associated

with it. Guided imagery is most effective when the person
teaching it has training in guided imagery techniques.
Terapi Dzikir

 Persiapan pasien: duduk/berbaring, tutup mata

 Dzikir selama 25 menit-30 menit
 dzikir subhanallah selama 25 menit
 dzikir subhanallah 33x, alhamdulillah 33x, allahuakbar
33x selama 30 menit
 penutup
Manfaat Dzikir

 Menurunkan kecemasan preoperasi

 Menurunkan nyeri post operasi

 Set up
 Tune in
 Tapping
 Penutup

 Type SEFT:
 Short version
 Compete Version
Terapi SEFT
(Short Version)
 bismillah
 melakukan tapping pada titik karate chop atau tender
 Hipnotis diri :
Meskipun saya cemas, saya sepenuhnya menerima
dengan ikhlas sebagaimana kehendak Allah
Terapi Tapping Dzikir
Tune in Tapping
 meletakkan telapak tangan di pundak  pusat kepala
pasien  Ujung alis sisi dalam
 focus pada kecemasan dan ikhlas  ujung alis sisi luar mata
 Berdoa untuk kesembuhan  bawah mata
 ujung tulang selangka,
 bawah ketiak
 tulang iga di bawah putting
 meskipun saya cemas, saya
pasrah dengan ikhlas
sebagaimana kehendak Allah
SEFT: Complete Version
SEFT: Complete Version
Terapi Tapping Dzikir

Fase penutup
 mengakhiri SEFT dan membuka mata
 ambil nafas dalam dan mengucapkan alhamdulillah 3x
 Menanyakan perubahan
Manfaat SEFT

 Menurunkan nyeri kanker

 Menurunkan cemas pasien post partum
 Meningkatkan mobilisasi dini post partum
Islamic Relaxation

Terapi Relaksasi Islami Terpadu

Integrated Islamic Relaxation

 Persiapan pasien
 Pelaksanaan:
 Set up
 Tune in
 Tapping (short Version)
 Dzikir
 Penutup
Terapi Tapping Dzikir

Fase persiapan
 Membina hubungan saling percaya
 Menjelaskan akan melakukan terapi tapping dzikr
 Menyiapkan pasien berbaring/duduk
 Pasien menutup mata
Terapi Tapping Dzikir

Fase kerja
 bismillah
 melakukan tapping pada titik karate chop
 Hipnotis diri :
Meskipun saya cemas, saya sepenuhnya menerima
dengan ikhlas sebagaimana kehendak Allah
Terapi Tapping Dzikir
Tune in Tapping
 meletakkan telapak tangan di pundak  pusat kepala
pasien  Ujung alis sisi dalam
 focus pada kecemasan dan ikhlas  ujung alis sisi luar mata
 Berdoa untuk kesembuhan  bawah mata
 ujung tulang selangka,
 bawah ketiak
 tulang iga di bawah putting
 Dilakukan 3 x putaran
 meskipun saya cemas, saya
pasrah dengan ikhlas
sebagaimana kehendak Allah

 Zikr therapy
“Subhanallah wabihamdihi”
selama 12’
Terapi Tapping Dzikir

Fase penutup
 mengakhiri dzikir dan membuka mata
 ambil nafas dalam dan mengucapkan alhamdulillah 3x
 Mengkaji masalah/performance
 Menanyakan perubaha pasien


 Menurunkan kecemasan pasien AMI

 Meningkatkan persepsi kontrol diri pasien AMI
Relaxation in Midwifery
Area Masalah Penulis Music therapy



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Bayi Respon Yusuf N, Kombinasi KMC dan musik lullaby thd vital signs
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